yeah, but this one is pool, that thread is don't have a pool :D
2 of them, but i prefer to BBS because Ven is there :D but 358/2 is good too :D
i have the regular Grey ones, not lite :D
i select Axel because he is powerfull and cool, Roxas's Friend too :D i don't select Roxas because i always selected him :D
hey, wrong thread buddy
that was AR Max EDIT: how to make Sephiroth (if you Replaces someone with him, which one have Six hp Bars) become has 15/17 bars?
hey, hey, he replaces goofy with Samurai NoBody, and Duel Stance shortcut, so if Riku lose at duel stance, he get hit and can be hit by enemy, that was not newest Version of riku. :)
try this one 8AV2-6T4Z-QM6JU 6JNR-63EU-XQNRR F961-FUEK-JPGYX RNUU-VUZ3-MAN4Z KK03-W2JP-ZCV8W i haven't try it yet :nono: and Free Drive (u can summon and Drive without using Drive Bar) 9VKA-M545-0CPMP 6DZ7-0WFZ-DG983 ADUW-9W1J-KZFT0 or infinite Drive limit NZA4-872G-DAD38 65AW-9QMP-VYWT3 but V4 is using Riku from Final Xemnas! that was different right?
okay, but avoid T stance is hard 200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000E 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F0001 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400
or someone tell moveswap too, moveswap is swap ur abilities, like Auron have All of Sora's Abilities and Moveset is like Antiform is has Floating keyblade, so, antiform is has Final form moveset, or Valor has spining keyblade on his left hand, he has Final Form moveset too
try moveset?
okay, here 1033FF80 00000061 1033FF82 00000065 1033FF84 00000069 1033FF86 0000006D
oh, thanks, i'll try it EDIT: OMG! it worked! thanks:D btw, what digits for Roxas Limit cut (DATA) boss? Can someone give me a code to mod Antiform become World anti? and port 4, 4.5, and 5 Version of Riku?
oh, i know now, btw, do u know Roxas Boss data digits? not Single roxas, but data roxas.
please, i want to mod Antiform Become World antiform. btw, why Limit form mod doesn't work? i use this to mod Limit Form - Tron sora 21CBD334 5F303031 21CBD338 4B5F5254 21CBD33C 00463148 someone can port Riku V4, V4.5, and V5 please? :offtopic: sorry, this is SPAM maybe, but Why Kh2 Pal codes thread is closed?
Cloudstrife252, how do u get 2 moveset for Valor form? EDIT: can someone tell the code to mod antiform become world antiform?
i think Roxas does, when he goes to Twilight Town to meet Hayner, Pence, and Ollete.
still Heartless and Nobodies i think
WhAT! *check the Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days News* yeah! he said we can! i can play as Xemnas! Marluxia! wow! they waiting for us at Summer 2008!
it was hard if i controlling sora with Cell phone i think :nono: