o_O use triangle at main computer
wow! u have a great connections!
wow! Roxas and Axel are up! nice! finally Lexaeus have 1 vote! someone wants to play luxord, but he don't vote him T_T
Good Job!! Thanks!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D EDIT: :offtopic: your internet connection? mine is 40.00 KB/sec (if download):spam:
or Ven/terra/Aqua will write at journal book, write after does something? or Jimmy will there too? Donald? Goofy? if King Mickey there, i hope they are on BBS :D
right, when org XIII summon his/her weapon, they use they energy (like sora using Drive bar or MP)
wow! the game haven't been here yet, but amazon make that! it means AMAZON REALLY LOVE KH!!
Actually BBS does, they has amazing gameplay, storyline and Character for the fun, 358/2 days does, that game will let u play with many characters hey, no one Vote Coded!
so, where is 3rd kingdom Hearts? what do u think? there is another Kingdom Hearts?
yeah, what will happen? bad gameplay? i wish all of next KHs is good gameplay :D we should pray for it :D
YEAH! we are WIN!! thanks for support my thread! :D wow, Roxas's player is increase a lot! Axel too! everyone has selected! WAIT!! this is too bad! Lexaeus doesn't have any ppl who wants to play him :bored: poor Lexaeus, EDIT: please join my RPG: Kingdom Hearts Lost Memories
no! final Xemnas doesn't appear if u use it!
okay, all of organization and sora's Team is join to defeat new organization, H organization (if there is Org XIII with nobody, now H org is Heartless of them) org XIII join with sora's team to defeat them, and Maleficent & the other (like hades, etc.) join too! they have different mission: Sora & team: Find and Seal the lost keyhole Organization XIII: steal they hearts (remember? Org XIII really want a heart?) Maleficent & others: Steal they castle :D the Location is Castle Remembrance (Castle Oblivion's Neighbor:D ) Organization H is heartless when Ansem, Sora, etc. transform into heartless, someone from the darkness, Master Xehanort Copy them and upgrade them into Strong Heartless with Human form. they are Hemnas: Higbar: Haldin: Vehen: Lehaeus: Zehion: Saïh: Ahel: Demyh: Luhord: Marluhia: Larhene: CtR Rohas: With "H" and not "X" i'll collect the characters First, Sora: kh_namine_kh Riku: Kairi: sorafangirl Donald: Goofy: King Mickey: Namine: naminestwinsister Xemnas: Xigbar: Xaldin: Vexen: Lexaeus: Zexion: Saïx: Axel: Demyx: namine-kairi Luxord: Marluxia: Larxene: naminestwinsister Roxas: Roxazthelight (me XD ) Maleficent: Pete: Hades: Jafar: Ursula: Captain Hook: Oogie Boogie: (Remember me if i forget some Chars) Rules: Don't Spamming you can post your hand drawing or another pics Follow the story u can make Funny story:D okay, lets find the ppl! i hope u like this RPG! :D (if i have wrong thread, can someone move to the Right thread)
Really? how do you know? i think every KH (except Final Mix or Re: CoM) is have English Version, i'm sure next KH will be a English Version:D (Except FM Versions!)
mm,, maybe i'll test everyone 1 by 1 :D becoz i don't know who :D everyone is cool u know! or AXEL? he has amazing Fire moves, or Roxas? roxas has Glide and dodge roll now! i can't decide! :D
yeah! nintendo DS! Nomura said it'll be at Summer 2008!
yo! me too! i always select him!
yeah, just complete All worlds, u don't need defeat sephiroth at proud mode :D
sorry wrong type,
wow, i'll try it, thnx! :D