yesterday i get the same thing :D
lol he stole Zexion's, Vexen's, Lexaeus'es? :rofl:
yup!:D "+" is a bonus, the bonus is Re: CoM :D
but why Riku (ansem form) wears a Black cloak? not the brown ones?
wwhaaaT! ansem? why he wear a cream jacket instead of black jacket?
what kind of paradox is that?
at destiny island who says "The world has been CONNECTED" at Sora?
hey! don't use Xemnas for a bad thing! he is so powerfull
yeah, we pray for that :D
Kh2Fm+ has 2 disc, 1. Kh2FM+ 2. Kh Re: CoM so, if u buy Kh2FM+ u'll get Kh Re: CoM :D
does the coded only for FOMA mobile? nomura said it'll be foma, foma's wikipedia is what do u think? i hope it'll come to another cellphone :D
yeah, he is a wizard :D
me too :nono:
the other promise is there! i love all of them!
Cloudstrife252! why when i use room mod Station of awakening at final xemnas data is bsod? i hold joker aftr skip cutscene, why u did it wthout BSOD?
how to uncondense that code?
oo i know now, but why when i use room mod Station of awakening at final xemnas data is bsod? i hold joker aftr skip cutscene, why cloudstrife did it wthout BSOD?
Cloudstrife! when i use room mod at Xemnas battle (after the cutscene i press the joker) it BSOD, wht shld i do?
wait! i think the game is replace second party member with Xemnas's clone?