See Ta Deum gets it.
uhhh sure lets go with that. even though thats not what I meant
wow three elongated so.............s in a row. That's a lot akward silence time.... and you know what that means...
Rice noodles? wat r they? o_O
I never ate any of your rice. I prefer noodles instead :P
Well if we're just doing top 4 then mine would be these: 1. Bleach 2. Yu yu hakusho 3. Death Note 4. DBZ
Taken care of.
Bleed it out by Linkin Park
Fog is kinda cool. It makes everything look all epic and mysterious......
No fog? Thats lame...
Will the real Luxord please stand up? please stand up? please stand up?
How many spam zone threads are you going to make at one time?!
So does fireflies, along with all of owlcity's other songs. They use the same autotune for every song, it gets old after awhile.
Get Some Toast.
Lets see how many posts we can get in before it gets locked
Chuck Norris totally owned Abe Lincoln in a rap battle:
Cold Shower Tuesdays by Bowling for Soup.
Well I would help make a new rap, but sadly I don't even think I can name all the new pokemon they've come up with XP especially the 5th generation pokemon, because I haven't played black or white yet.
Good luck :] I have to get mine pulled this summer.... I'm pretty scared XP especially because the dentist is one of my biggest fears..... next to needles and the boogeyman of course.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.