ANYTHING is better than Hannah Montana. Even this: [video=youtube;CD2LRROpph0][/video]
Where's your proof?
So are you saying that the cake is a lie? Cuz thats not what L said
Wow your dog must be huge. ........Don't say that's what she said
That Lavender town music used to really creep me out as a kid. Now I don't mind it that much.... in fact I kinda like it.
I wish my dog knew how to use the computer.....
That could very well be.
The pokedex has some bugs in it lol. I think Ash must've dropped it in a puddle... Try it, it's fun! Put in your username and post your results here. No. 897 Orlando Rabbit Pokemon GROUND/ DARK HT: 3'03" WT: 34.8 lbs. It rarely shows itself in public. Good fortune comes to those who see orlando. It can circle the Earth within 15 hours.
Wow 78 already? This thread only had like 30 posts this morning.
oh I see....... I like my theory better.
Yea i know it has some significance, but I honestly think the mayans stopped their calender on 2012 for one of two reasons. Either they got lazy and decided not to finish it, or they thought it would be funny to make the people of the future think the world was gonna end in 2012. That would be the best prank in all of history lol.
hmm I think it's a load of baloney. Almost as unbeleivable as 2012.
In my overalls.
O yea I remember hearing about this now. Didn't some guy add up all the numbers in the bible and came up with Saturdays date? come?
Woops my bad xP
I'd be a neoshadow, cuz I could creep around and no one see me O_o
I'd appreciate it if you didn't kill me, I like living..... :D