......and you suceed
Enjoy your cat while it's a kitten and it's all cute and cuddly. When cats grow up they become lazy and bitter, or at least mine did :/
I agree .
That's unforunate.
Oh I see. Perhaps another time then.
I'm still waiting for you to teach me about nothingness.
I D K I've been wondering the same thing for awhile now.
You do seem to have it mastered. Maybe I could learn a thing or two from you. Teach me in the ways of rice and nothingness.
It is rather difficult....
In what way?
It's like a never ending cycle. The worse the thread gets. the more we talk about it, and the the more we talk about it the worse it gets.
I don't know if any amount of dyanmite could kill this thread. No matter how lame it is.
And yet it has over 100 posts.
You're right.... this thread isn't even worth noodles.
.....that's it? no rice or anything?
It doesn't have to be. You could try and make it epic, that is if you're up to the challenge ;) Let's see the great rice lord Luxord resurrect this lame thread and make it epic.
I think we should officially rename this thread from "Uhhhh..." to In My Pants
Yeah I think we all kinda realize that...... but this thread is already so out there that I dont think anyone cares anymore.
Wow he must've got a good work out lol. Being a traveling intergalactic poptart cat is easier said than done.
Yea you're right, I should be more worried about the in my pants joke. If Ventus108 were here he'd be all over that by now lol.