What in the hell kinda play is it?!?
I originally came to the site to download cutscenes to make amvs, the forum was just an added bonus :D
Ok I'll get the Vodka to spike it and the ruffies
I Climb by Thousand Foot Krutch
The same thing happened to me, except with AP Physics :/
With Me by Sum 41.
No but Rebecca Black does.
I agree, the new episodes are complete garbage. Classic Spongebob FTW
Hooray for pirated movies.
Today I ate Mcdonalds for breakfast, drank 2 Monsters and 1 liter of Mountain Dew, and ate Taco Bell for both lunch and dinner. My stomach feels like death and I'm almost twiching from the caffine intake O_O What are the odds that I'm going to die? 8'D
Dayam..... She's scary O_o
Mine were pokemon red version, LoZ Ocarina of Time, and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. They were great games, I miss playing them... If only my N64 still worked 8'D
Leaving again? aww well, have fun on your trip! :)
I'd wanna see Demyx, because he was one of my favorite organization members even though he was kinda cowardly. His mullet and sitar made up for that though XD
I don't have much homework now that my AP classes are done with. I do still have a final paper for AP Lit before the end of the year tho XP
You could throw both of them into the lake. That would solve all your problems.
Oh sorry I read it the wrong way. Anyways thats good to hear, I'm glad her schizophrenia isn't severe. ...Damn it I rhymed
:lolface: . :lolface: :lolface: :lolface:...
Sure I guess so lol