Don't worry I'd have a good lawyer present
A highschool diploma.
We weren't hurting anything.....I think.
I used to have internet on my Wii when we had wi-fi... But not anymore cuz the stupid neighbors turned it off cuz we were leeching :3
Dayam at this rate you'll hit Prem before the end of Summer.
Yeah especially if you're an underclassman and you have to set up everything, and then sit through 3 hours of walking and boring speeches.
I'm listening to the new podcast it's pretty funny lol
Just don't trip when you do the walk.
Me too. I'm not really sad though, I'm kinda looking forward to senior year^^
Hey wats up?
coolness. We'll throw a party for you when you get back. And we'll have cake that ISN'T a lie.
still trippin huh
Damn it Luxord now I lost the ga-*shot*
Can't Be Saved by Senses Fail.
The last thing you need in a Sweet tea is extra ice. 7/8 of the freakin cup is filled with ice already.
Dude you met Josh? No way!! I'm so jealous :3
I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that either lol.
I think mine was either Digimon or DBZ. Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh came shortly afterwards.
That makes two of us.
Wow thts about as lonely as it gets.