You're right, that seems more likely.... but it's still a mystery O_o
Good. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one here with tumblr addiction 8'D
I'm deeply confused... Do you mean a height as in 6 foot 1 inch? or the date as in June 1st. Or maybe neither.......?
Wow khv used to be reeeeely active. Looks like there was a lot of different staff members as well. Catch the Rain and Darkandroid weren't staff members last time I checked.
Is she responsible for the death of this Dalk guy I keep hearing about?
Perfect! now we have nothing to fear. We'd better act quickly though, before she takes more victims..... I heard she already got gabr...... poor guy T~T
Not even the masterball worked?! That thing is far too dangerous to let it run free, we have to take drastic measures.....
I don't think I'd ever waste a pokeball on that thing lol. Imagine if I actually caught it, and I had to deal with it trying to rape me every five seconds....
Yea, south park really hit the nail on the head when they made their snookie parody lol.
A Little Piece of Heaven by Avenged Sevenfold. Such a sick, twisted song.... But it's soooo good XD
How would you know, are you a dead flower?
Flowers have feelings too.
I'm pretty sure this is a more accurate description:
I think the dragon is most likely a giant nobody like you said. I say this because it's whiteish gray like all the other nobodies, and when's the last time you fought anything besides a nobody in TWTNW? But the first time I played it, I did think it was a giant robot lol. As for where it came from, my guess is that Xemnas just created it like all the other lesser nobodies. And it's purpose is to be Xemnas's ship as he tries to shoot down Sora and Riku.