I know, it's all good... except, if you hadn't noticed, I'm doing about 0 posts per day and keeping it up xD
I'm just gonna state the obvious here and say that my Writers Block has gone on for so long it's now just flipping ridiculous. SO! I shall now start on making a post to cover most things. As much as I can... I know it's a bit much, but if you could stop posting for a bit, that would help... it's not really a requirement, just a suggestion...
Got it... I was making the post when I accidently refreshed. "WHYYYYYYY"
DT! I might have Kalecgos attempt to summon Caster-Extra soon... just thought I'd give you the heads up.
I suppose I've put off posting for long enough now... the writers block dosn't help me much, either. Of course, I may do something with Richard the Warlock... ... and Sherlock Holmes... ... and anyone else I can think of...
Hmm.... You know who I'm tempted to bring in? Babi, god of Baboons. Or even Bes, god of Dwarfs.... I've had too much egyptianism flung at me.
Brilliant! Meanwhile... a certain someone still has to reply to Xigbar with Xemnas... *cough cough*
Ah, you crack me up.
Who said anything about Deathwing? *evil smile* Also, we'd need Dovahkiin for that... shame we don't have one... oh wait xD
Whilst we're on the subject of randomness... how does everyone feel about a random dragon attack on Hogwarts? Wait... it's not random if I ask... ... well, at least now you lot have something to feel anxious about.
Hmm... I'll try to plan it. At least, I'll try.
He used to be a Psychiatrist..... until I broke his sanity. And when is it appropriate to? Because I'll probably get the timing wrong...
"I know, I know. 'Not the place to discuss it because it's not relevent to the RP' etc, etc. I was just letting people know that my pal here needs a Phsyciatrist!" Yeah, right. Remember what happened to the last one? "Oh yeah, he turned into Vexen." Exactly. Moving on. I suppose we should discuss something RP related... hmm... ... oh yeah, that reminds me, when do you think I should start my sub-plot of Hope?
Normally I'd go XD at this and say your both funny... but for some reason, I'm not in the mood. Probably because I'm busy feeling Depressed and Happy at the same time. With no one to talk to about it. Not that I'm dropping any hints... "You guys DO realise this all has something to do with Beth-- OW!!! Why did you whack me with the Frying pan!?" Because you won't shut up.
Hmm... well, I'm going to make a reserve I won't be forgetting anytime soon. A reserve of someone who, rumour has it, is responsible for every major crime in the New Century. Who, so it is said, was the first mud-person(or Human) to decipher the Gnommish language spoken by the Fairies. Someone who even cheated death - more than twice. And he started all this when he was twelve, and finished it at fifteen(Did I mention he also cheated age?) His name... is Artemis Fowl
Ok... well... I have never actually met anyone who's had this much of a problem with, well, erm... this. SO! For the sake of everyone else here, I bid you, good day! Unless someone has any better ideas?
Oh wow... erm... what? How the heck could this cause that many problems again? Sometimes I fail to see the problem. One of those times is now. If you think like I do, then that's no where near godmodding... infact, allow me to explain my own point of view. First off: I never said that he'd deffinately landed blows, I merely pointed out what would usually happen... you know... in-game... and novels... and generally everything else Sephiroth is in... You could've still said he'd blocked them, but I suppose I'm the only one with that RPing style... which sucks, really. Secondly: If you know Kingdom Hearts(and everything else by Sqaure Enix and some others), then you know that someone landing 6 blows is baby stuff compared to what usually happens. I'm serious, people get stabbed all the time in these things and they still stay alive. Take Cloud for example. In Crisis Core, he was stabbed by Sephiroth, did he die? Am I completely sane? No. He used the sword as a lever and flipped Sephiroth into a pool of lifestream. My point? That is not godmodding at all compared to what usually happens in the world of random craziness. People get blown up by grenades, cut up by swords, smashed by hammers - and that's just the weekend for these people. Thirdly: You think I'm talking from the point of view of someone using Sephiroth? I'm talking from the point of view of someone who's been on the recieving end, too. My guy got stabbed more than 6 times... I think it was something like 17 times... by Sephiroth. Guess what? He lived. Why? Because, as I said, that's just the weekend for these people. Sure, he sent an apology saying "I didn't mean to kill him" etc, etc... then I told him he didn't kill him, I just... how do I put this? I winged it. I really didn't care, infact, I was glad Sephiroth had beat someone in that fight, because it was more... canonical. Finally: I don't mean to start an arguement, I just mean to share my own opinion, my own point of view, my logic which is always different from everyone elses. That is the end of this post. If you don't agree with me, then you can say "Ouch" or "Ban" or whatever you want. .... I've probably just gone and got myself banned, havn't I?
Well, thinks are about to get worse for my buddy Roxas... ... and it has been a while since we heard from Barack Obama or the others. So I might do that next post.
OOC: No one told me that we all had to go to sleep pronto. I'll just fix that. It's been a while since Joker had to break the fourth wall for plot-convenience. Suddenly, Terra was surrounded by a pink cloud, next thing you know, he's asleep. Behind him is Joker. "Right, everyone! It's time to say goodnight!!!" Suddenly, the screen started to go dark, and all my characters dropped down asleep - all but Roxas. "What... why am I not...?" "Because, you have the protection of Morgan Freeman, for some reason... ah well! I can't argue with the demands of Aragorns, can I?" Roxas was as confused as ever, he was even more confused when he found himself in a hallway in Hogwarts. What was worse, he realised he was outside the Girls dorm of the Griffandor house. Why the heck would Joker put him here? The Doctor's found themselves in the Huffalump(or whatever it's called) dorm, and decided to go to sleep. Terra found himself in the Slytherin dorm, and didn't go to sleep until he had moved himself to the courtyard outside. But things just got more complicated... as Xion found herself in a bed next to Hermione's. Scarecrow's Nightmare. Nico was still looking for a way out when, suddenly, he saw a door... that wasn't there before. He opened it, and the other room was the same room as the one he was just in... except there were three body-bags in there. He went up to one and opened it... and who he saw inside... "M-mom?" She looked at him, and said something to him. Nico was crying.
maaaaybe xD Well, if/when I can, I might try to fit my Keyblade Wielder in somewhere... so perhaps we can work together on that. Also, themes for characters. This is a genius idea. I'm gonna go look for some themes right now! Spoiler: All Hail Sephiroth Also, I noticed a complaint about me being godmoddy... can I just say... that it isn't my fault, it's the fault of whoever made Sephiroth. Believe me, I should know, he did it to me once(In RP and gameplay). Therefore... ALL HAIL SEPHIROTH *shot*