It's after Roxas merged with Sora, so it's after he fought Xion and Riku. So, it's after everyones memories of Xion were erased. Roxas still...
*Insert Joker's banner here* Joker woke up in... unfamiliar territory. He tried to remember what he was doing last, and recalled something about dying from a rare skin disease caused by TITAN. He looked at himself, and almost didn't believe he'd had the disease - he was as good as new! "I look good as new, I feel good as new, heck, I bet I could take on the bats anyday! But first... where the flip am I?" He looked around, trying to figure it out. Some sort of forest... he decided to get up and explore. Which was the biggest mistake of his life. *insert Roxas banner here* A form in a black coat suddenly fell onto Altair from the air. When the form came to. It was revealed to be a boy with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. When he came to, he looked around, confusedWas. "Sora!" Was the first thing he cried out, then he looked down at himself and gasped. "Wha... How am I... where... who are you?" He asked, finally turning his attention to the assassin he had landed on. He got up and offered a hand to help him to his feet.
I have it figured out! I'll colour my people when they are in use! Speaking of which... Username: Aragorns Character Name: Joker Appearance: Spoiler Media they are from: DC Comics Info: Joker was a small time criminal that fell into a vat of toxic waste and became... well... that! He also occasionally breaks the fourth wall... Username: Aragorns Character Name: Roxas Appearance: Spoiler Media they are from: Kingdom Hearts. Info: The Nobody of Sora, he's now found himself here... and guess what? He still hasn't remembered that really important thing... ... I'm sure it'll come to him. Eventually. Hero's: Joker(when he's not a villain) Roxas Dalekai(KH OC/Kingdom Hearts:Hybrid Meteora) Percy Jackson 5th Doctor(Peter Davison) Leo Valdez Spyro the Dragon Varian Wrynn Batman(Christian Bale/Batman Begins/The Dark Knight/Dark Knight Rises) Villains: Joker(when he's not a hero) Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Lurtz Saruman Illidan Kil'Jaeden Kael'thas Ratrex(KH OC/Kingdom Hearts:Hyrbrid Meteora) Unknown Allegience(revealed in RP) Mysterious figure hooded Mysteriously(OC) I would reserved Bane, except I havn't seen Dark Knight Rises yet. Time to make that first post... and then start thinking about other villains I can reserve... heheh EDIT: Oh, and I'll get some OC's into play tomorrow or something
Not the one I was thinking... but I could get that one, too! Who said I didn't like the old days? But like I said I'll update it all tomorrow.
Sky Sanctuary, former outside toilet. Kalecgos stood next to her. "First, do not call me "Master", I am no ones master, and you are no ones servant. Call me Kalecgos or Kalec, whichever suits you best. Secondly! We fight together." Having covered the basics, Kalecgos then said they're plan. "Next time he swings his scythe, I'll launch you into the air and you jump over him, throwing whatever magic you have at him. Then I'll get him from behind." After getting that straight, the Heartless struck. Kalecgos threw her up into the air and hoped she'd be able to do it. Lexicon Dimension Roxas looked at Hermione. Before he could say anything, Terra took control. "Here's the plan. You guys - all of you - get out of here, I'll stay and see if he's dead. Roxas nodded understandingly, then he took hold of Hermione's hand. "Come on, he... needs to do this alone." After that was covered, Roxas led the others away whilst Terra stayed behind. Aqua/Ventus/Whoever else/wherever it was. A voice suddenly rang out from nowhere. "You know, Aqua, Terra's trying his hardest to prove himself... and it'll only get him possessed by darkness - again." Joker came out of nowhere. He said "Again" like it had happened before. "You need any proof? Well, how's this for starters! He'll kill a little, innocent, girl... and they'res nothing you can do to save her!" He burst out laughing, and then smiled at them. "Besides, Ventus dosn't need a girl, that'll just get him asking advice from his darkness - and we all know how that ends, don't we?" Without giving anymore explaination, he waltzed off - literally. OOC: I'll do everyone else tomorrow, as this was a rushed post.
Oddly enough, I took the time to look at all the lists individually myself... now I know three of the most important people for me to RP have not been taken... BRILLIANT! Hero's: Joker(when he's not a villain) Roxas Dalekai(KH OC/Kingdom Hearts:Hybrid Meteora) Percy Jackson 5th Doctor(Peter Davison) Leo Valdez Spyro the Dragon Varian Wrynn Villains: Joker(when he's not a hero) Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Lurtz Saruman Illidan Kil'Jaeden Kael'thas I'll do colours tomorrow... and probably more hero's/villains I also inadvertadly reserved all the Burning Crusade, and the entire Uruk-hai army... funny, eh? OH! And one other I almost forgot. Unknown(allegience will be revealed in RP): Mysterious figure who is hooded mysteriously.(OC)
And no one informed ME about this because...? Oh wait, I'm not mad! Heck, I'll join! All I need to know is who is taken, and who isn't. Why? Because the spoilers seem a tiny bit broken, that's why. But we all know who I'll have if they're available... or do we? Well, write back to me, Bats! Smashfan when ya read this!
And I need to think of a way to kill off one of my OC's who I've lost interest in... ... whut?
Love triangles always make for good story xD
Yeah, kinda... you see, I was going to kill off two of my OC's and replace them with some others that I've made(and that are far more...
Well... it could be worse. So, I was wondering... well, do you have any... romantic plans for Rikku yet?
... I'm just gonna do this for Nick This in no way reflects how Nick feels... I just thought it'd be funny.
... well, that sucks... but I suppose I was to late, anyhow. Any other DC guy that has been reserved that I should know about?
Hello! How's life?... or, something
Reserving DiZ EDIT: Oh and HoT... that was a joke, albeit, a bad one...
Ok, I'll reserve DiZ now, then. And some other stuff...
-Scarecrow Nightmare- Suddenly, they all disappeared, which left Nico and Noire in the room together - alone. Nico looked around and shook his head, this was wierd... "You alright?" was the first thing that came to mind. Hogwarts. Roxas looked back at Hermione, and then looked around for Doppleganger. "SHOW YOURSELF!" By chance, this shouting woke up Terra, who'd been sleeping in the courtyard. He went looking for the source of the shouting, only to find Roxas. Wondering what was going on, he drew his Keyblade and stood by Roxas's side. "Maybe" he thought "Maybe... this'll prove that I'm better than Ventus." No one knows just why he was thinking that(though it probably has something to do with Aqua), but he thought it anyway. Undisclosed location. Joker sat, smiling at himself. Hope entered the room. "Joker? I thought you were with Obama, Rex and Sherlock." Joker turned to Hope. "I was, then a Reaper obliterated our forces and I had to teleport them away.... I came here." Hope looked confused. "Why? What's the point of coming--" Joker interrupted him. "To see how you and Alter are doing, of course!" Hope looked at him, either with anger or with sheer 'You what?' It turned out to be anger when he hit Joker in the face. "If you've got something to say, say it!" Joker simply laughed. "Being captain obvious never gets old... no really, it never does. Ok! Listen! It's kinda obvious your developing some kind of feeling department for her!" Hope didn't know what to say, so Joker continued. "That, mixed with the fact you still have feelings for Vanille, makes this an excellent time to visit!-- OW!" The 'ow' was when Hope punched him into a wall. "Say what you want, it dosn't matter. I don't care." "Then why did you punch me?" It was a good question... so Hope just left. Joker started laughing again. This was getting good. Xion's tears. Well, Xion woke up, and, to cut a long story short, figured out that Hermione and Roxas were practically a couple, so she went and Corridor-of-darknessed away... as it happened, she bumped into Vanitas, who we havn't seen for quite a while. Before anything could be said, she hugged him and started crying... and Vanitas didn't know what to do. The first feeling that came to him was, for some reason, a sense of responsibility. He felt like, well, an older brother to Xion... which was odd. The second thing he felt was awkwardness, because he had no idea what this was about, or even what to do. So, naturally, he got out a phone(that he'd found on some dead guy) and called Fang. "Hey! Fang! It's me, Vanitas. Could you umm... come here? I got two reasons for you to come. First reason: I havn't seen your beautiful face in a long time. Second reason: Well... Xion here's crying, and I have no idea what to do. We're at..." He looked around and saw a sign saying 'Helgen'. "... some place called 'Helgen'. Come as fast as you can. Love ya, bye." He hung up, wondering wether she got the call or not. Then a thought occured to him - why wasn't Xion's actual brother, Nixio, here? Where was he? Maleficents Castle. Nixio was looking for - guess who? - Reinforce. "Reinforce! Reinforce! Come on, Reinforce! Don't be dead!" He heard a moan nearby, and ran to see who it was... and would you believe it? It was Sherlock(Modern)! Sherlock looked around, then looked at Nixio, and told Nixio everything that had happened here, and why he himself was here. "...Your here looking for someone dear to you, probably either a sister, or a possible love interest. "So... do you know where she is?" Asked Nixio, right after he'd gotten over the fact that this guy knew everything. "Hmm... I may as well help you, seeing as I don't know how I got here just yet, or who IS here, I know the possibilites... none of them good."
Uh-huh, really? Well, I never used the templates, so I wouldn't know xD But the whole idea for Darelen is still in motion, if you remember it,...
I'm good. Very good, actually... depressed, yet happy at the same time... Ah! There was something else I wanted to talk to you about. I was...
I was going to message you about something... but I forgot what it is xD So I suppose I'm just gonna say "Hi, how are you?"