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  1. Aragorns
    Well, seeing as he's not taken, and that Joker has found his magic summoning circle...
    Username: Aragorns
    Character Name: Gilgamesh

    Media they are from: Fate/Stay Night
    Info: The King of Hero's and Archer Class Servant. Once king of Uruk(and Sumerian Civilisation), he now fights the Holy Grail War.

    and because I just can't wait anymore(typical me)
    Username: Aragorns
    Character Name: Illidan

    Media they are from: World of Warcraft/Warcraft III
    "Betrayer... In truth, it was I who was betrayed. Still, I am hunted. Still, I am hated. Now, my blind eyes see what others cannot. And sometimes the hand of fate must be forced! Now go forth... unleash the tides of Doom... Upon all those... Who would oppose us."
    Illidan Stormrage was the self-proclaimed Lord of Outland, ruling from the Black Temple. He was born a night elf and, as stated by Maiev Shadowsong, became "neither night elf nor demon, but something more". He was the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage and was in love with Tyrande Whisperwind. Once an unusually gifted sorcerer, the extent of his powers became difficult to classify due to his powers increasing in large bursts as a Demon Hunter and his having absorbed the powers of the dangerous arcane object known as the Skull of Gul'dan.
    His pursuit of power and arcane mastery led him to commit a number of horrific acts against his own people and the races of Azeroth, including defecting to Sargeras during the War of the Ancients and creating the second Well of Eternity. For his actions, he was imprisoned for ten thousand years, until his release during the Third War. He came to be called the Betrayer for his acts against the night elf people and carried the title of Lord of Outland. Seeking to bring down her erstwhile prisoner, Maiev allied with Akama to invade the Black Temple, where she cornered Illidan in his inner sanctum and struck him down, bringing an end to one of the most tragic stories in Azeroth's history.
    Illidan made his debut in World of Warcraft as the final boss of Black Temple in patch 2.1. He was voiced by Matthew Yang King in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and the Black Temple Gameplay Trailer and by Liam O'Brien in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.[9]

    And finally... all the way from the THIRD DIMENSION!!!!
    Username: Aragorns
    Character Name: Mysterious Figure Hooded Mysteriously(real name - revealed in-RP)
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Age: Data Corrupt
    Media they are based off: Well... many things... including Doctor Who, World of Warcraft, Kingdom Hearts...
    ... just about everything, really.
    Info: A mysterious wielder of the Darkness of Twilight. What could his true purpose be?

    EDIT: *looks at post*
    This is what happens when you have to many spoilers... *sigh*
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Aragorns
    Roxas introduce himself. "My name's Roxas." He smiled, then he went on to say. "Ok! So! Where do we start looking, then?" Asked Roxas. Due to Aragorns not remembering the entire post, this is short.

    "Hmm..." Kael'Thas looked at the Staff... the Staff of Eden... as if it were speaking to him. "Your right, Jafar, but we must wait... wait for Illidan to get here. He may be the key. In the meantime, you are welcome to stay with us. We require allies if we are ever going to defeat Arthas, let alone harness the magical power of the goddess." Explained Kael'Thas. A Blood Elf in leather armour with a hood and a bow came up to him and told him something, then went off. "It would appear, Jafar, that we may be merging the Apple and the Staff soon... Illidan has been spotted." Kael'Thas got up and waited for Jafar to respond.

    Batman just watched, intruiged. By everything... when suddenly, something seemed to whisper to him. "... As interesting as this all is, Cosmos, I need to ask you a question." Batman went towards a window that overlooked the Planet. "Do you know if anyone by the alias of "Joker" has been summoned to this planet?" He asked, his voice not changing, but Cosmos would be able to sense one thing coming from Batman that no one would ever think to sense...
    ... fear.

    Joker, having been ignored(and if he wasn't then you can blame me for forgetting the post in which he was noticed) decided to go off exploring... and found a strange circle. "Hmm? What the flip is this?" If only Joker knew...
    ... he was determined to find out, so he stepped into the circle... as soon as he did, it started glowing. "Oh... that's what this is... I need to start remembering my trips with that guy from the 3rd dimension." What is it? You'll find out... next post.
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Aragorns
  4. Aragorns
  5. Aragorns
  6. Aragorns
  7. Aragorns
  8. Aragorns
  9. Aragorns
  10. Aragorns
  11. Aragorns

    All this while, Someone had woken up on the strange space station. He remembered being sucked into a wormhole moments after Harvey Dent had died. He had managed to remain undetected thus far, and had even managed to sneak into the room Cosmos was in with NHB-K. After listening in for quite a while, his gruff-cough-gargling-marbles voice sounded out. "If your the goddess of Harmony, then that means that they'res a god of discord, correct? If so, then that means he has an equivelent of your warrior's of light - of us - and I'm taking it they aren't warrior's of darkness, either... no... they must be warrior's of chaos. If so, then this Kai would be on the side of discord, and this M.O.O.K. technology with her. From the sound of it, she owns M.O.O.K."
    The Dark Knight dropped down from the ceiling. The music skipped to 2:57. "However, I think that only the warrior's of light can stop this threat... thankfully, you've got some good people on your side. Like me."
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Aragorns
    Roxas, Hermione, Terra, Harry, Harold, Ron and whoever I missed.
    Roxas nodded. "You sure you don't wanna come Terra?" Terra nodded, and Roxas nodded back understandingly. Then he took Hermione's hand and smiled at her, before turning his head to the creature. "Ok... get us out of here, strange creature."

    Planeptune: Spying(as per usual)
    This was where Joker had gotten to, along with Zexion, Demyx and Genesis. Zexion was still wondering how Joker had talked him into this. They were behind the couch, spying on Vert and Ichigo. Zexion wondered what the transformation would do, but they all had bets placed. Now all they needed to do was wait...
    Zexion was still wondering how he'd been talked into this, then he also saw something familiar in Ichigo's actions... he and Ichigo had alot more in common than one might realise.
    • No ordinary high school life - check
    • Never been kissed before - check
    • Does not know or understand the workings of the female mind or they're small glances and/or crushes - check
    Zexion wondered if Ichigo was registering the new sensation he must be feeling... probably.

    Nightmare: The wake up call.
    Suddenly, Nico felt dizzy... then he fell down...
    ... and woke up in the real world. He quickly made his way to where Noire was. Before Neptune could even register his presence, he knelt down and kissed Noire, hoping it would wake her up...
    ... and it probably will.

    Helgen: Xion's Tears.

    Vanitas tried not to blush, but failed. So he hugged them back. Then he decided to ask the question. "I hate to ruin the moment but... Xion... who's 'he'?" Xion sniffed from the crying, and then went on to explain. "Before the Reaper's invaded... when I still thought Roxas liked me, too... I... I was visited by Hope. He told me 'Roxas will do to you what Vanille did to me.' I didn't believe him at the time..." "But you do now." The voice of Hope Estheim rang out. Vanitas broke away from the Hug and faced Hope. "What do you want!?" "Ah, Vanitas... still trying to fit in with the light, I see. That's a shame, because the light really dosn't suit you." There was silence for a bit, as the tension rised...
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Aragorns
  14. Aragorns
    Undisclosed Location.
    Hope walked up to Alter. "I'm... going out for a bit. If you need me, I'll be in the village of Helgen." With that, he set off for Helgen.

    Helgen: Xion's tears/Comforting Xion.
    Xion cried into Fang's shoulder, and eventually the crying toned down enough for her to speak. "I... I thought... I thought he liked me but... he...Hermione...they're..." She was quiet again, silently crying out the tears of heartbreak... or is it just "break", because, you know, she has no heart. Either way, Vanitas felt a little jealous for some reason... Fang was hugging Xion and not him...
    ... where did that come from? He then remembered he still had a heart made wholly of darkness, which sucks. However, the jealous which his dark heart was producing was enough to make an unversed, which he quickly told to shoo, hoping that no one noticed. After a little longer of the crying, Xion finally said something which caught Vanitas's attention. "I... I should have listened to him... he was right..." Who was this "he"?

    Ventus, Aqua and whoever.
    Joker returned. "Did you not hear ANYTHING I said? At all? No? Ok, go back a page and you'll find it." With that, he headed off to goodness knows where.

    Lexicon Dimension.

    Roxas sighed and looked at Hermione. He then remembered something that someone(probably Joker) had told him in the three months prior to the Reaper invasion. "Roxas, some girls like Star War's, some girls like Barbie, and some girls like beating the crap out of ya! But ALL girls like spending time with the guy they love... Believe me, you'll need this advice on page 247."
    He had been confused as to why Joker had told him that at the time(and still is confused about the page 247 thing), but he decided that Joker knew it would be useful advice to him...
    Either way, when they got out of this, Roxas decided he was taking Hermione to dinner. "Guys... I'll admit that I'm slightly confused, but I say we get out of here."
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Aragorns
    Hmm... probably three
    ... well, it's still a character...
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Aragorns
  17. Aragorns
    Username: Aragorns
    Character Name: Batman

    Media he is from: DC Comics
    Info: Bruce Wayne never really got over the death of his Parents, so he became Batman. Sums it all up in my mind.

    Rory won't like what I'm about to do...
    what is that? Oh, just reserve one of the most terryfing(ly awesome) villains of all time...
    and they'res more than one, too.
    Joker(when he's not a villain)
    Dalekai(KH OC/Kingdom Hearts:Hybrid Meteora)
    Percy Jackson
    5th Doctor(Peter Davison)
    Leo Valdez
    Spyro the Dragon
    Varian Wrynn
    Batman(Christian Bale/Batman Begins/The Dark Knight/Dark Knight Rises)

    Joker(when he's not a hero)
    Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
    Ratrex(KH OC/Kingdom Hearts:Hyrbrid Meteora)
    Weeping Angels
    Unknown Allegience(revealed in RP)
    Mysterious Figure hooded Mysteriously

    That's right, suckers. Weeping Angels.
    Post by: Aragorns, Sep 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Aragorns
    *Insert banners here*
    Roxas looked at Altair, and then summoned a Keyblade - Oblivion. "How about I help ya find this thing?" He asked. Which was an odd propisiton in itself...


    Kael'thas woke up, next to him was a few of his fellow Blood Elves and a Naga Sorceress. He remembered being escorted to Illidan to have a chat about something to do with his revenge or something, and then that wormhole appeared. Kael shook his head, and tried to think, but nothing came to him... then suddenly, he noticed something sticking out in the ground before him. It was a staff. He took it, and immediately felt new power. "Hmm... this is... a powerful artefact. Lieutenant! Set up camp! Find supplies! I must try and contact Illidan." The other Blood Elves set about carrying out his orders. The Naga turned to him, but before she could say anything, Kael immediately sensed a powerful magic... no, a powerful magician... "Hmm.... Let's see where we are, shall we?" Kael found somewhere quiet to channel magic, and he did so with the help of the Sorceress. He tried contacting the powerful mage that he had sensed, but to no avail, it was almost as if he was outside of time...
    however, he found another source of magic(Blood Elves excell at that), and attempted to tap into it. The result was him staring at the Goddess Cosmos, except it wasn't a two-way portal, so she couldn't see him. "Fascinating..." The portal closed, and Kael'Thas sat down in wonder. That much magic... could well cure his people's thirst. It could even summon Kil'Jaeden and the Legion. He looked at his newly acquinted staff... for some reason, the first word that came into his head when looking at it was "eden", like it was a piece of Eden... "I will try to communicate with Lord Illidan, you head back and check on the troops." As soon as the Naga Sorceress was gone, he looked at his new staff in wonder... "A piece of eden... why does that thought come into my head? It must be connected." He decided to retire back to his camp. He had many things to do, and one new goal - obtain that womans magic, no matter what it costs.

    Joker was still hopelessly lost. However, he soon came across two people... one of whom looked familiar. "Wait... is that..." He decided not to mention the time he accidently traveled dimensions with someone from the 3rd universe and met Lightning under the disguise of "Jack Ker", so he approached the three instead. "HELLO PEOPLE OF... um... wherever this is... ok, someone help me out here, I'm completely lost. And that's coming from me!"
    Post by: Aragorns, Sep 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Aragorns
  20. Aragorns
    Username: Aragorns
    Character Name: Ratrex(Rah-tricks)
    Gender: Female


    Age: Unknown, possibly ageless, possibly Terra's age, perhaps Riku's. No one knows for sure.
    Media they are based off: Kingdom Hearts.
    Info: Terra's Nobody(who turned out to be a girl for some reason), "born" when Xehanort possessed Terra. Before the events of Kingdom Hearts 1, she led Riku to the door of Destiny Islands, and during the events that transpired, she stood on the sidelines and watched... waiting... training...
    Later on, during 358/2 days and Chain of Memories, she hoped that the Organization would finish Kingdom Hearts and she would get a heart of her own. However, she see's they're first mistake of attempting to make Namine alter Sora's memories, to her, this was a pointless effort - and also invain, as all but Axel were eliminated. She hoped that the Organization would redeem themselves when Xion learned how to use a keyblade... however, they're second mistake(in her eyes) was made, as they decided that only one of the two could live. This was foolishness! They should've kept both of them! Then they'd be able to make Kingdom Hearts faster! It all went south as Roxas defeated Xion and turned his back on the Organization. However, she still had hope that Sora and Riku(who she was becoming more interested in by the minute) would create Kingdom Hearts, all the Organization had to do was keep they're mouths shut... and they even failed at that, too. First, Axel almost revealed they're plan... and then Saix DID reveal they're plan, and so on and so forth.

    After this, she continued to train and to monitor Sora and Riku(Who she had, by now, become infatuated with... that is to say, she has a crush on Riku). But then a golden opportunity came when Riku and Sora went for they're Mark of Mastery Exam. Whilst everyone's attention was focused on that, Ratrex stole some books from Merlin and Yen Sid, and learned about nine Keyblade wielders of old known as the "Meteora". She found the spell to break the seal on they're prison in the un-charted realm of Oblivion, and released them all... which was not what she had planned to do. So she had released nine extremely dangerous(possibly homicidal and insane) keyblade wielders who were apprentices alongside Eraqus and Xehanort. What could possibly be worse? Well... that's where the wormhole comes in.

    Now, armed with her Keyblade and her disastrous abilities of Cataclysm, as well as her ability to transform into some humanoid wolf creature, she is determined to achieve her life-long goal.
    Kingdom Hearts

    Username: Aragorns
    Character Name: Kael'Thas Sunstrider
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Media they are from: Warcraft III/World of Warcraft
    Kael'thas "Kael" Sunstrider was a senior member of the Kirin Tor and the Prince of Quel'Thalas, the last of the Sunstrider dynasty. After the fall of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas led what remained of his people in the service of the Alliance. Striving to placate his people's addiction to magic, he later covertly allied with Illidan Stormrage and the Burning Legion. He was branded a traitor after his allegiance with the Legion was revealed. Kael'thas plotted to summon Kil'jaeden through the Sunwell, but his plans were foiled by the Shattered Sun Offensive. He was defeated by their forces in Magisters' Terrace.
    Kael'thas is voiced by Quinton Flynn in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. (copied from WoWWiki... that's right, he and Axel/Lea have the same voice)

    I'll send ya the new list Smahfanny
    Post by: Aragorns, Sep 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home