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  1. Aragorns
    Hogwarts: What in the sane heck...
    Roxas passed by the Prefects' Bathroom when he saw Draco being thrown out of it. He sighed and leaned against the wall, for some reason, he looked depressed... what had he been doing between when they came across Harry's dad and now? Who knows. Who cares...
    Roxas smiled a sad smile... almost exactly the same one that he did on day 357. Anyone could tell that something was up.

    Just then, the Doctors came in. The Eleventh Doctor almost immediately spotted something wrong with Roxas and went over to him, but before he could ask what was wrong, Roxas walked away... like he was avoiding the Doctor. "That's... not good." The fifth Doctor came up. "What's wrong with him?" "I don't know... usually, I know what's wrong! But--" "Hmm... I know the feeling." "Of course you do, your me." The Doctor's then both looked towards the Prefects' Bathroom... and they both had the same idea.
    Ezio was also walking through Hogwarts, having made his way there from the Tower to avoid the Reapers. He saw two strange-looking girls head towards the Prefects' Bathroom... then one of the girls smiled at him, and he almost chocked. "You have got to be kidding me." The 'girls' went into the Prefects' Bathroom and managed to stay hidden until one of them tapped Hermione's shoulder. In a creepy high-pitched voice black country woman's voice, 'she' said. "You a'right m'darlin'?" Before the unfortunate victim could answer, the other 'girl' said. "Would'cha mind comin' t'speak with us in private, darlin'?" Whatever was going on... it was pretty serious... you can tell by the fact that the Doctor's had resorted to this.

    Vanitas and Xion just stared... and stared... and stared... Vanitas was about to yell out something like 'YOUR CRAZY WOMAN', when he noticed Hope's reaction was one of... shock.
    Hope had gasped in shock when she hugged him, and just stood there, absolutely dumbfounded, this was NOT what he expected to happen today. Hope actually looked at Vanitas and mouthed 'help me', to which he mouthed back 'hug her'. When Hope didn't, Vanitas concentrated, and then spoke in Hope's head. "Dude, she LIKES YOU! WHAT PART OF THAT IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND!!!" "But..." "No buts. Now f***ing hug her." Xion sighed, knowing what Vanitas was doing, so she elbowed him. Then she smiled at Hope and mouthed 'well? Go on.' Hope didn't know what to make of all this, he'd tried to kill them all, and now... it made absolutely no sense to him. For a reason unknown to Hope, he felt a tear run down his cheek, that was something that hadn't happened in a long time. "I... thought... you... hated... me..."

    Planeptune: Planning tiiiiime!
    Inside the House, Joker was waiting, when he saw them coming he smiled... the he saw Blanc and frowned. "Not good... really not good... Genesis! Go and distract her!" Genesis nodded and went out to greet them. "Ah! Your back! Good, you... missed the funeral... according to Joker, anyway. Speaking of which... he looked back at the house. what would Joker do? "... Joker want's to speak with all of you aside from Blanc about some sort of... um... special job or something. Blanc can't come because, err... I need to... give her an international test of the... body movement capacity..." Genesis had NOT thought this through, but he had been mentored by Joker... he would come up with something...
    ... eventually.

    Ansem: Corruption time!

    Ansem plopped Riku onto a sofa and sat opposite him, on a recliner. The room they were in was completely dark apart from the two chairs and a little light above them, so nothing could be made out but the recliner, the sofa, and the occupants. "So, tell me Riku... how did you get off that island again? Oh, that's right, I helped you." Was what Ansem started with.
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Aragorns
  3. Aragorns
    Username: Aragorns
    Character of Choice: Cid Highwind
    Picture(optional): [​IMG]
    Game/Anime/etc. the character is from: Final Fantasy VII
    Additional Info: Cid Highwind may smoke and swear alot... but he's a pretty good guy, and a very good pilot.

    The Doctor(Matt Smith)
    Percy Jackson
    Luke Castellan
    Cloud Strife
    Richard the Warlock
    Genesis Rhapsodos.
    Captain Hector Barbossa.
    Teridax Makuta.
    Harley Quinn.
    Eleanor Lamb.
    Mordin Solus.
    Squall Leonhart.
    Zack Fair.
    Sgt. Derek 'Frost' Westbrook.
    Elisha Kiki
    Ezio Auditore da Firenze
    Don Michael Corleone.
    The Doctor(Peter Davison)
    Jason Grace
    Nico di Angelo
    Cid Highwind
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Aragorns
    Planeptune: WHAT THE F*** IS GOING ON!?!?!
    All of Aragorns' characters just stared... and stared... and stared... until eventually, Joker spoke up.
    "WHAT THE F*** IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Before he could get an answer, the two moves collided and the whole place exploded. When Joker came to, it was still going on, but all he could hear was the ringing in his ears. Then he thought he heard something... someone whisper a name... Jake Muller. Joker's train of thought was suddenly interrupted when a very familiar girl ran past him and towards copy-X. "Elisha...?" The girl with bunny ears tackled Copy-X, knowing full well that it was absolute suicide. She put one last glance to Joker, who immediately understood, he nodded and gave her a goofy smile and wave, which would be the last thing she saw...

    (NOTE: NutHead Bro's. You have permission to kill Elisha. I planned to kill her off, anyway)

    Reaper Heartless.

    The Reaper heartless was stunned by Caster, giving Kalecgos the chance he needed to end this. Kalec ran at the Heartless, his arm and back glowing... when the glowing faded, he had a pair of blue draconic wings, his hand had become that of a scaly blue dragons, complete with extra-sharp talons. He flew/jumped up to the Heartless's chest, and then struck through diagonally, coming out the other side and landing with his wings spread out. The Heartless reeled... and then dissipated. Kalecgos's wings and dragon arm disappeared, and he turned to Caster. "Are you alright?" Was the first thing he said.

    A radio message suddenly sounded on all the Brittannia-Zero forces frequencies... and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s... and Tony Starks private number...
    "Sorry we're late, but we got held up! Seriously... some driver's just aren't that good." The voice sounded ever so similar to that of Zack Fair's, then another voice sounded out over the radio. "Hey! Watch what your tongue, boy! I was following the GPS!" "Which we ALL know is impossible with the Reapers around!" A third voice sounded out. "Can you two stop your damned bickering? You ain't f***ing four year olds! Now let's go p*** off some reapers!" The voice went on to speak to a fourth person "You ready over there, Rexy boy?" "Ready, sir!" "Then fire at will!" "Yes sir!"
    The Republic Battle Cruisers(that had been on reserve) opened fire at the Reapers, and a giant base flew into view...
    Note: I will do the character sheet for Cid later...​
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Aragorns
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Aragorns, Oct 12, 2012
  6. Aragorns
    Well, with everything that's been going on, I'd first like to say...
    I hope you stop feeling depressed soon, HoT, that's my job.

    And second

    I do apologise for not posting in an awful long time... but I'll try and make the post today...
    ... and don't blame me if I don't cover everything.

    EDIT: OH! Almost forgot to mention! I noticed that Cid from Final Fantasy VII wasn't taken... at least, I didn't see him on the reserves or the cast list... so, unless it's not updated... then I'll take him
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Aragorns
  8. Aragorns
  9. Aragorns
    Xagranos put a finger to her lips. "Shh... do not speak my name here, or they'll find me, and that isn't the concern right now." He took the finger away and held her hand. "Cosmos, now more than ever do your warrior's of light need you. Not only is Chaos here, but there are forces more powerful at work, too... and your warrior's of light are the only ones who can stop them." A little backstory on the 3rd Dimension... it's a pretty screwed up place. For example, Xion went psycho and massacred Sora, six of the seven Princesses of Heart, Riku(who was later reanimated as a Death Knight) and Organization XIII, then she merged with Vanitas and got the X-blade and turned Axel into a zombie-thing. Roxas wasn't turned into a zombie-thing, as it fell to him, Kairi, an Undead Riku, Mickey and Jake from Residents Evil 6 to take down Xion. Although Xagranos's hood is up, for some reason, you can still see his sad smile. "Listen, you may watch over six-hundred and sixty-six universes... but sometimes, you need someone looking out for you." Xagranos took a step closer and put his hand on her face to futher comfort her... or maybe something more? "Remember that right now, that someone is me... and also remember that your warrior's of light aren't the only ones who need you right now, believe it or not... I do, too. It wouldn't matter to me if I was summoned here by Chaos, or Xehanort, or anyother evil-psycho-guy... I'd still fight on your side." With seemingly not much left to be said(because this post took FOREVER due to distractions, such as the Resident Evil Wiki), Xagranos was about to step back and disappear into the shadows... but there is enough time for Cosmos to say something, or do something, or whatever comes to mind....

    Hermione, Altair and Roxas.
    Roxas introduced himself by simply saying. "I'm Roxas" and offering her a smile, then she asked where they were, and Roxas shook his head. "No, sorry... but we were gonna go look for this apple that Altair says could be dangerous... you could come with us if you like." Roxas couldn't help but seem to recall her from somewhere... if only he could remember...

    Kael'thas's camp.
    "Yes, that would be wiser." Just as Kael said this, Illidan and Ratrex appeared before them. "You called, Kael?" "Lord Illidan! This strange sorcerer has offered to help us locate the belt!" Illidan raised an eyebrow. "So... you also know of the belt? Interesting... anyone got any idea's where it might be?" Everyone present shook they're heads. What a wonderful start.
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Aragorns
    ... oooook...
    ... I'm not gonna pretend I understand what this means.
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Aragorns
    I see a touch of destiny in you *shot*

    Also, Smashy! I sent ya an update of my list, which includes three more mysterious figures from the third dimension...
    ... infact, I think I more-or-less made the third dimension...
    ... huh...
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Aragorns
    Profile Post Comment

    I'm good, thanks. How are you?

    I'm good, thanks. How are you?
    Profile Post Comment by Aragorns, Oct 9, 2012
  13. Aragorns
  14. Aragorns
    Cosmos would suddenly feel a giant shockwave as someone who could take both her and Chaos on any day he wanted was summoned into the world....
    Joker was flung back as the strange summoning circle more-or-less exploded. When Joker could see again, he saw the golden smoke clearing.... to reveal... "Hmph. So your my new master? I've had peasants more appealing than you." Joker just looked on, completely stunned, then he finally said. "You what?" The apparent servant just scoffed. "Your telling me that I was summoned by accident!? I who belongs to the heava--" "Ok! Ok! No need to get dramatic. Sheez, almost makes me miss Batsie's hero speech.... almost." The blonde-haired deva suddenly looked extremely interested in the place... and a smile played across his lips. "So... that's how I was summoned." Joker just looked confused, and was even more confused when the guy kneeled down before him. "I am Gilgamesh, King of Hero's and your servant... Master." A devilish smile grew on Gilgamesh's face. "And I believe that we are in the same boat..."
    Meanwhile.... somewhere else...​
    Illidan woke up with a massive headache... I suppose you have one of those when your brought back from the dead. He looked around, and there, standing above him, was a strange... girl. "So your still alive. It's a start, I suppose." Illidan just shook his head, trying to figure out what was going on, where he was, who this person is, but all that played through his head was a single thought... 'Belt'. "Who.... who are you?" "Ratrex, I know who you are, Illidan. I beat it out of that naga." She gestured to a badly wounded Naga Myrmidon, who wouldn't be getting up any time soon. Illidan was impressed. "Impressive.... what can you tell me about the 'belt'?" Ratrex shrugged, apparently not knowing what the belt was. Illidan got up and looked around. "It would seem, then, that you have a reason for knowing about me." Ratrex nodded, and then pointed towards the edge of the Forest. "I see... so he is here... how peculiar..." "Yep. He knows your on this planet, at least... now let's take you to him." With that, they set off for Kael'thas's camp.​
    Kael'Thas's camp.​
    Kael'Thas woke up with the same thought as Jafar. "Whatever this 'belt' is, we must find it! Will you help me, strange old pedophile sorcerer?" Asked Kael.​
    Altair, Hermione and Roxas.​
    Roxas rushed over to help Hermione to her feet. "You need to rest... that must've been some fall." And apparently, Roxas wasn't taking "no" for an answer, as he carried her over to a conveniently placed bench and sat her down.​
    Cosmos's room - Comfort.​
    Cosmos would suddenly feel a hand on her shoulder... a hand of comfort. A quiet voice whispered in her ear. "Shh... always remember, you are not alone." Whoever this guy was, he wasn't an enemy... or maybe he was... or maybe he wasn't... or... you get the idea. Enemy or not, it would seem is objective at this point in time was comforting Cosmos.​
    Other room.​
    Batman looked around. "If you three want to help, then I'll take you with me. We've got to find the belt before it falls into the wrong hands." He offered.​
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Aragorns
    Great, I'll await that post then.
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Aragorns
    Well... it does say at the first post we should explain how they got here in the RP thread... you know, maybe what they were doing before the wormhole sucked them up...
    that kind of thing.
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Aragorns
    Ah, the beauty of Crossover Cove references
    I would guess she entered like everyone else - via portal.
    Oh, and I might be reserving some more mysterious figures... because I have a whole load of them xD
    And yes, they're all from the third dimension.

    In other news, next post will cover the arrival of Illidan Stormrage and Ratrex... who, as I think I mentioned, has a crush on Riku...
    ... should be interesting.
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Aragorns
    That's fine by me. That might even help!

    Message to Droid: End the Video with that!
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Aragorns
    And don't forget Ansem, or Deathwing, or Joker...
    speaking of which, I apologise for not posting in a while, I'll try to post as soon as possible.
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Aragorns