Roxas looked at Bartz. Now, because Aragorns has been absent, I have no idea what was going on, so Roxas just sat there... looking... almost lonely... I know how he feels. Meanwhile... Xagranos and Batman teleported down to the surface, and had been looking for the belt for sometime. "Well... this is pointless. We need a way to find the belt." They then came across a blue box... "That's odd." "Very. We should look inside... because I think I know who it belongs too... and where I come from, he's missing." "Where you come from?" "Third DImension. However, in the FIRST UNIVERSE, the one which all universes are built off, he is... known simply as 'The Doctor'." With that, they burst through the doors... only to find themselves face-to-face with a pack of villains. "I'm guessing that none of these are the Doctor?" "You'd be right." Meanwhile... Joker and Gilgamesh had gone and gotten themselves lost, like the TV series. Then they came across... well, the Avengers. "Say... they look kind of familiar... oh wait, that comic was cancelled. Woops! I just broke the fourth wall!" Gilgamesh facepalmed, then he stepped up to them. "I am Gilgamesh! King of Hero's! You have permission to kneel." Looks like he's about to learn the hard way what happens when you try to make an Avenger kneel... Joker also noted a pony...
Hogwarts. Roxas just looked up at Vexen. "Sh....shut up... you don't even care, anyway." After stating this fact, Roxas continued with his... task. Possibly to Vexen's amazement, some form of blood did come out... except it was black. He closed his eyes as this... strange blood ran down his arm and dripped onto the floor... and I don't dare put more than that. Meanwhile, in the Entrance Hall, Barbossa entered... he looked straight at Hermione and said "so, lass. Where be ya boyfriend?" Somehow, Barbossa knew of this... how, exactly, remained a mystery. He then shot a cruel smile at her and Harold signalling one thing - he knew where Roxas was... and what he was doing. Heartless Battle that is no longer a battle that took place somewhere on Sky Sanctuary. Kalecgos almost blushed - almost. True, he'd been in two romantic relationships... but no girl he'd ever met had ever been this... forward. "But... we only just met!?" Unfortunately, he's never met Caster before. Planeptune: You've gotta be kidding me... Joker looked out at the zombie hordes. "Where's some plants when you need them" Joker sighed. "Right, lads and lasses and... things... we're gonna need weapons! And a way out of here!" Joker got out his boxing-glove-launching-gun and grinned like a madman... oh wait... He then yelled out the window. "COULD A CERTAIN CPU GODDESS AND A CERTAIN PROJECT-G GET IN THE BUILDING NOW!!!!" After that, he began firing at the zombies. Genesis looked at Blanc and then nodded. Nothing needed to be said, because Joker had said it already. With that, he rushed towards the house. Helgen. Hope's face had... changed... somewhat... his eyes had turned to the colour of molten, he had a scar vertically across his right eye... that was also the colour of molten. His skin had become more pale than what it had been before. He looked away, uttering the word "monster..." Hollow Bastion. If anyone remembers, last I posted in Hollow Bastion, it was Sherlock(modern) and Nixio in there, looking for Reinforce. They stood outside the entrance to the basement, thinking... maybe we should leave them like that for a while(unless someone wants them involved in plot).
Who said that I left? Honestly, you have one writers block and suddenly......(this is meant to be funny) Well, I'm "back" now, and I'm going to try and post... though wether or not my writers block has fully left yet is... a mystery.
I was just saying to myself "I need to make a damn post"... so I'll try to post today.
This is interesting... but I'm gonna need... something to wear... and a very big truck. I'm also gonna need some guys. *looks around him at a bunch of dead henchmen on the floor* Not these guys, because well they're kinda dead. *laugh*
Right, thanks Aerith/Aki. Anywho, what song... I'll come up with it tomorrow.
Whilst the others were arguing, Joker hit a button and suddenly, the house was filled with pink smoke. When the smoke cleared, it had been turned into some sort of romantic Venice-themed resturant. Joker himself was now in a pink-and-green venician outfit with a green italian moustache. "THIS is the plan." Then he pointed to a wardrobe with some other outfits in it - all venician themed. "Now get changed! We gotta couple to get together." After which, he smiled to himself and said. "Ah, I love having these Humerous Carnage powers... speaking of which... I wonder where that cat ever got to..." Planeptune - Genesis makes a confession(True or false?) Genesis nodded. "Good... now... umm..." He decided to really take his chances for the rest of the distraction. "Could I... ask you something...? He then took a deep breath, and aired his question. "How would one... court Neptune?" Now, seeing as how he's been here a while, Joker had told him everything about the four goddess's, but wether or not he'd actually taken a special liking to Neptune has yet to be seen. Heartless Battle Aftermath. Kalecgos almost blushed - almost. " but we've only just met?!" Unfortunately, Kalecgos has never met Caster... and we all know what she's like when it comes to male masters... ... she just can't help herself. Helgen. Vanitas saw that Vanille and Hope needed some... time alone. So he took Fang's hand and whispered. "We should leave them alone..." Xion had already gone off exploring... in this ruined village. Had this place been attacked by a Dragon or something? Hope was at war with himself. "But... after everything I've done... after what I've become...I'm....I'm a monster..." He still had his draconic helmet on... I wonder what lies underneath? Savannah - Tifa and Vincent's area... Suddenly, two figures appeared on either side of Tifa and Vincent. "Do you two know what's happening here?" "Reaper Invasion. Others fighting. Not sure if they'll last long. Chances of survival...... unpleasant." The one who'd just talked was... odd-looking. Like some sort of alien. He then said. "Almost forgot. Introduction necersarry." The other one - deffinately human - nodded. "Right... This is Mordin Solus, and I'm Commander Shepard." Spoiler: Its been a long time(PORTAL QUOTE)
Only one question... I'm not quite understanding the "song choice" part... does this mean we all have to agree and work with one song or...? Apart from that... I might enter. Heck, I've been making a video recently, but I might not use that one for this event...
I'd just like to apologise for not posting at all recently... I've just had a damn writers block. I'll try and post today... try being the operative word.
Hopefully... I'm just having a bit of a writers blockage at the moment
Joker: Well, this is... random... I think we should post, eh? Xagranos: Right. Joker: See ya soon, bats.
Dat AMV made me want to do one... ... except whenever I use the Window's Movie Maker, it keeps on going on about "the files are corrupt" or something. But moving on. ... so... is something plot-relevent happening? Because I think I missed it(I suck, I know xD)
Xagranos: "I will do it". Riddler: "You are all far to stupid to take on Fate. What you need is someone with intellectual prowess! Someone.... like me! Xagranos: "No, I'll do it. I'll rip that guy's guts apart." Riddler: "Or we could let Jack Sparrow do it." Xagranos: "No, I'm doing it." Well... seeing as how Xagranos is me from the 3rd dimension... I can't disagree with him... ... so I'll just sit in my emo corner.
Hogwarts: Curing an emo. The two girls threw off they're disguises to reveal the Doctor's! After an akward silence, the fifth Doctor spoke. "To buisiness... Hermione, something is up with Roxas... well, more up than usual. So, we were--" "We thought that since your his girlfrind you could find out what it is!" The Eleventh Doctor said "girlfriend" with a giant smile, which probably meant nothing good... ... boy oh boy, what could possibly be in store for Hermione? Let's find out. Part 2: Roxas's emoism Roxas made his way to a room, he didn't know which room, he didn't know where, he didn't know who. When he found a girl wearing the jumper of Hermione's and Harry's house in Hogwarts, one look at her told her what he was going to do, so she pointed to the bathroom and left to give him some privacy. He went towards the bathroom and opened a cuboard, and sure enough, there it was. He sat down on the bed, looking at the object in his hand... but surely, things couldn't be THAT bad, could they? Well, they were. He thought about everything... his anger, his failiure's, his fear, his confusion... just everything, he had to let it all out somehow... this was the only way that didn't involve getting anyone hurt. Well, anyone but him, that was fact... it became more inevitable as he moved the object towards his wrist... Genesis: Joker, we have a shufflin' problem Genesis was wondering what to do when some people showed up and began playing some music. Genesis then said. "Ok... this is the test!" He then began doing the dance moves. This should suffice... for now. Planeptune: Joker's plan. Joker basically put his plan on the table. "So, I was thinking that we set Blanc and Zexion up on a blind date! Thoughts?"
Hmm... I've had to think about that...
Xagranos: Sometimes.... life isn't worth it. Enarhim: Suuure.... muhahahahaha Xagranos: DUDE! SPOILERS! Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah! Run. Joker: This feels just like home.... Riddler: It is I, the Riddler! Xagranos: Oh, gosh... on that note, reserving The Riddler.
I laughed at the last part xD Well, I suppose I need you due to Zack Fair.... who I was thinking about making an avenger... ... we can discuss that later.
Sounds good, I mean, he remembers Axel, but not Xion... ... not yet, anyway... Xagranos will work on that... *evil grin*
Uhh... however... a love triangle is still possible... just with another one of my characters.
xD Oh! Btw, about the whole OC/Rikku thing... I've decided we don't have to do that. Partly because I'm RPing that OC in the Crossover Cove Saga's...