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  1. Aragorns
  2. Aragorns
    Right, just checking.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Aragorns
    I have a question. Will the fact that I've never played these games affect anything or not?
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Aragorns
  5. Aragorns
    ... coulda mentioned that before...
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Aragorns
  7. Aragorns
  8. Aragorns
    Well, seeing as how I have no dissidia characters because all the ones I know have been taken...
    *tries not to stare at SOMEONE IN PARTICULAR*
    ... I'll get you renders of my most important guys, though.



    and finally...


    Oh, and I'm also reserving...

    EMYIA(Archer Fate/Stay Night)
    I'll put my updated list later...
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Aragorns
  10. Aragorns
    Right, I'll be sure to do that...
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Aragorns
    -Gilgamesh- Boss battle... interrupted?

    Gilgamesh managed to shrug off most of the attacks thrown at him... yet suddenly, he looked as if he heard something... familiar. His smile widened. "I'll deal with you mongrels later... I believe I have an... old friend to find." Joker just looked confused, but Gilgamesh nodded to him. He had explained the Holy Grail War to the Clown Prince of Crime. "Another Servant? Really? Well, sorry chaps! Have to run!" With that, the two villains exited the scene... probably leaving everyone else very confused.

    Roxas - WHAT'S GOING ON!?

    Roxas was confused, first a Knight appeared claiming to be "Saber", then all these other people(including Tobi, who he found annoying)... "... What is going on!?" Roxas drew Oblivion and looked at the situation. He decided to take on Tobi. "If that's "whack-a-mole jutsu" or whatever you call it... then that makes you the mole!" With that, a reaction command appeared on the screen(Note, this part of the description will be done in KHII gameplay style) named "Whack the mole!", Roxas got it timed perfectly and whacked Tobi on the head with his Keyblade. Wether or not it was enough to defeat Tobi... nah, chances are, it's gonna be alot more difficult than that.


    Illidan arrived with the rope and set about tying up Xagranos and Batman. "Oh, this? She's the one who led me to you two." "I am Ratrex. Now, we must find this "belt"... maybe then I can find..." She didn't complete the sentance... but anyone who actually read her bio can probably guess what her goal is in all this - gaining someone's attention*.

    *For those of you who are too lazy to read the biography/missed the post where I introduced her, "Someone" is Riku.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Aragorns

    Barbossa let out a laugh at all the events, that, and the fact that Hermione had not stayed long enough to find out where Roxas is. "Really shows how much you care! That's the truth that he discovered... and now he's takin' it out on himself!" He called after Hermione, before making his way towards Roxas' location...

    Griffindor's(is that the house/whatever-its-called Hermione's in?) Girls dorm room 13. Roxas.

    Roxas didn't seem to care about Vexens sick antics, he just sat there... letting it all out through the fluid... which showed pictures every now and again of memories, both old and... recent. One of them showed none other than Barbossa talking to him just outside Hogwarts. What had the pirate set in motion?

    [Colour="brown"] Cid just stared at the bomb's disappearing act... he had been trying to get on Nick Fury's frequency, having put the Shera right over the AG-1 Mobile Base of the Britannian forces. He almost had it when the Bomb appeared and then... disappeared.[/COLOR] "What in the sane hell is goin' on!?" Was all he could say Just then, Zack Fair entered the room. "Did you... see that?" "Yeah, I saw it alright. Whaddya think it was?" "I'm... not sure, but anyway, Two-Face and Frost are having an arm-wrestling competition, and I think Ezio has met--" Cid sighed and waved it off. "I'll deal with it later." It was then that he finally got Nick Fury's radio frequency. He picked up his communicator immediately and yelled into it. "Greetings, Britannians, from the Shera! I need to talk to Nick Fury RIGHT NOW!"

    Ansem's mysterious room.

    Ansem laughed. "Riku... don't you miss the Darkness? The power it gave you? The power to save others... including Kairi?" Ansem had been preparing for this game, alright...
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Aragorns
    Profile Post Comment

    Inside... why?

    Inside... why?
    Profile Post Comment by Aragorns, Oct 30, 2012
  14. Aragorns
    -Avengers Mongrels-

    Gilgamesh was unimpressed by Thor. "Your stubborn stupidity will... cost you your life! I am a KING! I AM THE KING OF HERO'S! AND YOU DARE DEFY ME!?!?! I WHO BELONGS TO THE HEAVENS!?" Gilgamesh opened up the Gate of Babylon behind him and shot his volley of weapons at Thor and the other Avengers... and Shataro... and whoever else is there.


    -Medusa Crisis-
    Roxas nodded and rushed over to Hermione and helped her up. "You alright? Come on... we have to find someplace safe." Really, Roxas wanted to help Altair fight Medusa, but he knew that he couldn't do that until he got Hermione out of harms way.
    -9nth TARDIS-
    Batman and Xagranos were about to run when Ratrex got in they're way. "Going somewhere?" ".... busted." Ratrex kicked them towards Kael, Illidan and Jafar. "Now... what punishment could we give them?" Kael'thas contemplated the situation for a little... then he got an idea. "We'll hold them as hostages! Then we can look for the belt in peace." "Good thinking, Kael. I'll get the rope." "Of course, lord Illidan." Batman didn't say anything... chances are, he was waiting for the opportune moment to escape. That'll probably be when they find the belt.
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Aragorns
    Good to know.
    Also, I have a many characters are we aloud to have? Because, I was thinking of having 3 characters...
    1: The Hero
    2: The Villain
    3: The guy who kills both... because it's not about the money... it's about sending a message. Everything burns.
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Aragorns
  17. Aragorns
  18. Aragorns
    Oh yeah...
    *sets about editing post*
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Aragorns

    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Aragorns
    So do I... *stares at Hero of Time*
    Post by: Aragorns, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home