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  1. Aragorns
    *feels left out*
    I still don't know what's going on... seeing as how I've had alot going on... could someone give me a really quick update?
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Aragorns

    Roxas somehow managed to find the Galleon... and decided to stick around. Well, in a corner...

    Lowee: Unexpected visits.

    Zexion was certainly... not enjoying it. A part of him thought that he'd enjoy it better without the rest of the company... but still... he'd gotten further than last time. Genesis, too, fell out... and somehow managed to land ontop of Neptune. IF would also suddenly see an image of a boy doing a facepalm... also from Aragorns. You need a bigger vehicle... oh and... look out! Was all this alter-consious of IF had to say. Then... a familiar face appeared. "Now... I hate to... interrupt things... but I have a propisition for you. Join with me and my Brothers!" They would notice a distinct similarity between him and another companion of there's... infact... he looked VERY similar to the Makuta Teridax that they all knew... well, here's a fun fact.
    There's two of them

    Captain Jack Sparrow looked completely confused, but had done what everyone had said... so far. Then, when they got to Haven city, he looked around... "I don't know about YOU, but I'm staying with Nicky Drake or whatever his name was, Savvy?" With that, he followed Nathan Drake, and did whatever reactions were supposedly nessersary. Squall decided to stick with Clank and Ratchet. "Illigel Dark Eco shipments? Sounds like they're gonna be guarded..." Thank you, captain obvious.
    OOC: Again, if I missed anyone... I'll do them next post.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Aragorns
    *looks at everything*
    I've said it once, and I'll say it again... a guy decides to take a break to do some English homework for one day and suddenly he has no idea what's happened in the RP...

    Well, I'll just... try to think of something plot-relevent to do...
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Aragorns
    *looks at everything*
    I decide not to check on the RP for one day and suddenly I'm completely lost on events...

    In other news.

    A map for the place, huh? Looks... like a small place atm xD
    put the Blood elf encampment in the forest, seeing as how that's where they are. Also... you will be able to put a giant ship there soon... heheheh
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Aragorns
    On a completely random note: I just had my nice day ruined...

    now that that's out of the way.
    How's everyone doing? Good? Bad? Abnormal? Paranormal? Meh?
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 11, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Aragorns
    What he said xD
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Aragorns
    Hogwarts - A predicament...-
    Roxas also blushed slightly. "Yeah... I should... do that..." He then used a corridor of Darkness to get out of there, but not before giving Hermione another smile.

    He appeared at where Terra is... or was... "Terra?" Was all he had time to say before he saw Terra dissappear into a Corridor of Darkness.

    Terra had somehow made his way to the hallway, although he was completely lost. Then he felt something familiar... darkness... "You know, Terra, I've been thinking... we should get to know eachother." Terra turned to see Ansem there, grinning evilly... behind him... was Xion! "... and what would I gain out of that?" "Oh, I don't know, just... higher chances with Aqua... the respect you deserve... the title you've dreamed of... Master Terra." He was employing all the tactics that Xehanort had used... and more. Terra thought for a bit. "... what do you want from me?" "Oh, only...." Ansem's Heartless grabbed hold of Terra and squeezed him. "...Your body." With that, Ansem used the darkness he had created in Terra's heart to take over his body. After a brilliant flash of darkness had consumed them, and then dispersed... he was... Terra! Terra-Ansem turned to Xion. "How do I look?" "You look great Terr-- er, Ansem..." "Call me...." Terra-Ansem applied shades. "Terransem." After a youtube clip had played, they disappeared into a Corridor of Darkness... just as Roxas arrived on the scene.

    -Helgen(with a bit of lowee thrown in)-

    Joker suddenly said. "My work here is done! Time to move on! PEACE SUCKERS!!!" And he went off.

    If only they knew how close to Helgen they were.

    Joker set up a couple of ampliphiers and got a jazz band. "I'd like to dedicate this song to... erm... who knows!secretlyit'sdedicatedtoLightning/ClaireFarronandthebats"

    Joker then set to work singing...

    Hope smiled a little. Then he offered his rose back to Vanille. "May I have this dance?" He asked. This song practically saying his feelings for him. He silently mouthed 'Thanks Joker'.

    -Hollow Bastion-
    Scar would suddenly find himself face-to-Keyblade with Nixio's Keyblade. "Don't move. Move and your dead." "Must we really have the dramatics. Oh wait. I'm dramatic. Forget what I said. Now, you three are clearly villains. Especially you, who I believe is the Lord of the Dead... no wonder no one wants to die!" He said the last part as if he'd just figured something out.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Aragorns
    Hey, another gimp user! Well, it's good... better than I could do(that's what I always seem to say)
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 10, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Aragorns
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 9, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Aragorns
    First off - I'd like to apologise for the overdue post. I've been distracted recently.


    Username: Aragorns
    Character Name: Archer EMIYA(Fate/Stay Night)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Media they are from: Fate/Stay Night
    Info: the Archer Servant of the fifth Holy Grail War. He has now been summoned as Roxas's servant... oh boy.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Aragorns
    -Haven City-

    Suddenly, someone burst through the doors and said. "This is the day you should all know as the day you were joined by Captain Jack Sparrow!" This was followed by him tripping up and landing on his face.

    -Haven City-

    Roodaka sat there, and decided to introduce herself. "I am Roodaka... and I don't even know why I'm working with you... it is because Makuta said to, I suppose." Just then, a man who had been shadily standing in the corner stepped out and introduced himself... in a tone of command, it would seem. "I am Blackheart, son of Mephistopheles." He looked around at the other villains present... either this would be a victory or a defeat for them. He would know as soon as he saw the hero's.

    -Haven City-
    _Street: on the way to the hero's_

    Squall Leonhart walked the streets of Haven City... when he saw a crazy pink hippo driving a van. "What the..." He then felt a.. certain calling... and decided to follow the van, because this feeling was telling him too. He ran until he came to the odd scene of a pirate falling flat on his face. He then looked around at everyone else there. "... Who are you? Are you all here because you all felt the same thing I did? In that case, the name's Squall.


    Roxas looked at Hermione. Why, oh why, did she have to say "Xion" a bunch of times? "I...I'm sorry..." Roxas didn't know what else to say. He wanted her to stop crying at least... "I didn't mean to upset you... I...I don't know what I meant to do..." Roxas couldn't bring himself to tell her what he was doing, and why he was doing it, even though he wanted to. Something just held him back.


    Ansem nodded and corridor of darkness'd away.


    Xion had decided to go off and leave Vanitas and Fang alone. As she was walking around, wondering where the village had come from, a familiar voice sounded behind her. "So, your now on your own, with no one but yourself to blame... and Hermione... and Vanitas..." "What do you want?" "I want you to join us, Xion. It is your true calling. You know what happens to those consumed by hatred who do.. nothing about it. I can help you do something about it... I can get you a heart... and the heart... of Roxas." His words had the same affect they did on Riku... she was ever so tempted... "It'll be just like old times." "... what must I do?" "Join Xehanorts organization! Join us..."

    Elsewhere in Helgen.

    Hope smiled at Vanille. "I've... I've missed you..." Well, this was a hinderance to Deathwing's plans...
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Aragorns


    Roxas was... having a strange dream. He was on a hill... of some sort. The sky was a dark orange, the ground was brown... and all around him... were many swords... so many it seemed like...
    unlimited blades.

    Then, looking around, he saw giant rotating gears, almost as if they were working to power a clock or something... then a name entered his head.
    Unlimited Blade Works.

    In the real world, it looked almost as if he had contracted a fever from the wound... except... just as Hermione was about to put the bandage on... the wound healed itself. Upon further inspection, it looked almost as if miniature blades were knitting the wound up. What in the world was going on?

    -Joker and Gilgamesh-
    Gilgamesh was unimpressed that Saber had gone and ignored him. Infact, he was about to go into the forest when he sensed something... disturbing... "Master... do you feel that?" "Unfortunately, I do. I seem to be feeling alot since becoming a master..." "Indeed. We should investigate." "Yep! It's gonna be a doozy."With that, the two villains went towards the disturbance...


    Kael was still trying to figure out how to locate the belt with the staff and the apple, and getting nowhere. "Jafar! get over here and help me with this!" He yelled.

    Xagranos, meanwhile, was... seemingly meditating. "What are you--" "Trying to get into contact with Cosmos, it's a very delicate process. Don't interrupt me." Xagranos said, very fast, too. He tried, but it was difficult to get into contact with her. Come on, Cosmos...
    On the up-side, Ratrex as looking... at a picture she had on her. A memory flashing through her head before she put the picture away. "... maybe I'll understand everything... when I have a heart..." She muttered.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Aragorns
    That's exactly what I was thinking!
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 8, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Aragorns
    Who'd ya like in your banner? What title would ya like? Or havn't you decided yet?

    In other news...
    Someone reserved Mitt Romney, eh?

    This has to happen. There is nothing anyone can say to change my mind.(unless it's something really interesting xD)
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 8, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Aragorns
    F.W.E.E.P., eh?

    Now... I need... a title... and a banner...
    I'll handle that myself.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 8, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Aragorns

    Hogwarts: Time to face facts...

    Roxas only had one wound - his wrist was still cut open... he decided NOT to tell her how it happened. "I...I'm fine... really..." Although, deep down, he was far from it. He noticed that he still had the small knife that had done the deed, and quickly hid it. Wether or not Hermione noticed it beforehand is another matter entirely.

    Ansem's secret room(in Hollow Bastion)
    Ansem looked Riku over... "...what if, say, one of your friends were hurt? Or in danger? Or both? Would you use the darkness to save them?" He leaned in closer. "What if I told you that Darkness... was the only thing that could save them?" He waited for his words to have an effect.

    Lowee/wherever it is.

    IF would suddenly feel a sharp pain in her head(from Aragorns for mumbling), and then Joker and Genesis would show up, carrying Zexion by the arms and legs. Zexion himself did not look amused. "You sure this'll work?" "Of course it will! Just look at how well Vert and Ichigo are doing!... Vertigo? No... IchiVer? Hmm... no... KuroVerti? Now that's just wierd... my point is, this should work just fine!" "And if it dosn't?" "I didn't think that far ahead! Now throw!" "Please don't tell me your going to throw me ontop of--" Before he could finish his sentance, they threw him in the car/van/whatever, and he landed ontop of Blanc(just how they had planned), then they got in, followed by Demyx. Nico di Angelo also got into the car, not saying much.

    Meanwhile, with Kakashi, he was suddenly enveloped in a strange gas... "Well... let's see how this test subject gets on then, shall we? First, Protophobia! The fear of Betra--" However, Scarecrow was then run-over by the car.

    OOC: I think that's everyone... tell me if I missed someone via PM or VM...
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Aragorns
  18. Aragorns
    Right! Let's see if I remember the sheets...

    Username: Aragorns
    Character of Choice: Captain Jack Sparrow
    Picture(optional): [​IMG]
    Game/Anime/etc. the Character is from: Pirates of the Caribbean
    Additional Information: Captain Jack Sparrow is... completely and utterly mad.

    Username: Aragorns
    Character of Choice: Blackheart
    Game/Anime/etc. the Character is from: MARVEL Comics
    Additional Information: He's the son of Mephisto and very, very, evil.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Aragorns
    Savannah - unexpected arrivals.

    Roxas stared at Tobi. "I hate you so much..." But before the next person could speak, a bunch of different weapons flew out of no-where, hitting all in the area. Roxas was struck by a spear and fell to the ground. "Agh.... wha..." Looking up he saw the man responsible, there, was a man in golden armour with red eyes and a giant portal behind him with near-unlimited weapons. The man grinned and turned his attention to the knight. "So, Saber.... we meet again, incompotent mongrel!" Then Roxas heard a laugh*... it was the creepiest laugh he'd ever heard. "So! Your the Saber servant! Well, have you met my Archer? And... your master is..." He looked among them... "Hmm... well, this is gonna be more difficult than I thought... perhaps we should just kill them all?" Joker laughed again as Gilgamesh's almost-insane grin widened.

    *Pick any of those laughs in that long list you like, but it's really just to give you an idea of the laugh itself.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Aragorns
    xD I see... well, that's unusual xD
    Profile Post Comment by Aragorns, Nov 2, 2012