O.o I never noticed that. I'll go fix... My fault. XD Go right ahead! I can tell, but Seth can take it... O.o omg, don't even comment on that last note. BIC- Reaper: "Only if you are a mortal, I'm sure. I'm technically 157, however... Being immortal for 20 years now makes me 177."
"And now you are hearing about them from a reject of their society." He shrugged. "Not that I am complaining. Better I live apart from my fellows before I decide to kill them from boredom."
Omg, hella yes! XD
Dark: "Aw c'mon goth person! Tellz!" Reaper: very well! Just shut up already!" Dark: "8D Teeeeeelllllllllllll!!!!"
OO- 8D yay! Now I'm not lonely! (omg, I sound desperate. O.o)
I was on here using a phone to be on here once. Um... I don't even remember. Do the whole *POOFZ 8D* thing. That's what I do.
OOC- Well, the person who plays him hasn't been here in months, so go ahead. XD
OOC- Dante from DMC? If so, then he's been taken already D: Sorry, deven5 called claims. Wait. O.o I don't recall you posting here. Well, sure XD Go ahead! XD XD OOC- OH HOT DAM! Kairi's got jokes! XD Reaper: "Ah, you are mistaken. Live over a hundred years, and we shall discuss intellect, agreed?" Dark: "AW you can't be atleast 20, can you?" Reaper: "Far more, really." Dark: "21?" Reaper: "Get out of my sight before I decide to kill you."
"Ah. Well," Seth said thoughtfully. "I tend to forget that not many humans are aware of demons and angels being real... But.. take it from me, they are as real as.. Real can get, actually." OOC- hell, just pop up in the bus for all we care XD
I have a leaf blower. D: What can we do with that?
I thought that at first, buut.. just making sure. D:
I'm not obese, I just eat alot of junk.
Oh god..... D8 My sanity left me.
If that's the case, then I need to drop pretty well all food I eat.
Mind you, that was the whole purpose of the sig....
*waves have slowly* You will give me soda.... D8
"Well. To be blunt, sooner or later demons will decide to pay me a visit... With weapons.. And the lovely intent to kill me.. Mind you, they can't.."
Reaper: "Of course.... I'll have to remind myself that humans of low intelligence can defy logic..." OOC- Absouletly, I'm always taking Joiner-uppers. Wait... I don't think that's a word....
I have a potato to throw if they do. D:
You will paint a cat? XD Or give me the rest of you soda....