Damn you! I wanted to do that! XD Bleh. bored. you know, that usual.
Crappy. I didn't get to blow stuff up. D: Har. Been there, done that. What, had worse?
Haha. No. I beat before summer. Wow. Must royally suck.
Agreed. D: I have finally found my true calling in life, too!
It was far too easy and was pretty much irrelevent to the main Zelda storyline, but the game play and Elzo's hardly less-annoying-than-Navi's...
I beat Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon.... Which = I have no life XD But seriously...... Where were you.
D: I hate how ridiculously hard it is, but it's insanely addicting.
About damn time. Where were you?!
OOC- Hella yes he does. XD BIC- Reaper: "Only to those I dislike or in your case, do not trust." Dark: "Annd that's pretty well everyone, right?" Reaper: "Sadly, yes. I have no need for friends, and I would prefer it stay that way. For all of our sakes." Desk person: "Which ever you want- you can pick your roommate if you want." OOC- I is listening to System of a Down D: And.. Riku and Kairi... Well, hate Reaper, Dark Link is... O.o Who knows... Annd Peoples are still walking to teh park that I randomly created.
OOC- So... Should we stop the bus randomly or what? BIC- "You never met an actual dark angel, yet you claim to love them?" Seth asked. "That's amusing." OOC- I R Baboon D:
Yesh! XD I also LOVE that game! XD
Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap avitar?
Never played that. To be honest, I only just got into the series.
Plays Fire Emblem? More specifically, Shadow Dragon? Anyone?
I have $4.50. How much does that buy?
Can we stop by Taco Bell first? They have Grade D meat.
OOC- check in, yes. BIC- desk person- "We weren't gonna say no anyway. We've barely got tenants." Reaper: "I'm sure you think I have, but nonetheless, it does not make it true." Dark: "He has social problems." Reaper: "And you, my friend, have mental issues." DarK :":Awesome: hella yes." OOC- D8 Holy crap! Thank you SO much for pointing that out! *fixes* Jeez... My math has gotten worse... O.o
OOC- D8 oh noes! BIC- "Hm.. Dark angel.. I like how that sounds. Yet I am called a nice type."
D: That's what I am for, and that's what I'll hit.
"Ah-" Seth stopped, thinking what to say. "No, I'm not saying you are wrong, but I was trying to tell you that I was rejected by demons before I became an angel. And I assure you, I am not as nearly as friendly as you think I am."