'Cuz you're a guy is why. Duh.
Gah.. My virgin brain. But an interesting thought, I note.
d: No thanks.
Mm. Yummy. O_o... Thanks man, now I can't.
Yup. Old man.
That's pretty much why I like Shadow Dragon. XD
Reaper: "If one were to think about it, we are all lost in a way. Either physially or mentally... " Dark: "Why so deep all of a sudden?" Reaper: "I don't really know. Lost in thought, maybe."
In Minish Cap, and old man gets transformed into a hat that rides on you. LITERALLY.
"It's basically implying that Angels control the Demons, which kill people indirectly..." Seth stopped for a moment. "Weird, none of the Angels interact with Demons anymore. It is probably a misprint... Hopefully." He snapped he book shut as the bus came to an abrupt stop. "Hmm.. That's was rather short."
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HOW DARE YOU! XD c'mere before I call demons from hell to takle you! D:
That, and he want's to 'travel' with you
Have you ever sat there and thought about how perverted Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time really is? Ever time I play it, it seems like anyone you...
XD Oh god, you're in the gutter now. Don't say it! XD
Silly, you're thinking "I LIEK TEH PIE!" or something ******ed like that. Mind you, If I had enough sugar, I would do that repeatedly. XD
Um. Is that possible..? I'm a loud mouth D: You could here me talk on the other side of a school.
OOC- crap. Methinks we're all lost now. O.o
I took it you were from either Califonia or New York. O_o Wow. We were REALLY off.
Florida. You?
Unless you're like me, who usually plays things like Mortal Kombat and Devil May Cry.
Ohh. Shinny...