I'm part vampire, I got no reflection. D:
*noms on it* Thank you :D Tastes liek fud
To be blunt, Twilight makes me want to burn cities down from pure anger. Besides that... I fully agree with your comments on Mortal Instruments... Excluding the D&D one. XD Vampires are meant to be mean, violent and...well, act like actual vampires. Clary doesn't whine and complain about being normal... or about her love for Jace, (*cough*Bella*cough*) and on top of that, she actually fights. Simon being able to walk around in sunlight WITHOUT SPARKLES made me much happier, along with the fact he's not a total pansy like Edward.
OOC- Well, the bus stopped in the middle of what appears to be a desert. 'Bout it.
I says moo D:
b-but...! It's... so.... SHINY!
Dark: "How many times must I say that there is only one of meh?!" Reaper: "...They are most certainly NOT refering to you, twit..."
OOc- sorry I haven't been around, I was being overly addicted to a video game for the past week. XD BIC- "That is what I like about you mortals; you're always willing to take on a challenge."
Yep. That's the one!
Dark: "Nuh-uh! I'm me, and I'll always be me!" Reaper: "So.. You weren't paying attention... Were you?" Dark: "Nope, not at all. :D"
"I am not doubting your abilities, but I find that highly unlikely." OOC- Would you guess that I only just chose that?
I want the frickin' MIRROR! :yelling:
OOC- She never quits, does she? XD BIC- Reaper: "No, no, no. You see.." *points to Dark* "He is mentally lost." Dark: *staring at ants* "Huh?" Reaper: "I only get lost in thoughts. It's a great thing you all should do, for once."
You wouldn't be the first person I've heard that from.
"It.. looks like they are planning on dumping us in the middle of nowhere.." He replied, looking at the empty landscape. "No mortal can survive in these conditions..." OOC- Sooo... This means I decided on the lovely place of a desert-like region to dump everyone off at. :D
Although, I bet you don't think that anymore.
I want it... D:
Besides, let me use something like....... oh, I don't know............ Hedge trimmers?
I have boots, dude. I can't walk in heels like a normal chick.
I don't. I'd be funny to watch his agonizing pain.