Taco fest. D:
Only on Wednesdays. :D
Mindlessly drawing, which led to a comic series that I don't get. O.o
So now you hate treadmils, huh? XD
All the time. XD Even if I tend to look at the ground while walking.
"Technically," He sat down and opened his book. "Yes. Admittedly, I don't think that is going to happen, since it has yet to."
Oh darn, you found out. XD No, I guess when I was bringing groceries inside, I accidentally rammed my hand into my couch. D: I don't even know how...
OOC- Gah... I fell old all of a sudden. BIC- Reaper: "Ah. I figured as much. I can't say I understand, seeing as a good majority of the people I would call 'friend' is dead."
Why? D:
:D Aw c'mon, you know it was funnnny. XD
Yeah.. I didn't get it either.
That hope you bestowed is false... Cuz my rubbah duckeh said so.
"No, whenever I come across them, I usually kill them. Call it severe anti-socialism." Seth replied bluntly. "If I can't stand someone, why put up with them longer than I have to?"
Reaper: "With the minor exception that I barely know this long-eared gothic rip-off. I am certain you know this Sora quite well." Dark: "=D Aw c'moooonnn, you know you like meh." Reaper: "Hardly the case."
Edward is the least violent and blood-affiliated vampire I've ever read about. Epic waste of time and money.
So did I. D: All I know is that I mysteriously hurt my middle finger.
Nuh-uh. you made your buddeh very happeh. :D
I was kidding, you know. XD
OOC- I've been getting angry at Phantom Hourglass 'cuz everyone I play leaves when I either throw the Force Gems in a corner/steal theirs/or basically pwn them. B1tches can't take the awesome. BIC- "Ah.." He stepped off the bus and turned around. "Not directly. I think of myself to be somewhat like your nature researchers. With the observations made from distances and such. I don't really enjoy.. Dealing with mortals."
Reaper: "He won't leave."