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  1. Wacko
    You're still in school?!
    Profile Post by Wacko for Princess_of_hearts, Jun 10, 2009
  2. Wacko
    Reaper: "And that-" *pulls Myra infront* "Is where I trust my assistant to show you where the nearest park is."

    Myra: "But-"

    Reaper: "Oh. If she doesn't find you the exact spot you want, then I will see to it that it is done correctly."

    Myra: "Fine.. Violent much.... >_>.. C'mon you two.. There's a park dowm the street..."

    Dark: "There is?!"
    Post by: Wacko, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Wacko
    Myra: "I.. Don't think we even have anything like that. O.o Do we?"

    Reaper: "How would I know? You randomly appointed me as a manager."

    Myra: ":Awesome: Yeah... I know."
    Post by: Wacko, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Wacko
    Reaper: "Well. I see no issue in this. Fell free to do your concert.. or whatever it was."
    Post by: Wacko, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Wacko
  6. Wacko
    Myra: "...... Uhh....." *pulls Seth infront* "Please talk to the new manager! D:"

    Reaper: "Throw me under the bus will you.... -_-.... Anyway.. I do not believe that there was a concert arranged around he-"

    Dark: "OHH! Wait! I think I know the answer!"

    Reaper: "...Enlighten us...."

    Dark: "Yeahyeahyeah! Ok, so.. Um. I was talking to her earlier and she mentioned something about having one!"
    Post by: Wacko, Jun 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Wacko
    Dark: "I fell... a disturbance..."

    Reaper: "The only disturbances around this vicinity is you."

    Myra: "Do you read dictionaries, Seth?"

    Reaper: "........ No......"
    Post by: Wacko, Jun 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Wacko
    OOC- THANK you, habit of reading dictionaries... -_- Well, back to werk.
    Post by: Wacko, Jun 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Wacko
  10. Wacko
    OOC- harhar. Not as confuzzled as when you'll be when Seth starts talking. O.o He knows too many words.
    Post by: Wacko, Jun 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Wacko
  12. Wacko
    OOC- okeydoke. I'm back... fer now.

    Fill-in desk person: "Ah yes! XD Here's your key" *hands* D:
    Post by: Wacko, Jun 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Wacko
    OOC- lol. You didn't notice that the bus already left? XD XD
    Post by: Wacko, Jun 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home