I Like Amaury. He's a cool person. Though, I'm starting to like his old username.....
You did pretty well I guess. I would just use Stop on the clock tower immediately after the battle starts. And for my first time, I actually did well. But I'm still having difficulty for Ice Titan....
I would LOVE to meet these celebrities: - David Tennant - Matt Smith - Jenna Louise Coleman - Haley Joel Osment - Tetsuya Nomura - Karen Gillan I could go on but it will take me a long amount of time to type all of them.....
Steam for PC Games. And a local store that I go to for any other game or game cards.
If you want to have lots of LP, Water Barrels are the best in my opinion.
In a dress. No need to explain why I picked that..... Females: Would you rather be bald or cut your hair so short that people will think you're a boy when they look at you from the back.
Me too.... XD I sleep on the Adult stage at around my age....
Hope we can see you soon, What?! (No pun intended.)
Hello there, Majora! Nice name BTW, and welcome to KH-Vids! Please ask any staff member or look around the FAQs if you have any questions about the site. And feel free to ask any one of us for help if you need any. See you around the forums!!!
If you know what you are doing, (spamming block and commands.) You'll be fine. Most of Julius' attacks are blockable. Even when he summons lightning.
Like what hatok said, you're one of the seeds. When you beat the Rock Titan, you're the first seed, which makes you champion.
Hello Meshari Maestro! And welcome to KH-Vids! Pleasue ask any staff member or look around the FAQs if you have any questions, and feel freeto ask any one of us for help! See you around the forums!!!
Nothing much. Just studying for my exams.
I would go for Cyndaquil or Absol. But I also love Togepi and Mawile.
Congrats on getting Premium, Psyche!!!
Enzy is a very friendly person.
Kingdom Hearts in a nutshell, folks!
Xemnas and his power over nothing (Lol), buildings and ethereal blades.
I don't have any preference to which is which. As long it's a Zelda game, I'll play it. I like it how challenging the old ones are and how the gameplay is awesome in the new ones, at least for my opinion. My personal favorite is Ocarina of Time to be honest.