Peter Capaldi, huh? Never heard of him, but I have a gut feeling that he'll make a great Doctor, the 12th Doctor exactly.
Meh, not getting my hopes up. I love the L4D games, but I really need an official announcement for it first, then Valve will finally make a game that has a 3 in it, and I will be very happy about it.
Hello, Roxas1359! And welcome to KH-Vids! Please look at the FAQs or ask any staff member if you have any questions. And feel free to ask any one of us for help if you need any. See you around the forums!
Scout is one of my specialties! Besides the Spy.
The time my parents thought I was kidnapped because they didn't see me with them in the mall when I was 7. After a few hours, I found them. When they asked where'd I go, I said that I went to the restroom. :P
Nice .gif of the Scout struggling against the Heavy's grip! I love that scene from Meet the Scout!
Sora's Keyblade was originally meant to be Riku's, but it ended up being Sora's when Riku used the power of darkness to open Destiny Islands' Keyhole. And Like what the people above me said. You have to remember that Kairi had the potential to wield a Keyblade when she touched Aqua's Keyblade, and she didn't even notice it. But getting back to the point. Sora's Keyblade is now his. And Sora's friendship with other people made them strong enough to have the potential to wield a Keyblade.
I'll find a way to cheer myself up besides alcohol.
I don't drink alcohol, and I never will. I'm underaged anyways.
Seriously? You just watched this?
In response to Question Time with Jayn!: Yeah, I like a lot of things easily. And thanks! You're a good singer! Keep up the good work!
The good old days....
First Impressions? Since when did you start singing? How much do you love music? Since when did you start being a Staff member? Who founded the KHV Chorus? I seriously don't know who it is....
Welcome back to KH-Vids, Nashida! Hope things will go easier for you!
So is Mickey and the Three Musketeers. But hey, they speak Japanese in the Japanese version, right?
Yeah. I used to play with my Hot Wheels toys. Now, I play video games like Skyrim, Kingdom Hearts, Team Fortress 2, etc. I used to watch cartoons, but now I watch Supernatural, Doctor Who, etc. (Although I still watch Phineas and Ferb.) I used to like Yellow but now I prefer Blue. I can go on, but it will take forever to type.....
Totally unrelated. Ghetto is telling you that in Japanese media, People usually get unconscious when they get hit in the back. Totally understand why you think she has an off switch though.
I can think of a Lot of characters. Kefka, Gilgamesh, Yiazmat (Hopefully as a secret boss.), Zidane, Lightning, Vaan, Laguna, Warrior of Lght, Kain, Cecil.... And that's only a few in my list.
I like trivia tournaments. My school have them most of the time! But not about KH sadly......
Yeah, I usually die on Stage 4. Thanks for the tips! As for Phantom, I actually had Donald at the party, so I really had trouble against him. And since I don't have that much ethers, I had to get hit by Phantom's attacks just to get MP..... Kurt Ziza, I had barely defeated him. I was like, around 3-5 HP when I delivered the finishing blow. Which is Ars Arcanum.