Yeah, it would be funny to me. Too bad it's around 5-6 PM around my time during that period. Where ever your time period is.
Hey, where's the part where David kissed Barrowman?
Busy. Just finished my exams and I feel that my head is going to burst....
Huh...... So how are you?
What's good? :3
Thank goodness I'm not the only one who likes fruit at the bottom of yogurts!
Hey, how come the Grid isn't listed here? Space Paranoids or the Grid, Radiant Garden. Traverse Town, Twilight Town, Olympus Coliseum, Halloween Town, Neverland, Port Royal, Pride Lands, And a Lilo & Stitch world, if possible.
....I wasn't expecting that..... I thought someone was stalking you..... But anyways! Were you two classmates? Or did you visit his house before?
Not that much, but other parts around my province are flooded.
Yup. So.... Did your place flood from the rains?
Happy birthday to you Tummer!!!
Me too. I just skipped Prep.
I'm totally excited for this!!!!! The Red/Green (Not the pairing) rivalry is my favorite one. And for the fact that we can get to see Red in Anime style for the first time...... Man...... But when I was younger, I thought Red was Ash for some reason.....
Where's Instagram? And KH-Vids?
Donald is useless in my opinion, since Goofy's MP Gift ability is quite useful when you're running out of MP.
Some thing with me for Lasagna. Mozzarella sticks are a different story....
Opposite for me. The only reason Phantom if hard because when the first time he is fought, no one here (I think so.) knew the "stop the clock" trick. It's not really the first thing that comes to your mind, is it?
Cypher, where are you man? I miss ya! And I got my liking trend from him, so......
I think he's pretty funny!