Your signature kinda reminds me of Poison for some reason..... :3
It kinda depends on the situation. Since my last name is very uncommon in America, I can use it a lot. But my first name is a common name in America I think.
Having school start at 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM, to 7:00 and 5:30 PM. Really?! The school dismisses me during the time where there is heavy traffic?! Seriously?!
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Exactly. She's a woman. A hot woman to be exact. XD
I know what it is, you don't have to tell me. Yet, I feel so weird reading, looking and even thinking about it....
She's a character from the Final Fight/Street Fighter series.
So, I've got less than 500 Posts left for me to become a premium member..... Yay, I guess?
I don't think the island isn't that bad. At least you can skip the cutscenes if you want to get off the island so badly. :3 Anyways, I really want to buy this game, but I'm saving for a PS4. And besides, 1.5 Might be in Gaikai, but I'm not getting my hopes up until I see it myself.
....Is Poison a man or a woman? Guys, I know that she's a transsexual, but I'm going to post this anyways for funsies.
1.5 REMIX version. the PS2 version (Re: Chain of Memories) has some weird blurry effect on cutscenes. 1.5 fixes that and it also has Kingdom Hearts Final mix and the Days Movie. Never played the GBA version though.
I hope you could do Amne- Oh wait, we're talking about movies here..... And the movies that I recommend are already mentioned so.....
The Organization. They expected Roxas to encounter them, but it didn't happen because of the sudden appearance of Riku.
I don'[t know you since I joined the site around the end of Febuary, but welcome back!
Aaaaandddd...... you're still ways off from Kitty, Misty, Red and libre.
I will soon.
Hey, Julie! Long time! How are you?
I accidentally made my age about 10 years older. So yeah.
....... What's with him and food?
I saw this coming actually, but it's still saddening. And because of the recent news, I'm going to watch Spirited Away again.