*she noded looking at the body sadly*
*he had a high feaver*
*she rolde up a news papers and hit him over the head*
"a weack? "
ooc: recap please
"I dono...I don't feal very well..." he said
*Erin got huggled. he felt feaverish*
*sneacks Sora out of the countrey*
"I'm so sorry" Erin said I have spent my hole life disapointing and worrieing people...and now I'm doing it agin...
*the dragon noded then flew away* "ZC...I'm sorry..."
*the dragon's eyes glowed and so did Erin. Erin calmed down, and the dragon gave him back to ZC*
ooc: bye bic: *Erin stood sighlently*
ok then!!!!
"no...thouse are for me to know and me alone" Corin replied
ooc: ................oh boy.....................
there probubly are more fans, but they mite be to lazy or shy to post
"only one or two" Corin said
"hello" he said to her with a bow
*Erin bowed to Corin* "welcome back" Corin said "glad to be back" Erin said with an evil grin
*Erin stoped screaming and stood up*