"so are you sure Tron's in truble, and Cid didn't just make a mistake?" Sora asked
"ok. now why am I here?" sora asked
*Sora woke Mickey up and thretond that if he kept ating crazy he would call Minney*
"so why did I get called here?" Sora asked holding Trinity
"wow trrinity! didn't know you had it in yah!" Sora said
*Trinity hit mickey with her bottal*
*Sora tryed to take Trinity back, but she wouldn't let go of Leon*
"is King Mickey ok?" Sora asked *the baby held onto Leon*
*Anna looked outside to see Matthew a few times*
*the baby huged to him*
*anna lissend*
*the baby giggled huging Leon* "AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! SHE LOVES HER UNCLE LEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yuffi exclaimed *Sora laughed*
*Anna laughed as she talked to Back-pack*
*The baby huged onto him* "wow Leon...you're a natural with babys" Sora said
ooc: sure!!!
"Her name is Trinity" Sora said geting her off of Yuffi *she reached for Leon* "AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEON! SHE WANTS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yuffi exclaimed
ooc: ok I was just kinda worried that it is geting a little boreing
"AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S SO CUTE AND LOVEBULL!!!!!!" Yuffi yelled *the babey pulled Yuffi' hair* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAD BABEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yuffi yelled
*she growld*
"oh...then lets try drawing" she said