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  1. #1 DinestyX
    *she folowed him*
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. #1 DinestyX
    "well...ummm...we are created difrently than you are, and when the same people make someone that make anouther someone than they are the first person's little sister or brother" Sora explaind

    ooc: he still thinks the storck brings babys XD
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. #1 DinestyX
    *anna saw and huged him*
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. #1 DinestyX
    *they apeard near tron, and Sora ran over to him, wile carrying Trinity*

    "Hi there Tron! miss me?" Sora asked jokeingly

    *Trinity waved happily*

    "OH! This is my Sister Trinity" he said
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. #1 DinestyX
    Roxas! he is cool, and to be honest we have had a bit of an overdoce of Sora!
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. #1 DinestyX
    *Sora sudenly realises he was holdeing Trinity and tryed to give her to Leon, but she ended up geting sent with them*
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. #1 DinestyX
    "Fine you lazy bumbs!" she said
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. #1 DinestyX
    *Sora ran into the castle and into the room*

    "hurry eon! Tron may need us!" Sora said
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. #1 DinestyX
    "wow! you are good!" she said
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. #1 DinestyX
    "oh boy! I need more sticks!" she said when she heard the other men
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. #1 DinestyX

    bic: "Lets go!" Sora said leading the way
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. #1 DinestyX

    Pet Diarie

    tyvm! I had to do it as a school project and thought it was so funny that I should put it on here
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. #1 DinestyX
    "wow! how did you do that?" she asked
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. #1 DinestyX
    *she hit him agin*

    "who are you?' she asked the guy
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. #1 DinestyX
    "yeah...I don't see why not" Cid said

    ooc: I am playing quite a few charectyers so can you please play Tron
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. #1 DinestyX
    *she looked around and found paints and paper*
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. #1 DinestyX
    *she hit him agin*
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. #1 DinestyX

    Pet Diarie

    Less than a year ago I got a Siberian husky. She is Black, white, and silver. She has blue eyed, and her name is Angel. Angel is always being crazy, and doing crazy, and psychopathic things. I can never discover why she is doing these things, so I decided to be a dog like her for the day. This is my diary of my day as a dog.
    7:30am- We had just woken up, and angel was already extremely impatient! She was prepared to venture outside, and frolic joyfully on the half muddy goop, and half slushy snow covered ground.
    7:40am- As we approached the back door, Angel suddenly became extremely ecstatic, and quickly ran out the doggy door, as fast, as lightning. I attempted to squeeze myself through the tiny, square opening, but found myself unable to pass through. I considered simply opening the door, but decided that unfortunately that would be considered cheating, so I continued trying to squeeze my body through the opening.
    8:00am- After attempting various positions, I finally discovered a way a way to squeeze myself through the doggy door opening. I soon caught sight of Angel, as she quickly ran around the yard energetically. I quickly caught up with her with her, and joined her in her race, but I never did discover who she was racing before I Joined her.
    9:00am- Once we got our fill of joyfully playing outside, we ventured back through the doggy door, and this time I was prepared, and quickly, and easily got through the tiny doggy door. We were completely covered in goopy mud, and I believe we were soaked to the bone. We raced each other joyfully through the house, and we left an enormous trail of mud everywhere we went.
    9:45am- When we finally became exhausted, our hunger took over, so we quickly ventured to the kitchen. My parents had not awakened yet, and the food bowel was simply, and completely empty, so Angel started to whimper, and wine to me sadly. I knew she defiantly expected me to retrieve the food, and quickly! I knew I couldn’t I couldn’t just open the bag, and distribute it fairly between me, Angel, and Trixy (my mom’s dog who had joined us) because if I did then I would also have to punish us for getting the house muddy, clean the house, and call the sico home to get me. I had to do this wile still being a dog, so I quickly devised a plan, and put it into operation. My plan seemed full proof, so all I had to do now was quickly discover where the big bag of dog food was being kept.
    10:00am- To my great relief we finally located the big bag of dog food, and I put my plan into affect. I led the others to grab the big paper bag with our teath, and pull with all our strength. Slowly, but surly the bottom of the bag ripped, and the dog food quickly covered the kitchen floor. Angel, and Trixy excitedly dived head first into the large pile of dog food., but when I approached the huge pile of dog food, and took a small, and timid bit, I suddenly felt sick. It was the worst thing I had ever tasted in my entire life, and I quickly spit it out. To my extreme relief, I suddenly lost my appetite, and no longer had to worry about having to eat the deplorable dog food!
    11:00am- Angel had finally had her fill, and the kitchen was now disgustingly dirty! It had mud all over it, and dog food was scattered all over the floor. We had, had a remarkable morning, and now we were extremely exhausted! We have both decided to take a nap.
    12:30pm- We finally awoke to my mom screaming angrily in the kitchen. She kept asking things like “What happened in here?†,and “ What are you doing young lady?â€, and when all she got was a bark as a reply she became extremely angry, and marched into the next room to talk to my dad.
    1:00pm- My mom returned to the kitchen, and this time my dad was right behind her. They tried to get me to tell them what was going on, but when my response was a few barks they dragged me to my room (trying to make me walked on two legs) and sat me on the bed gently, and Angel jumped onto the bed, and cuddled next to me. My parents left the room, and shut the door behind them, so we were stuck in my room.
    1:15pm- We became, so overwhelmed with complete, and utter boredom that we cuddled together, and took a nap.
    3:00pm- My parents opened my bedroom door, and entered the room slowly. The gently shook me awake, and led me out of the room, but to my great dismay, they completely forgot about Angel, and left her behind!
    3:15pm- My extreme fear of being separated from Angel was quickly forgotten when I was led to our dark red, for door car. I joyfully hoped into the car, and positioned myself , so that I could see out the window.
    3:45pm- We arrived at a huge building, and quickly went to see what, as a human I would call a therapist, but as a dog I would call her the annoying lady that smells like coffee.
    4:00pm- the annoying lady that smells like coffee is definitely, with out question, was showing her incredibly annoying side! She kept asking the same exact questions repeatedly, and when I refused to answer the questions, she highly recommended that I go see a doctor, but I would have much rather went to the vet.
    5:00pm- We arrived at the hospital, and I quickly realized that whether I was a dog, or a human I would always have an extreme haltered of the boring, over crouded, hospital waiting room!
    7:00pm- We FINALY could be seen by the doctor, or so they said, because we all know that they call you in, and the nurse, that always seem to be experiencing to more joy than any living thing can stand, makes a list of the symptoms, and then leaves the info for the doctor, who takes forever, and a day to get there, to read so he or she wont have to worry about getting the info themselves, because even though they take forever to get from person the person, they always seem to be in a hurry.
    7:30pm- The doctor finally got to us, and when he read the symptoms he broke out laughing, but my parents didn’t seem amused, r even happy in the least. The doctor explained that I was the sixteenth kid he had seen today with these symptoms, and he explained to them, all about the dog diaries project, and after my parents understood they seemed to think it was extremely amusing!
    8:00pm- We joyfully, and finally returned to our humble abode. Angel, and I were happily reunited, and after quickly stealing my parents food, we laid down, on my soft, and worm bed, and we quickly fell to sleep.
    After spending a complete, and extremely exiting day as a dog, I must admit that I will never see the world the same way again! I learnt that dogs see the world very differently than humans do. I also learnt that parents tend to freak out when they realize that there thirteen year old daughter is acting like a dog! Being a dog was fun, but I think I’ll stick with being a human.
    Thread by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. #1 DinestyX
    "ok. lets go check on Tron" Sora said preparing to leave the room
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. #1 DinestyX
    "of the final time...I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!" Cid yelled

    *Trinity cryed*

    "now look what you did!:" Yuffi yelled attacking Cid
    Post by: #1 DinestyX, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home