"Erin...what is yours?" Erin asked
"to take your advise...he is going to kill your sister" Corin said *Erin blasted at Alex*
*Erin put away the watch quickly* "hi there" he said
*Erin looked at his speshal watch*
*he looked over his sholder at Corin* *Corin noded* -*Erin evil grind and ran off*
ooc: he want to use the crystals power but only erin can controle it so he has to take Erin to bic: *Erin layed sighlently* ooc: ok they are in
"what do you meen?" Erin asked
*Erin reluctintly obayed*
"well I think she is, and I only do what my master, Corin tells me to" Erin said
"fine" he lied and tryed to get up but couldn't
"she is a bit pathetic!" he replied
*she laughed a little*
*he took it and made a face when he tasted it cuz it was realy bad!!!!!!!!*
*Anna looked around* ooc: ok then
"huh?" he asked confused
*Erin obayed*
"it's ok" Anna replied ooc: sorry it took so long
"no...I think she is just...how should I put this? puthedik he replied
*Anna walked around helping when she could*
ooc: eack! that dosn't sound fun!