*he got hit but got up and blasted at them agin*
*The simbals of hope on Erin began to glow and then he trund bak to normal and colapsed*
*Erin blasted at them* "LEAVE HER ALONE!" he yelled
"well plance change!" Erin yelled *Anna had the simbal of love glowing on her head and wrists* "I wont loose you agin!" she said to Erin
"STOP!!! I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP! I'M FINE...ON MY OWN!" Erin said blocking there atempts at healing him then forcing himself to his feet
"so I can kill saps like you!" Erin yelled shooting a blast at her
*Erin couldn't get up. He couthed up blood*
"Becuz I don't want to fight it! I wanna be evil! that goody good part of me has always only held me back!" Erin said "Take me to him!" Anna said
*Erin sent a magick blast through the room*
*Erin doges it and blasts at him*
*Erin tryed to get up and help but couldn't*
*tears fillde her eyes*
"what happend?" she asked
"who is that?!?!?" Erin asked
"yes?" Anna asked *he grind evily*
*ERIN doged them all*
"aww boo hoo! so sad!" Erin mocked blasting at him
"Anna? Anna is a fool who thinks she can play big sister to every orphan she meets!" Erin said attacking agin
"I dono...I've gone numb, but I'll be fine. not sure how long I've know them...a few months mabbie..."
"thank you!" Erin said with a smile