Annah - Hey, don't talk to Emily like that. *crosses arms* Emily - *glares at him* *Jennifer and Izabella walk in*
Why would I waste my time? The 'Delete' and 'Block' contact botton come in handy.
Annah - I thought you didnt like Izabella or Jennifer? Emily - He clearly finds them hot though. . .
Because apparently if we are doing group projects we have to communicate somehow. Hence the reason why the school is giving us laptops. If we...
Annah - *gets up and dusts self off* *doesn't say anything*
Yea, I doubt that. Maybe I could message you, but unfortunately we have to add everyone in class on Skype and I'm like, 'Oh no.' Like I would...
Annah - . . . . . . .
Alrighty then. I just wanted to clear some things up. Thanks for actually reading and not being a jerk about it. I appreciate that.
Alrighty then. I will apologize also if I offended you in any way. Since clearly you guys must be close friends.I had not meant for the thread to...
Oh? Because your posts said of how I was such a bad friend and that you hated me and I'm just like, it wasnt really meant for you. I have not...
I do hope you know that I was only joking with HoT.
I hardly will be on. I'll always be on Skype though. Lol The school I am attending states that we could have roughly up to 4 hours of homework. . .
Oui, ok. What? Asked mu permission for the thread to be closed. I laughed and aaid whatever it was just a joke
Oh, psh. Go ahead. It was just a joke anyway. :3
Honestly, I couldnt care less what you guys think of me. At the end of the day, all that matters is how I got through my day. This site is just for my boredom. I wont be active once school starts. So, you'll all be happy :3
Look, I was wrong for posting this, but I just wanted to mess around with HoT for a minute. I wasnt intensing this. . .
I don't even know you. Does it really seem like I care? No.
I was just teasing HoT. He even said it didnt bother him. I just wanted to joke around with him on the subject is all. No need to get mad at him.
So eveyone dies except Izabella?
Annah - I dont know. . .