[x]Catch up to Vivi.
[OOC: none] Elise watched Emi walked out of the inn. She was going to stand up and go after her, but Mya had told her to let Emi go. In thought, she looked down at her lap. Her nails were still painted a dark blue colour from before being trapped in the game. Her sister had done them for her. "I've just been a burden to everybody, haven't I?...Emi and Alice..." Elise thought to herself. She began to feel extremely apologetic. "Why can't I make anyone happy?" "Anyways, everyone should get ready to prep up on any items and equipment," Mya said, changing the topic. Elise looked up, tried to leave her previous thoughts and focus on training. She could think about those things on her own time. "O-okay, hold on a second." Elise opened up her weapon select screen and equipped her cutlass. She hadn't trained very much since the game started, but each time it felt like her weapon was getting lighter. She smiled a bit to herself. "Are we just going to train on boars?" Finally, a somewhat strongly said sentence. Elise was satisfied.
Welcome back, Loxare c: We hadn't interacted much before, but, like Chie, we were both in the Persona 4 roleplay which was a bunch of fun while it lasted. Now I won't keep you here any longer. Go ahead, explore and catch up on what you missed! Oh, and have fun c:
Ohh~ Halloween avatars. These are really pretty, so I'm going to use some if you don't mind. I'll credit you c:
[OOC: none] The red haired boy talked to her...and offered her a seat at their table? Maybe today was the day that she was waiting for. "It would be rude not to take up the offer, right?" Elise thought to herself. Elise looked up at him and put on the smile her parents taught her to do if guests came over. She took a deep breath in and reminded herself to be confident. "S-sure," she stuttered. She decided that she would work on her verbal skills another day and stood up and followed the boy to the next table. Standing in front of the table, she did her best to introduce herself, "Hello, my name is Elise...but you can call me Eli if you want..." She could hear her voice fading off into the distance. Elise did a small, but polite bow and sat down in the empty seat. She took another breath in. "What are your names?" Before they could answer, another girl walked into the inn. "Wow, what pretty eyes," Elise thought to herself. She was sure that the other two at the table had noticed her too. The blonde haired girl looked around the room. All of the tables were just about filled. "I should invite her to sit...but I'm sure that boy will do it and his voice projection is a lot better than mine..." She shook her head. "No I have to do this." Elise smiled and waved at the girl to catch her attention. "There's a seat here if you want it," she said in the clearest voice she could.
I'm well, just doing some of my homework How about you?
I'm 15 at the moment, which puts me in the second category. I'll be sixteen in January c: Then I can drive. To those on the roads, beware.
lol so chocolate chip cookie and hello
[OOC: none] Elise walked through the crowded walkways in the Town of Beginnings. She was surprised at the number of people that ended up staying rather than making their way to the top. It had been roughly a week since the true nature of the game was disclosed to all the players inside the virtual world. This news was still the talk of the town, and from what Elise had observed, those who stayed were either skeptical or completely frightened. Last night she even saw someone attempt to leave the world out of fear, but she had quickly averted her eyes and walked away so she had no knowledge of whether he actually succeeded. Elise was neither scared nor unconvinced. "I will make it out of here...alive..." she kept telling herself. When news first broke out, Elise was just as frightened as that man she saw. She wanted to see her family again, or at least her little sister. She spent the rest of that day, aimlessly walking around town thinking about her family, then recalling the events that led her to this game. Her sister's cries echoed in her head. From that point on she decided that her sister would be her motivation. From then on, every time she thought of her sister her desire to complete the game increased. Elise stayed in the Town of Beginnings for the first week, to regain stamina and hopefully meet someone with the similar goal of completing the game. Elise entered a restaurant in hopes of joining a party, or at least making a friend. She sat down at an empty table next to one occupied by a girl with long white hair. Elise looked out the nearest window, trying to decide the best way to start a conversation. "Maybe I should just talk to that girl..." She heard footsteps walking towards her table, but she didn't turn her head. "Ano...Is anyone sitting here?" a teenage boy's voice asked. Elise wasn't sure whether he was asking her or the girl next to her, but decided to reply to him regardless."Of course, you may-" Elise turned her head. The boy was definitely talking to the other girl. Awkward.
here *gives cookie*
I'm also interested, but I'm not on my computer at the moment, so I will update later with a filled out form c: EDIT: Here's my profile Username: Eli_C2O4 Known Name: Elise Age: 15 Appearance: this Personality: Elise comes from a wealthy family and was raised quiet, obedient and polite. Because of this she finds it difficult make friends. She loves her family very much, especially her younger sister, Alice, and would do anything to please them. Her hobbies outside of SAO were photography and sketching scenery. She is extremely intelligent and has quick reflexes allowing her to be skilled in close combat and creating battle strategies. Bio: A few weeks before SAO was launched, Elise was walking from her room to the family study, when she heard her younger sister screaming. Worried she ran to help and stopped in front of Alice's bedroom door. She quietly opened it to peek inside and saw two butlers holding her sister back while her father beat her. Beside him was her mother, who was saying things like, "Why can't you be more like Elise?" and ""We never had these problems with your sister." No matter how much Elise wanted to stop them from hurting her sister, she couldn't bring herself to do it. She was scared and ran to her room in tears. She never realised how much she hurt her sister. Elise couldn't believe how weak she was. She didn't want to live any more, but she couldn't bring herself to suicide. She did some research about how to escape reality and ended up finding SAO... Job: none at the moment Guild: none at the moment Weapon: Cutlass Special Skill: Radiant Cyclone - Rapid flurry of slashes in all directions that temporarily prevents any attacks from reaching the character. Uses up a lot of energy, so it can only be used a few times Other:
I really like the names Elise and Alice c:
I sent my lines in, Jayn c:
I did most of it already o: Now I just need to look through the pieces I have for band
Draw me, please c: noms .
not really . just a pile of homework . you?
ANDREW HI I'M WELL . how about you c: ?
Uhh then could I get Turn It Off ?
Whataya Want From Me please c: