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  1. Cookiie
    [OOC: none]
    Elise looked back and forth between people as the conversation went on. She bit her lower lip and tried to find a place to intervene, but gave up after a while. She had nothing to really say. With that many people around it would have better to stay silent than to make a fool of herself, anyways.

    After Ittoki finished assigning nicknames, which Elise thought were incredibly childish, Mya and Masaru both suggested that the party begin to move. "The sooner we get to the dungeon, the sooner we can ascend the floors and beat the game," said Masaru.

    Elise nodded. What he said was completely true, and it seemed to her like the party had enough members to make it through the dungeon. She took a deep breath, put on a serious face and said, "Let's go..."
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Cookiie
    [x] Talk to the beacon.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD Lunch OOC: none]
    Aileen waited as Brain headed towards their next class. She did not mean to remain silent, but with the email in mind she could not find anything to say. Normally she would've laughed at his joke about Mrs. Finnley. After all, what he said was completely true; however, today laughter wouldn't come out of her mouth.
    She stood there in thought for a few moments as other students frantically tried to get to class on time. She shook her head soon after. What she really needed to think about was ballet in the evening. Ballet. Aileen began to walk towards pre-calc, and quickened her pace to see what was going on further down the hall. People stopped walking and stared at two people on the ground, one of which was Brian.
    Aileen weaselled her way through the sea of students. Brian was holding her hand out to a girl. She couldn't remember her name exactly but knew that it started with an M. Just when Aileen thought the girl would take Brian's hand, the girl slapped it, shocking her. The girl looked panicked.
    Aileen walked towards Brian. "Hey sorry about earlier, but are you alright?!"
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 14, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD Lunch OOC:none]
    "No no, not at all Aileen! Though... like, what took you so long?" Aileen stood up as Brian spoke, but not before she could observe his face. It was obvious to her that he was thinking about something, whether it was the email or not. Please be okay... she thought as she stood in front of her locker and spun the combination.
    "Ms. K told me to stay behind and clean the chalkboard," she sighed, as opened her locker. She carefully placed her books into her locker, reminding her of the collision she was involved in a couple of moments ago. "Oh, and a twelfth grader decided to run into me, which slowed me down quite a bit." Aileen grabbed her lunch bag, closed her locker, and turned the lock. She then smiled and turned back around to face Brian.
    "Shall we go? Where do you want to eat? The cafeteria? Outside?" she asked as cheerfully as she could. She just wanted to spend time with best friend. Fun times. Entertaining. And not about that ominous email.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 13, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Cookiie
  6. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD Lunch OOC: Excited c:]
    Aileen tried to maneuver herself around the crowded hallway. However, several things were on her mind, which made dodging students harder than usual. For starters, she was hungry. Her Bio teacher had told her to clean the chalkboard, which made her late for lunch.
    She was also shaken from the email she had received the night before. Aileen could not stop thinking about the message. She knew that she was not the only one who had gotten it, though. Quin and Thomas had claimed to had gotten something similar as well. It may have only been a chain email, but a simple "chain email" had never bothered her so much in her entire life.
    While turning a corner, a senior ran into Aileen, knocking all of her books to the ground. People in the hallway stopped to stare. Great. Attention...She bent down to pick up what she dropped. As she stood, the boy quickly apologized and continued to run. Aileen shook her head. Luckily her phone hadn't been in her hands. She reached into her jacket pocket for it to check her Tumblr dashboard. As she scrolled down, she noticed an interesting entry posted by her best friend, Brian. Looks like he got it, too. She frowned, put her phone away and continued to walk.
    Nearing her locker, Aileen could see a boy wearing a scarf sitting on the floor by it. She quickened her pace. Once she reached him, crouched in front of him. "Did I keep you waiting long?" She tilted her head and smiled.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 13, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Cookiie
    [x] Open the door.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 8, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Cookiie
    [x] Use a match on the door. (Stick it through the hole.)
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 7, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Cookiie
    Jayn, just to let you know, I edited my post with the tumblr link.
    I didn't change anything else though c:
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Cookiie
    Full Name: Aileen Elise Li
    Appearance: Here
    Age: 16
    Likes: Ballet, Music, Shopping, Movies, Teen Dramas, Sweets, Food, Stylish-yet-comfy clothing
    Dislikes: Oral presentations, insects, disorganization, being ignored, picky eaters, dieting and skipping meals
    Weaknesses/Fears: Speaking in front of large crowds, spiders, disappointment, blood
    Strengths/Talents: Ballet, Flexibility, Track, Baking, Painting
    Personality: Due to her family situation, Aileen prefers to blend in and draw no attention to herself- unless she is on-stage dancing. She prefers to keep her opinions to herself, so don't even bother asking her for one. She tells everything to her best friend, Brian James Hemmsworth; including the fact that all she wants to be is a kid for once, but can't due to her fear of disappointment...
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Contact Information: Tumblr
    Favorite Color: Pale Turquoise
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Cookiie
    [x] Turn off the flashlight.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Cookiie
    [x] Comfort Neku and Vivi
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 4, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. Cookiie
    [x] Trace finger on the carved words.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 4, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  14. Cookiie
    [OOC: Sorry for being so late, guys QQ]
    Elise, as well as the rest of group, reached dungeon. She watched and observed as Ittoki pushed open the door. His face went from one full of confidence, to one of fear. "This is not good. He's going to back out. I have to say something!"
    As she was about to open her mouth, the boy did exactly as she thought he would and ran away. Elise frowned and looked over at Mya, who was calling him to come back. Ittoki did not turn back around. "You guys don't have any second thoughts do you?" she said to Elise.
    Elise bit her bottom lip in thought. Losing a person would decrease their chances of survival incredibly, but if they did not go on, she would never be able to escape and help her sister. "L-let's keep going...I need to get out of this game...I need to..." Her voice began to fade. She sighed and stopped for a moment to take a breath. "It's going to be hard for us get through it if we are the only ones though..."
    She scanned the area to see if there was anyone else who could potentially join the party. She noticed one boy standing a few meters behind them. She took a deep breath in. "ARE YOU GOING-" she covered her mouth in embarrassment. The boy's glaring eyes forced herself to look down at the ground. She didn't mean to say it that loudly. "A-are you going into the dungeon? Because i-if you are, would you like to join our party? Only i-if you want to o-of course..."
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Cookiie
    [x] Continue on, slowly.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 3, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Cookiie
    [x] It is better to go in the dark. The statues and creatures will not find you.
    [x] Talk to Vivi about the true nature of this house.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Cookiie
    [x ] Run with everyone else into the hole. Sorry, Saxima

    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. Cookiie
    Profile Post Comment

    ahaha the same to you too c:

    ahaha the same to you too c:
    Profile Post Comment by Cookiie, Nov 1, 2012
  19. Cookiie
    [x ] Use the matches to burn the statue.
    Post by: Cookiie, Oct 31, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Cookiie
    Happy Halloween guys c:



    Well, I'm off to Grandma's house now.
    Have a nice day~
    Post by: Cookiie, Oct 31, 2012 in forum: The Playground