Nope not really, then again does anything really change around here? Anyways why did you get banned?
Ahh you just got to practice.
Mommy I'm scared o_O
Yeah, hahaha
Ahh you are unbanned i see? I am doing well how are you?
Well thats good
Well then their just jealous that you can play xD
Haha its funny as hell!!
Oh of course not i love the sound of the guitar, especially an acoustic. When i play amazing grace on my fathers Ovation it sounds like the gods...
I'll go look it up! ^_^
Not at all! I play it on my dads acoustic all the time and it sounds wonderful
Well its all finger plucking so for the most part yes the only time you hit a diffrent one is for the 3rd string as you will see in the video.
Yes it is. b^_^ hope you like it.
i don't think so
I CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!!! >_> *dies*
Slifer the executive producer!
Well here this might get you started! Its a video on how to play Simple and clean on guitar, done by yours truly....
Yeah! that was funny! Did you see the yugioh abridge movie?