It was a typo if you notice i already edited it to necroshade. and damn i could have done hat along time ago hahaha
Oh yes your so cool with your MSPaint glasses and what not. still gets Necroshade out so Nyehh *sticks tongue out*
Ahh good heres a trick to kill his Necro gardna stratagy If he does it he'll have 3 cards in his grave gracefull necro garda and necrofear on your...
It is indeed, i think i had one a long time ago in RL. It might have been fake though since my mom went to the fair a couple of years ago and...
Me too, it was fun. And you do know if you hadent have activated curse of royal i would have kicked your ass six ways to sunday ^_^ good duel
No we dissided to duel without video ex
Its alright, i can still win this thing
One more thing, whats that anime exlusive you used to gain 6 cards in your hand, i can't remember the name
...-twitch- my punk rock side says "Murder the Jonas brothers and the others too!!!" But my Aster the Best friend says "wow thats awesome, I'm not...
What band?
Hey jay, love the new profile. You think you could make me a background?
Nothing much, my trip to my brothers got postponed till june, i am going to a local punk show this sunday but thats about it. What about you?
No i have not
No problem
yeah sure..
Looked like it to me! Hahaha
Been good, how about you?
Don't worry Jay, i have a plan. Involving a very special card. You see Jay. Styx made a few mistakes in his last turn. He has no cards in his hand...
Your love sends her wishes with this [IMG] She loves you very much Jay, be good to her.