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  1. Aster Phoenix
  2. Aster Phoenix
  3. Aster Phoenix
  4. Aster Phoenix
  5. Aster Phoenix
  6. Aster Phoenix
  7. Aster Phoenix
  8. Aster Phoenix
    Profile Post

    Hey Whats up S-A?

    Hey Whats up S-A?
    Profile Post by Aster Phoenix for Sakura Angel, Apr 15, 2010
  9. Aster Phoenix
  10. Aster Phoenix
  11. Aster Phoenix
  12. Aster Phoenix
  13. Aster Phoenix
  14. Aster Phoenix
  15. Aster Phoenix
  16. Aster Phoenix
  17. Aster Phoenix
  18. Aster Phoenix
    Back sorry douch bag parents turned off internet
    anyways i figured out something cubia my inperial order disabled my mirage which means i don't have to kill my 4 cards drawn ^_^ so i keep the 4 cards, disregard the post in which i discarded 4 cards xD
    anyways last post was your solam and you showing the cards you discarded
    so to start i tribute your imperial to summon trap eater
    then i activate dimension fusion to get my 3 diamond dudes and my blade master from my RFP

    then i tribute them to summon d hero plasma!
    his ability allowing me to take your archfiend to the dark side of dueling!
    equipting him to my plasma for a 1500 point increase
    giving him 3400
    now i summon my gren muju de eiza
    who has 3600 points!
    now attack!
    -battle phase-
    Both of you attack
    (plasma first)
    equeling in more then 7000 points of damage.
    Game. set WIN!
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Apr 14, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  19. Aster Phoenix
    Hmm good play but before i contenoue, what were the 5 cards you discarded during card destruction?
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Apr 13, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  20. Aster Phoenix