I like frozen yogurt
Damn Necro Gardna has been limited. Only one per deck now. No more spamming it for defence. this is going to fuck up a lot of decks.
I finally found out wtf I'm gonna' do with my life rather then sitting on the computer play Yu-Gi-Oh intill I'm 30 (not that i wouldent) I've been homeschooled for 8 years so i am about to go into highschool I'm going to skip highschool completely (which would be a 3d online school in which everything i would learn there is like watching Mr. rogers for 15 year olds "can you say the Pythagorean therom? i knew you could") I am going to spend the next 4 years here studying my SAT and get my GED and I'm going to try to get into either deVry or ITT TECH and be a electronic engineer. . . . Yeah I feel good.
I like my alpaca fuck you gonna' do now
I like tag duels.
Here this might help.
I will if you want
Wow i now want to go more hahaha
That sounds awseome! While I'm in Georgia we're going top go to the six flags there, I've never been to six flags so I'm excited.
Yep me too, i get to go to my brothers for spring break. He lives in Georgia and we're going to warped tour.
I'm alright tired as hell, but at least for the next 4 years i don't have to do school, only study. How about you?
I'm glad he likes it, i know you worked hard on it.
Hey Blair whats up?