I mean, it's always above. Sorry bout that.
Oh, NOES!!!! *Shaks u* Are you okay!?
Yep. It hasen't snowed yet though because for some reson, it's always below when it does rain.
Hm...... So You are second youngest?
*bothers u* What was the they both yelled cullen thing then?
It is 9 out side. It just isn't snowing
Still no snow..... Thee horor.....
Is it the sis?
One, Little, Anoying, Brother.....
See ya bro!! *hugs again and telaports away*
Yeah. So New Moon was which book? (number) Tell me something random from it.
Thanks, but i don't feel like it. But thanks. *hugs* Have a cookie.
Yep. so do u have any sibblings?
I don't. Does she? jk
I know..... thats why i say my life is boring because i sit around watching tv and being bored.
I don't know, good luck. My day has been pretty rotten.....
ME? Or her? If me, then HEY! If her, HAHAHAHA!!!!! Man i am mean..... *feels bad*
Is it still snowing where you live?
Yeah well, i have nothing to do all day because i finish all of my work when i wake up.lol
Um...... sketching, Twilight, Kingdom Hearts, Music.....