*Bounces* *Bounces* *Bounces* *Bounces*
okay!! *hops onto cloud*
thanks alot. like you could do better.
Heyas! Whats up?
Thank you. So are you feeling better?
Coming!!! Whoops! *slios off clouds and hits ground head first* ouch. ouch. ouch.
He will. *slaps him again* if he knows what good for him.
Lolz. Okay. *marches up to weathor commandor and slapps his face and kicks him in sesitive area* Well, that should do it.
Well...... hm...... *walks on the floor of ocean of questions and looks for one*
Tell your weather comandor to shut up and quit taking our snow so we can have some.
Oh, sorry, maybe u should lay down. KH is trying to fatten everyone..... But i work out to much, take that socisitiy!!!! (i spelled wrong i know)
Stop stealling our snow!!! jk.
Why don't u care? Are you mad at him for something? *eats cupcake* Have some choc ice cream. *gives bowl of ice cream*
okay.... Well i told u. Are you still snowed in?
Well um, okay. So were is our bro? I told him saturday i would be on right now.
Tis okay. Everyone does. It still hasen't snowed yet.
Just my boring life. You?
I homeschool remember? But i am all done with my work.
Me too. So don't ask.lolz