I can see that. :D I posted a new thread.:D
Heyas! Whats up? I see you changed your avatar. I kinda like the other one better, but this one is good too!
Bored, so what are you doing?
I made up the storys.
I gtg! see ya!
so? Do u like the pics?
Hi! Please check out my newest thread!http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=73261
Please check out my newest thread!http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=73261
Please check out my newest thread!
I don't know for how long though.
whatever :p Thanks! I like them too! Um..... Okay......
Is that good or bad to u? I just like the name isabella what is wrong with that? :)
Good, i just made a new thread!
Pretty good i just made a new thread!
I is back again!
Heyas! whats up?
okay...... Is that good? Thanks! I like to think about this kind of stuff. Yes i have! It is my favorite book!
Here is something I did because I was bored; these are some random anime pics and some info about the characters. Name: Isabella Class: Vampire Powers: Vampire stuff. Appearance: View attachment 2203 Gender: Female Bio: She is a powerful vampire is as old as time itself, yet she remains beautiful and youthful. She is fast, strong, and stealthy. She does not suck human blood. Side: Good. P.s This is not from twilight I just like the name. Name: Lathena Class: Other Powers: she has chains she uses as whips and she can scratch her opponents with catlike claws she also has dark magic. Appearance: View attachment 2204 Gender: Female Bio: She was has a dark past that she doesn’t talk much about. She has changed and turned into something she can’t believe herself….. Side: Evil Name: Nathaniel Class: Mage Powers: Powers of light, he can manipulate time and stop it for a short period as well. Appearance: View attachment 2205 Gender: Male Bio: He doesn’t know were he came from or what era, but he believes he is here for a reason…… Side: Good Name: Rina Class: Ninja Powers: She has ninja weapons and artillery; she also has a few dark powers she has mastered. Appearance: View attachment 2202 Gender: Female Bio: She was left at the doorstep of an old ninja who took her in. She mastered the dark arts and all ninja techniques there is, she stealthy, powerful….. And Hot! Side: Good Names: Icy (left) and Ember (right) Class: Mage / Human Powers: Icy can control artic winds and water and do just about any thing! And Ember can control fire and magma! Appearances: View attachment 2206 Genders: Females Bios: They are twins who kick butt and take names! They are humans who were able to learn magic and are both accomplished mages. Sides: Good I have sooo many more pics and lots more info in my head! Please comment and tell me if you want me to make more!
tell me about that next time, i want to know, see yaz! P.s i left user note. x