ok now were exactly r u at?
xD ok good luck.......... if u need help http://pwi-wiki.perfectworld.com/index.php/Main_Page
alrighty i'll go to ur hometown xD but aftr i do this quest XXDD
xD human rite?
xD is ur character in the world now?
i picked psychic xD get a class u like or think tat fits u best xD
wat class did u pick? O.o
haha lol i no its bother some xD .........btw hehe i took Umi's name xD made it as my character's name XXD cuz i liked Umi's name
in the server heaven's tear rite?
xD make sure ur in the server heaven's tear
i gtgs now byes nice talking to u xD
xD u should tell ranz to play too xD
xD lol when u make a character tell me xD
u hav to downland it .....takes about 4 hours >.>
ikr xD its fun~ish
Perfect World International [SPOILER]
playing a computer game xD
lol XD so wat u doing?