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  1. heartless_angel
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. heartless_angel

    Mya continued slashing all around her until she realized it wasn't getting anywhere as the tendrils consumed more of the land. Leo's right. We gotta fall back. What her problem is that the soldiers wouldn't stop firing. She had a difficult time makig her way to the Eidolon as soldiers, dead or alive, sprayed bullets all over the place.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. heartless_angel
    I really didn't think more of a story was needed. According to the history of Final Fantasy, all of the sequel games had pretty bad reputation. X-2, Dirge of Cerberus, ect. Don't get me wrong. I love SE, but sometimes, they're too honest. They take criticism seriously. Like FF XIV. They held back the PS3 version of it because people craped all over it. It's about the same situation here. I loved XIII ending. An extension could make some people like me confused. I'm already swarming with questions on XIII-2. Where's Lightning? Where's the others? (Besides Hope). Why is there a new type of enemy? Who's Atlas? Once the full game comes out, Ill probably have more questions. Buying the game or not, I'm still deciding.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 29, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  4. heartless_angel
    I know I'm wrong, but I'll say it always. I think XIII-2 is an APOLOGY game. Maybe if people didn't crap so much on XIII, then they wouldn't have made XIII-2. If you noticed, they added towns, NPCs, and all the stuff people *****ed about not having. I'm probably not gonna buy this. XIII is perfect the way it is. It never needed a sequel or a modification. Maybe if people didn't complain so much, then SE maybe would work on XIII Versus or KH 3 (I'm pretty sure half of the people who complained about the delays on Versus and KH also *****ed about XIII)
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 29, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  5. heartless_angel
    Mya smiled. Sounds great Kurisu. Let's get back before Lynne starts murdering all the doctors in the hospital.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. heartless_angel
    Sasha picked up Karol. I'll take him in. She tugged him onto her back and carried her in.

    Grey carried Mya in as well.

    Hark landed next to Leyna and headed inside the building.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. heartless_angel
  8. heartless_angel
  9. heartless_angel
    Ugh it doesn't matter. I'm ditching this RP anyways. I don't even know why I made it. Close it plox.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. heartless_angel
    That's right. For the old hardcore fans, you may know what I'm talking about. My first RP on this site. IT'S BACK 8DDD

    To sign up, please go to the link posted below.

    Story- Dragons. Exotic creatures that roam the land of Aishia. Some are more popular than others. Some aren't. They were created to live alongside men and befirend them. That was not the case. The Fire region declared war and allied with the Dark region while the rest allied with the Light region and fought for 100 years. It collapsed. The Dark and Light regions were wiped off the land and were told to never be remembered again. The Fire region has been restricted to all people. Though the war is over, the motives are not. The Fire is planning. A plan that threatens the very land which people are oblivious to.

    Geography- The land of Aishia is a giant island separated into 6 major regions (8 if counting light and dark). Here are the info you'll need.

    Fire- A barren wasteland covered by molten rock and rainig fire. Population is a slim 250. The king rules with an iron fist. People caught entering or leaving are executed immediatly on the spot. The most aggressive dragons are found here. They have one of the highest attack power, but slower than the average dragon. They will attack anything on sight and brutally difficult to master. A non-friendly territory. Weak against water

    Water- Called "The land of Serenity." Very peaceful and very calm land. Also romantic with calm oceans, smooth sand beaches, and homes built ontop of water. This is where many starter dragon trainers learn and tame their first dragon. Water dragons are very friendly and easy to handle, but aren't very aggressive unless met by a fire dragon. Friendly territory. Weak against lightning

    Lightning- A town built on a mountain always raining and stormy. Very difficult to reach as flying is extremely risky. Lightning dragons are difficult to handle and neutral to humans. They make upfor their poor power with their agility. Fastest dragon after the extinction of Light dragons. Neutral land. Weak against earth

    Earth- The land of the wealthy. This is where the most wealthy dragon trainers and nobles live. People are very snotty and rude to poor people. Many contests and arenas are held here for entertainment. Earth dragons are very powerful, but friendly and somewhat easy to handle. Friendly land. Weak against wind

    Nature- The forest land. To surprise, they do not have a native dragon. It's basically a peaceful haven to dragons who want to rest. A mysterious temple lies in ruins in the middle of the forest. No one knows why. Natives here aren't very friendly though.

    Wind- Not a good vacationing place. Winds are always blowing at high speeds. Meant for endurance training for dragons. Wind dragons are friendly, but hard to handle. Very tough, but that's about it. Weak against fire

    Light- One of the ancient regions. Now all it lays is a smoldering ruin in the center of the island next to the remains of the Dark region. Light dragons are the fastest and uses it's speed to attack enemies by their weak spots. Weak against dark. Only 1 light dragon is known to be alive

    Dark- The other ancient region. Dark dragons are brutally aggressive. The strength of 500000 earth and fire dragons combined. Only one os known to exist. Weak against light.

    Dragon Info- Now that you learned a bit about them, here's more food for thought.

    -They can speak to you telepathically

    -You can RP as a dragon, but please ask me first

    -None of the dragons are identical

    -They can detect human emotions

    -Have an intrest to human hair

    -Heres a big thing. You can have hybrid dragons. HERE'S THE CATCH. If they are hit by an element they are weak to, they will take 4x the damage, not 2x. So choose your risks wisely.


    1. No godmod or PP (I might in some cases)

    2. Keep everything in a PG-13 range

    3. Only 3 OCs per char (You can make more if they die/go away)

    4. I am strict to your ditching. It irritates me A LOT. if you do not post within 5 days, I will assume you ditched and kill your character unless notified. NO EXCUSES

    5. Please try not to "take over" the RP. if you have ideas, please cofirm them to me first. I'd love to try to pot your ideas through.

    6. Rules can and will be changed.

    7. If you read everything so far, put "100" in your post.

    8. Has fun peeps :3

    OC Form-





    Type of Dragon:



    Thread by: heartless_angel, Aug 26, 2011, 190 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. heartless_angel
    That's right. For the old hardcore fans, you may know what I'm talking about. My first RP on this site. IT'S BACK 8DDD

    Story- Dragons. Exotic creatures that roam the land of Aishia. Some are more popular than others. Some aren't. They were created to live alongside men and befirend them. That was not the case. The Fire region declared war and allied with the Dark region while the rest allied with the Light region and fought for 100 years. It collapsed. The Dark and Light regions were wiped off the land and were told to never be remembered again. The Fire region has been restricted to all people. Though the war is over, the motives are not. The Fire is planning. A plan that threatens the very land which people are oblivious to.

    Geography- The land of Aishia is a giant island separated into 6 major regions (8 if counting light and dark). Here are the info you'll need.

    Fire- A barren wasteland covered by molten rock and rainig fire. Population is a slim 250. The king rules with an iron fist. People caught entering or leaving are executed immediatly on the spot. The most aggressive dragons are found here. They have one of the highest attack power, but slower than the average dragon. They will attack anything on sight and brutally difficult to master. A non-friendly territory. Weak against water

    Water- Called "The land of Serenity." Very peaceful and very calm land. Also romantic with calm oceans, smooth sand beaches, and homes built ontop of water. This is where many starter dragon trainers learn and tame their first dragon. Water dragons are very friendly and easy to handle, but aren't very aggressive unless met by a fire dragon. Friendly territory. Weak against lightning

    Lightning- A town built on a mountain always raining and stormy. Very difficult to reach as flying is extremely risky. Lightning dragons are difficult to handle and neutral to humans. They make upfor their poor power with their agility. Fastest dragon after the extinction of Light dragons. Neutral land. Weak against earth

    Earth- The land of the wealthy. This is where the most wealthy dragon trainers and nobles live. People are very snotty and rude to poor people. Many contests and arenas are held here for entertainment. Earth dragons are very powerful, but friendly and somewhat easy to handle. Friendly land. Weak against wind

    Nature- The forest land. To surprise, they do not have a native dragon. It's basically a peaceful haven to dragons who want to rest. A mysterious temple lies in ruins in the middle of the forest. No one knows why. Natives here aren't very friendly though.

    Wind- Not a good vacationing place. Winds are always blowing at high speeds. Meant for endurance training for dragons. Wind dragons are friendly, but hard to handle. Very tough, but that's about it. Weak against fire

    Light- One of the ancient regions. Now all it lays is a smoldering ruin in the center of the island next to the remains of the Dark region. Light dragons are the fastest and uses it's speed to attack enemies by their weak spots. Weak against dark. Only 1 light dragon is known to be alive

    Dark- The other ancient region. Dark dragons are brutally aggressive. The strength of 500000 earth and fire dragons combined. Only one os known to exist. Weak against light.

    Dragon Info- Now that you learned a bit about them, here's more food for thought.

    -They can speak to you telepathically
    -You can RP as a dragon, but please ask me first
    -None of the dragons are identical
    -They can detect human emotions
    -Have an intrest to human hair
    -Heres a big thing. You can have hybrid dragons. HERE'S THE CATCH. If they are hit by an element they are weak to, they will take 4x the damage, not 2x. So choose your risks wisely.

    1. No godmod or PP (I might in some cases)
    2. Keep everything in a PG-13 range
    3. Only 3 OCs per char (You can make more if they die/go away)
    4. I am strict to your ditching. It irritates me A LOT. if you do not post within 5 days, I will assume you ditched and kill your character unless notified. NO EXCUSES
    5. Please try not to "take over" the RP. if you have ideas, please cofirm them to me first. I'd love to try to pot your ideas through.
    6. Rules can and will be changed.
    7. If you read everything so far, put "100" in your post.
    8. Has fun peeps :3

    OC Form-
    Type of Dragon:
    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Mya Tayes
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Type of Dragon: Light/Lightning
    Weapon(s): Sword
    Bio: Born on the worst of times. As a young girl, her family was the leader of a revolt against the Fire government. She suffered for it. They took Mya, stabbed nails into her body, whipped her, burned half of her body, and tossed her half dead body into the Nature Forest left to die. As she was on the edge of dying, a dragon carried her tithe Water region to be nursed back to health which took a year. As she recovered, her parents were killed in a failed revolt. Her recovery wasn't great. She was a target to many low scum Earth nobles. It was not a good 5 year process. Nonetheless, she had to go on. She swore to avenge her family and decided to tame the dragon that saved her.
    Other: Very cheerful and passionate.

    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Xane Dire
    Age: 30
    Type of Dragon: Fire/Dark?
    Weapon(s): Giant claymore
    Bio: Born from a noble family, Xane was a special person. He could read the minds of dragons. He did it for his own greed though. He now owns half of the dragons living in the Fire. He himself tortured Mya and ditched her in the forest as well as executing her family as well. He is planning something...but what?
    Other: Cruel and sharp. He rules with an iron fist.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Aug 26, 2011, 39 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. heartless_angel

    No this is not related to zombies/resident evil in any way. Very dark/disturbing RP. You have been warned.

    Prologue- Journal Entry 1342: It's not working. The people are restless. More bodies are beige stacked into the factory. It won't stop. It's getting more deadlier and lethal every day. Even I have caught it. It won't be long until I die. My notes are in the safe. It's the closest thing to finding a cure. Why did I agree? I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry. I tru-

    The rest of the entry is covered in blood and not readable.

    It's the year 2437. The world has gone to hell. The earth population is 2 million. The rest died off in the virus infection. 1million of them have the disease, but in a non lethal form. Streets are deserted. People live off by survival of the fittest. The government is either dead or in hiding. Chances of starting all over is slim to none. If there was an objective, it would be to find a cure. Help people. It won't be long until the virus enhances itself.

    TN-45- The name of the virus. Originally, it was used for biological warfare. At first it worked. Afterwards, it adapted quickly and swept across the globe. It is extremely contagious. Only a handful of people have natural immunities against it. Pills were made, but it only stalls the process. There are 5 stages.

    Stage 1: Coughs and maybe a sore throat. Nothing to serious.

    Stage 2: Flu like symptoms and maybe some internal bleeding.

    Stage 3: Serious flu, bad cramps, malaria like symptoms, and paranoia

    Stage 4: Insanity, delirium, major internal bleeding, possible organ failure.

    Stage 5: Suicidal thoughts, heart and liver failure, severe bleeding, slurred thoughts, complete shutdown of body. Basically death.


    1. No godmodding or power playing (I might do it)

    2. Keep things in a R rated area. Yes even romance you lovesick fools >_>

    3. I am the enforcer. If you break a rule, you will get only 1 warning.

    4. Do NOT ditch the RP. I hate it and it stalls there RP. If you do not respond by 3 days, I will kill off your character unless stated. NO EXCEPTIONS

    5. Do not kill other player w/o my permission.

    6. Try writing a good amount.

    7. If you read up to here so far, write, "Hope is Lost." In your post.

    8. Enjoy :3

    OC Form- Limit 2



    Age (at least 18 plz):



    Status (Infected of Clean):

    Level (Ignore if Clean):



    Username: heartless_angel

    Name: Mya Scander

    Age (at least 18 plz): 19

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapon(s): None, but has training and experience

    Status (Infected of Clean): Infected

    Level (Ignore if Clean): 3

    Bio: Born in a very wealthy family, Mya had a bright future. She was accepted into a major art collage until the disease hit. Her 5 siblings and parents died in the outbreak. She was a target by many insane males and had to flee. Eventually she caught the virus and helped people smuggle in virus pills. She's currently searching for evidence of a famous inventor who left behind notes about the virus.

    Other: Very sad, emotional, but tries to help. Sort of moody since the virus is affecting her.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Aug 25, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. heartless_angel


    No this is not related to zombies/resident evil in any way. Very dark/disturbing RP. You have been warned.

    OOC site:

    Prologue- Journal Entry 1342: It's not working. The people are restless. More bodies are beige stacked into the factory. It won't stop. It's getting more deadlier and lethal every day. Even I have caught it. It won't be long until I die. My notes are in the safe. It's the closest thing to finding a cure. Why did I agree? I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry. I tru-

    The rest of the entry is covered in blood and not readable.

    It's the year 2437. The world has gone to hell. The earth population is 2 million. The rest died off in the virus infection.1million of them have the disease, but in a non lethal form. Streets are deserted. People live off by survival of the fittest. The government is either dead or in hiding. Chances of starting all over is slim to none. If there was an objective, it would be to find a cure. Help people. It won't be long until the virus enhances itself.

    TN-45- The name of the virus. Originally, it was used for biological warfare. At first it worked. Afterwards, it adapted quickly and swept across the globe. It is extremely contagious. Only a handful of people have natural immunities against it. Pills were made, but it only stalls the process. There are 5 stages.

    Stage 1: Coughs and maybe a sore throat. Nothing to serious.

    Stage 2: Flu like symptoms and maybe some internal bleeding.

    Stage 3: Serious flu, bad cramps, malaria like symptoms, and paranoia

    Stage 4: Insanity, delirium, major internal bleeding, possible organ failure.

    Stage 5: Suicidal thoughts, heart and liver failure, severe bleeding, slurred thoughts, complete shutdown of body. Basically death.

    1. No godmodding or power playing (I might do it)
    2. Keep things in a R rated area. Yes even romance you lovesick fools >_>
    3. I am the enforcer. If you break a rule, you will get only 1 warning.
    4. Do NOT ditch the RP. I hate it and it stalls there RP. If you do not respond by 3 days, I will kill off your character unless stated. NO EXCEPTIONS
    5. Do not kill other player w/o my permission.
    6. Try writing a good amount.
    7. If you read up to here so far, write, "Hope is Lost." In your post.
    8. Up to 2 ocs. You can make more if they die.
    9. Enjoy

    Thread by: heartless_angel, Aug 25, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. heartless_angel
    Hark frowned as he followed Leyna. Umm...Leyna? Are you sure we're heading the right way? Why are we at a human base?
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. heartless_angel
    OOC: Derp? Bumpies :D
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. heartless_angel
    Grey stayed silent as they continued flying, eying Mya every once in a while.

    Sasha waited as the were headed for their destination. Something doesn't feel right...
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. heartless_angel
    Mya nodded, agreeing to Kurisu. What he said. Well we're done with our stuff so don't worry. So's Lynne?
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. heartless_angel
    OOC: Ugh I meant Mya above. And yes he is coming. I shall explain soon.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 21, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. heartless_angel
    Mya sighed and scratched her head. So much for keeping a low profile. She could already see some people looking towards their direction.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. heartless_angel
    Hark shot off and flew beside Leyna
    Grey watched as they took to the skies. He stared down at Mya, examining her. He spoke, but only in a whisper. I'm sorry.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Aug 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home