Tobias listened to what the Redanian Commander had to say. "And where do you propose we go then Representative Zavarius? And if you have the city surrounded how do you envision us leaving, further more what guarantee can you give me that you won't attack me and slaughter my children as soon as we leave this city?" Tobias replied. "My Children have bled enough, if we can solve this without bloodshed I would prefer it that way. I have a proposition for you, if you pull back your troops so I can be certain you will not attack us as we leave this place." Tobias offered, still not showing himself. The second match wasn't as easy as the first one and it last for 21 rounds before it finally came to a conclusion. It was a hardfought game. One that Alastar lost, but only narrowly. "You're a damn good player" The Merchant said. "You ain't so bad yourself." Alastar replied. "Been a while since I have met such a good opponent. Guess it comes with the proffesion." The merchant didn't know what to say to that aside from offering another round of cards , Alastar thanked and asked if the Merchant had any stories to tell. Alastar bought a round for the two of them and listened as he recounted the story of the Zanguebarian striped horse he had gone through a lot of trouble to acquire, lost and reclaimed several times only to find out he had been scammed. Alastar listened attentively especially when the part came where the man claimed to have extracted the beast from a Wyvern Nest, all by himself. It didn't matter that it may have been boastfull it distracted him and that's what mattered to him at this moment. Sigmund listened to what Matilda had to say "Very well, go get your things then. It is good that you came when you did, too much longer and I may have been gone. I hope your brothers will be alright, but with a sister like yourself how couldn't they be? Send your older brother my regards." He let her in the house, closing the door behind her, not having seen Seth, Tessa and Adolin, and left her to her own devices as she had explained. While he himself was packing things for the journey, he could just teleport towards his old friend, he didn't. He had been in the house for too long and figured that a nice journey like this would do him well. He finished up packing and waited to let Matilda out of the house before leaving himself.
Since meeting up with the Commander again he had done as little as possible in the way of possibly angering her. Back on board he had immediatly grabbed a hot shower, made his report, saw to the paperwork regarding Grayburns death and had gotten back into the lighter armour he wore on board, eventhough the ship was protected with shields and several inches of armour plating. He had headed for the briefing room and attended the debriefing, he had defended his actions down there and knew full well there were gonna be repercussions for him. The fact they were going to launch a rescue mission for an ensign was a curious little note, but he refrained from remarking or questioning, he had already done enought today to piss everyone off, it did mean that if she were so special he really was gonna have it coming, but it seemed there were some unusual circumstances that might add a little leniency. He tried to figure out what they could be after accesing that data. If there wasn't anything important in there for them they wouldn't go out of their way to get it, unless that was a false flag. The technology to just deploy forces without shuttles did pique his interest. If the Coalition had that sort of tech, Dietrich could only dream of their increased capability in logistics and troop deployment, that technology may well be decades away for the Coalition to acquire unless they could capure this ship to reverse engineer it. He was then ordered by the Captain to escort Doctor Saturday towards his quarters. The Alien lifeform was resting both hands on his cane and looking expectantly at him. Dietrich couldn't surpress a smile "Alright, come with me, Mr Saturday" Dietrich said leading the way.
Hendrick was glad Corvo had listened to reason, as Corvo cleared up that situation with Yorrick, Hendrick waited outside with Roxanne. He could hear the shot fired by the Inquisitor inside the Institute. When Corvo came back out and said they had a Vampire King to find. "Agreed, let's go, hope you don't mind hoofing it a little." Hendrick said, they had quite a bit to go for Hotel DuMort. They walked through the streets as the sun was rising in the east. When headed there he walked next to Roxanne, the charge life had thrusted into his care. The finally arrived at the Hotel and he entered through the front door going in first. It was quiet but with Vampires that didn't mean much. However seeing the first room they hit was empty too started to rouse his suspicion. "Okay, this is odd...." Hendrick said as he lead them throughout the cleared out Hotel. "I think we got ourselves a problem here..." Aethelrick had kept to himself having the request granted, he went along with the group as they traveled back to New York, where Gaia gave them some tips and instructions. "Does anyone mind if I tag along to go visit Clarity?" Aethelrick asked out loud to both Ash and Alarick, after all if they were going with what Gaia had said then both of them should be headed there. After he had an answer he sent a text to Hendrick saying they were back in NYC Shadi had attended to his own matters and done some training when the people were granted their requests, while his mastery of the shotel and Kopesh was briliant he knew that such technique had to be maintained if he wanted to keep it all up. He had also learned not to practice alone as it would only cement your flaws in your work. When the time to travel came he too tagged along with the Queen when she had given instructions to the others he approached her and asked "My Lady, what would you have me do?"
Hendrik watched as Yorick shuffled over to them, just an empty shell. "Corvo we should go, we can't be distracted from our objective. Look at Yorick, take a damn good look at him, he is a useless empty shell. This is all a waste of time, if you really want Yorick atleast put him out of his damn misery cause that ain't the man, just the remains of a man already dead." Hendrick said rather angry that they were wasting precious time. The sooner the alliance would be made the better it would be for them. "I am not gonna waste my time on a useless asset." Hendrick said "Come with me if you want, but this serves no point. There is nothing to be gained from this only losses to be made." Hendrick said stalking off in the direction of said objective.
Within the City a single Ghoul rushed towards Tobias delivering he message that Zavarius had brought wishing to speak for an arrangement. If they could come to an arrangement it could mean the prevention of the massacre of his children. Tobias headed for the gate and he went up ontop but remained out of sight behind the battlements to prevent a ranged hit. "You are speaking to the leader. My name is Tobias, who am I adressing?" The man asked shouting. "I am willing to parley with you to prevent bloodshed." There was a knock on the door of the house, Sigmund hadn't been present at the murder of the Dopplers in the city, instead remaining at home, it was purely an act of populism, not surprising, people needed someone to blame and the King presented them with someone to blame. Sigmund headed for the door with a letter in hand, a letter from his old friend, requesting his aide at the Kaer, help with the Trial of the Grasses, it wouldn't be the first time for him to help out with these with his old friend, he opened the door and saw Mathilda standing in the doorway, minus Seth and Tessa.... "Good afternoon Mathilda, I didn't expect you back so soon, much less on your own, what happened?" The old mage asked. Alastar was quite enjoying the game of Gwent as it provided a distraction, kept his mind occupied from the guilt for what happened to his neice. He knew what had happened and he doubted she wanted him to beat himself up over it, despite the promise. Like the time after he had attacked her on accident. He felt guilty then an initially she let him feel that way, but she'd tell him to stop beating himself up over it, that she was alright and had forgiven him for what he had done, knowing it wasn't his intention. Now that moment wouldn't come, he knew that. He took another sip of his Temerian Rye and placed the final card winning him the game. He agreed to another match and ordered another drink.
There were some odd sounds as a new voice spoke through the Communicator "Greetings lifeform, got a name? It bugs me when I don't know names and have to refer to folks in all kinds of different manners for an extended time." He listened to the suggestion and wasn't gonna explain why he had made his. If the commander wanted support quicker then if the converged it would be there quicker. The Commander then came back telling him that they had a lot of talking to do, only confirming his gut feeling."Understood converging on your position Ma'am. Winters out." He looked over the people with him, something caught his eye and he wondered why he hadn't noticed it earlier. Pavlov being bored out of his bloody mind was calling someone, the lad didn't carry a weapon. "Pavlov, what the hell happened to your weapon?" Winters asked, the lad had had a machine gun on him and they were something that you always noticed leaving behind somewhere, a little liberating really, but still. He waited for the lads response. "Well, since Grayburn bought the farm we got a weapon free, might keep you occupied a little bit." He turned to Hackett "Give him a HESU, swap one out if you have to, but make it happen." Hackett then made sure to get Pavlov a HESU as they headed for their RV point. Winters would chat with the lad, but they were still in an active combat zone, no telling ho wmany pirates were left and chatting would be a distraction, something that he didn't want at this point.
Name: Baldomar Ererim Age: 36 Class: Barbarian Weapon(s): Warhammer Armour: Leather Appearance: Long black hair, brown eyes and a rough beard, relatively muscular, just your average barbarian Personality: It's Baldy no more explanation needed Backstory: After his previous adventures he once again returned back to his hometown, after a while Elder Greenbeard(No not to be confused with Treebeard) got fed up with him and laced some of his lentil soup with mushrooms that would weaken the barbarian, who immediatly threw a fit, and left the place in search of another journey to grow stronger once more. He got wind of this so called adventurers society and decided why not join them, it's not like he'd run into anyone that he knew, where ever they had gone. Base Attributes: 5 Strength 5 Constitution 1 Agility 0 Precision 4 Magic 2 Faith 3 Intelligence 0 Charisma Level 3 Attribute: Strength Level 2 Attribute: Constitution Name: Conrad Heinrich Adelbrecht Carsten von Eisenstein III Age: 24 Class: Tank Weapon(s): Greatsword Armour: Heavy Appearance: Personality:Kind, caring, perceptive. Backstory: Conrad had been born in Whytehold and like many of it's citizens was trained to be a warrior. He graduated from one of the many military academies and took up arms for Whytehold on a handful occasions. After one of the engagements he was discharged and he heard about the adventurers' society and decided to try his luck there. Base Attributes: 4 Strength 5 Constitution 3 Agility 1 Precision 0 Magic 0 Faith 4 Intelligence 3 Charisma Level 3 Attribute: Constitution Level 2 Attribute: Strength Name: Ulrich Haltzenor Age: 25 Class: Half-golem Weapon(s): Flail and Towershield Armour: Heavy Appearance: Average height, short, well kept blonde hair and blue eyes. Relatively strong build and his left arm and lower left leg were replaced with stone prosthetics Personality: - Backstory: Ulrich grew up in the city of Haven, nothing too ridiculous happening, joined the townguard for the lower city when two years ago all went to hell and he lost his left arm and his left leg below the knee. A mage helped him out with this problem resulting in a stone arm and stone lower leg. Base Attributes: 4 Strength 5 Constitution 1 Agility 1 Precision 5 Magic 0 Faith 3 Intelligence 1 Charisma Level 3 Attribute: Magic Level 2 Attribute: Strength
"He went with the others on ome important mission, I really don't know the details." Hendrik explained and nodded at the request if he wanted to sweep the place. He was glad he was chosen to do it, because if they were abandoning ship so to speak he wasn't gonna leave things behind. Corvo had already written himself into the good book, however that wasn't for him to decide. While Corvo was out of the book of enemies, he would have to prove himself a reliable ally if he wantedto get in his good books. Hendrik se out to sweep through the Institute, room by room, checking if there hadn't been anyone else in the Institute anymore, the wolves appeared to have packed up and left. When he got to his own room he looked at the damage that had been done in the struggle, then headed for his nightstand taking out a small box, easily fitting in one's handpalm, checked the contents and put it away in one of his pockets. He finished his round coming up with nothing worthy of reporting, headed back to report to Corvo, finding him pointing his gun at a fae, who had Yorrick. He decided to stay quiet and watch how this situation developed, he was wary though, fae were known for their deceit. Aethelrick glad he fulfilled the request, considered for a moment what to ask of Gaia and when he had decided he spoke, unlike the Narrator who was uncertain as to what to ask however when he does, he shall let i known privately.
Aethelrick was prepared for more physicly involved Trials as the other two had been, not really expecting the presence in his mind. His first reaction was to try and force it out, after all everone was allowed the sanctuary of their own mind, which was currently being violated. He knew it was futile and instead gave up after a few moments of useless struggle, he now listened to what the presence asked of him. It asked why he went out of his way to help these people, if he only returned when it was convenient for him to return to his parabatai. That last claim made him angry he hadn't had any chance before this was the first opportunity that he had but getting angry about this served no point, he knew she was wrong in that regard. Why am I going out of my way to help these people? Well these are my brothers allies that are caught in a very tight spot. In coming to my brother in New York I too got caught in this mess, I can walk away from it saying it isn't my problem, but that would be turning my back on my brother too and that is something I won't do. And we're all in this boat together now.
The unit had opened fire as one and caught the pirates out in the open. Without any cover to protect them the unit of pirates got entirely destroyed. Winters rose from his cover scanned the area for a moment. He walked up to where the leader of the unit had fallen, took out his pistol and shot him one more time "That's for Grayburn" He said softly, he directed his group of people including Pavlov to collect Grayburn's body, as they picked it up he received the communication from the Commander, she didn't sound very happy. Couldn't argue, not that he didn't intend to go support anyways. Frost was given the task of carrying Grayburn, while the others formed up around Pavlov and him to move towards the Commander. "We're already on our way, Ma'am, approaching on a North Eastern vector, if I may make a suggesting fall back in our direction." Winters said before giving a sharp gesture, moving towards the sounds of battle, eyes peeled. He knew he was gonna get **** from the Commander from the tone she had spoken, they'd double time it to her before this went further south than it already had.
Alastar had made the long treck to White Orchard as the cold snow fell from the skies. Nothing that he as a Skelliger couldn't handle as the bearschool armour was thickly padded to help protect him from the elements. Protection or not the Witcher was still glad to finally find some sort of decent shelter. He walked down the slippery snowy roads into the small village walking with an inborn ease through the snow. He went for the door on the largest building in town, the inn. He stepped inside brushed the worst of the mud off and sat himself down at one of the tables. He sat down as the Inn keeper came to him asking him what he wanted, first things first, he decided to stuck up on some supplies and a nice cold cup of Temerian Rye. As the Witcher enjoyed his drink a balding fellow joined him at his table. "You're not from around here, what brings you here?" Alastar looked, not the usual treatment for Witchers, but he'd take it. "I'm looking for someone, girl, medium height, medium long brown hair, carries a long bow around, might be traveling alone or in the company of other witchers." Alastar said, the man shook his head. "Haven't seen any other Witchers around here in a long time, Master." Alastar nodded, figured as much it was only a small village after all even if it lay on the main road with roads to both Novigrad and Vizima, the man left him alone again and after Alastar had finished his drink he went about the other guests of the inn, most telling him to leave them alone as he was a freak. Some outright stood up and walked out. Though one man, a merchant from Maribor asked him if he had some time for a game of Gwent, saying that because of the weather he wouldn't travel on and it didn't appear to be changing any time soon. Alastar figured he could use the downtime to distract himself and agreed to the merchant's offer getting out his Northern Kingdoms deck as they started to lay down some cards.
Hendrick rubbed his chin in thought as he considered what Corvo said about staying on the move and more importantly on the Aethelrick issue. "Staying on the move sounds like a plan, but we'll be caught in the open, easy prey to be ripped to shreds. But it's better than any plan I got." Hendrick replied "As for the wolves Rhett is a mutual acquaintence of Brianne and mine, don't know the other wolf to be honest, so I can't tell you anything about that." He paced around thinking. "I am not sure, hell I know he's here for me and I don't think you two will get along too well. I'm not even sure what the hell you'd want his help for, I really don't fancy your chances of getting it, but hey no harm in trying. Gotta wait for him to come back though. If he comes back...Before we leave though, we ned to sweep through the Institute, make sure we didn't leave anyone behind." Aethelrick had followed and stood there wondering when his trial would come, well it wasn't too much of a stretch to think Gaia could read minds if she was so powerful, but he decided to speak up. As he was prepared to face whatever this next bloody trial was now. "Ready for the Trial." Aethel spoke out loud.
The bear school witcher kept on moving down the empty dirt road, following along the course of a river though a nice grassy plain seperated him from the river still, on his other hand were wooded mountain slopes as he kept on moving south. He spotted a deer in said woods and an idea came to mind to release some of this anger. The thrill of a hunting, the chase. He kept a hand on one of the pouches on his belt containing Mardroeme. No his supplies of it were limited here on the mainland and he'd like to preserve it all. And it would only result in the guilty not receiving his full fury. No instead he would try to preserve it within for when the moment came for retribution. He didn't have to think for two anymore, trying to not subject his neice to too much horror, but he didn't mind that as they shared the blood in their veins. He'd get awoken from meditation in the middle of the night as she tossed and turned. Atleast she slept, the first week after she had found him she wouldn't close her eyes to sleep at all, gradually getting better as he asured her that he wouldn't let anything like that happen to her again, that he'd keep her safe, in spite of knowing this world was chaotic in nature and he would be unable to stop everything that the world threw their way, including his own murderous tendencies after he turned. Atleast she was in a better place now, his mind wandered again if she had suffered in her last moments or not. What might have gone through her, only turning into him feeling more guilty for failing her, but he would avenge her. He swore it on the forefathers.
Alastar went down the roads towards the South still not paying too much attention as to where exactly he was going as the anger continued to burn within him. That stupid girl didn't understand, hoping against the odds, he had seen what had become of the Kaer, it was a near guarantee that she was dead. All because they trusted that mage, all because he let her hand slip away. If he would find who did this, no mountain would be able to save this individual from his wrath, even if it meant his own death, he didn't care as long as the vengeance would be executed. He stormed on down the quiet roads, perhaps it was for the better there weren't any other people around. Monsters seemed to leave him alone now too, though a good fight might help with releasing some of this anger. He cursed the nameless person who had done this beneath his breath. He wondered if she had suffered or if it had been quick and painless. He silently hoped for the latter, as the Witcher barreled down the dirt road following it to where ever it may lead him, someone was gonna pay for this **** and he would collect the payment.
Well, they had it the combined arms apparantly worked. Showered in dirt and pelted with rocks, he looked like a right mess, the dirt of course not helping in that regard. They had succeeded once again, how close it had been for them he was uncertain but alteast Vo didn't say it was by the skin of their teeth so that was something. When Vo told them to follow her he went along not saying too much, the walking experience wasn't too pleasant but he just sucked it all up and kept on going. He was mentally preparing himself about the final Trial that Vo mentioned, the first one involved bloody leaves and shooting each other, now they had been pelted with dirt and rocks, he had no idea to expect of the last trial and it bugged him slightly not knowing what he was getting himself into. Hendrik listened to what Corvo had to say and snorted when he said he wasn't his enemy. "I'll be the judge of that but for now you get the benefit of the doubt, seeing Brianne seemed to trust you." Hendrick said, letting the anger cool down a bit. Brianne's condition had seemed pretty bad and perhaps it was for the best that she went with Hestia. He just hoped that down the road there would be time to talk. "It's okay Roxi, we're all on edge, the situation is far from normal, I know you don't mean to cause issues, just keep on trying. I know you can do it." Hendrick said again trying to comfort Roxanne, then turning back to Corvo "As for the safe house, I don't know there was one but I am uncertain whether or not it is compromised. This place is hallowed ground as Brianne said, Titania herself can't get in here, but I guess that doesn't mean she can't drop the building on us or send her knights in to kill us. So it's either stay here or go to that place of yours Roxanne." The Nephilim said giving his two cents on the matter.
Winter's plan was working, to draw them out in the open, it was perfect. If only they had a machine gun set up to absolutely annihalate them in one fell swoop it would have been absolutely briliant, but he had to work with what they had on them. In his peripheral vision he noticed something up in the air, when he looked he realised what it was and cursed, which resulted in a string of cursing as an ion burst struck his shoulder. There wasn't time to analyse right now as he fell back in the fighting retreat. When they found some good cover winters looked left and right and nodded. As on the unit fired, Winters now stopped using short controlled burst and went for more sustained bursts hoping the spread would result in more damage spread. After the sustained fire the Lieutenant Commander lowered himself into cover, letting his other men keep on the pressure on these bastards. "Ma'am..... I think we got a problem... our bird has flown...." Winters said over the COM channel to the Commander, knowing full well he would ended up being blamed for this bullshit.
Having once again gone through everything madly trying to find any evidence that his neice was here, something he could keep with him. This world just wasn't fair, angrily he picked up a sizable chunk of rock and threw it at a bigger part where it shattered but it didn't relieve his anger. That damn girl was completely useless and he'd be better off on his own, he just knew it. There was no point in staying in this dump either it was all gone, everyone here was gone, blown to bits or bled out, there was no damn reason for him to stay where he was. It was this moment he decided to run, it didn't matter where the hell he went, any place was better than here, he needed information to find his neice and he wasn't gonna find any around this place. And if it meant ditching that useless girl in the process that'd be two birds with one stone really. Alastar left the Kaer not bothering to check in which direction he was headed or checking up on Olivia, he was out of this damned place. Starting to feel they never should have gone there in the first place. He was going down the roads to the South, maybe he could find something there that could help him.
Aethelrick heard Masque's annoyed remark and saw him go at the dirt with a pencil, well it made sense alright. Ash fired another one of his fireballs as he saw the shadow give way. He knew it wouldn't do too much as the rounds were rather low caliber but he took out his P90, fired controlled bursts as he charged the dome, aiming for the opening's in Ash's shadow to hit the dome, as he closed he took out his Seraphim blade and following Masque's example of stabbing the dome, he noted the cracks and while Valister was in there and at risk, he felt like that was the kind of thing she wanted to see, setting aside compassion and steel oneself for what needed to be done. He used the Seraphim blade to stab at the cracks intending to breach the dome. Roxanne gave him an answer as to what happened and why she was so upset. "It's okay, Roxanne, we're still here...We'll stick together..." Hendrick said, he turned to Corvo, this man was here and Brianne gets taken away, coincidence? No, it couldn't be. The agent of the Clave here in their midst and their leader being taken away after they all turned their back on the Clave. "Who took her." Hendrick demanded, as he stepped closer, the anger again being misdirected at Corvo. He knew full well that in a straight up fight he would probably lose against the Inquisitor, leaving Roxanne out here alone with none that knew her. And eventhough he hated the fact that life thrusted that duty into his hands, seeing he wasn't the most suitable person for it. But he also knew deep down that in this right ****ing mess they should stick together and he would try to do his best, maybe it wasn't at all genuine what he did or how he claimed he felt, but it probably was better than nothing.
Another pair of pirates went down changing the odds to five against six. He noted how the light in his HUD lit up again indicating an incoming message on another channel, he kept down leaning against a low pile of rubble as he switched channels. It was Commander Lightwood, requesting he split his forces. "Ma'am, if you don't mind, we're a little busy here..." A plasma shot slammed into the rubble beside him and the Lieutenant Commander cursed, knowing full well that the Commander could hear him. "I'll see what I can do, Ma'am, just don't want my boys to end up in body bags because we split too much. The lad's got a machine gun on him, he can hold them a little while longer, will send support ASAP, Ma'am. Winters out." He replied, switching channels again. "Alright here's the sit-rep. We're up to our knees in shite. We're facing these 6 bastards, turns out another couple of them decided to attack our bird, the team that stuck with that has an LMG on them so they should be able to hold for a little longer while we wrap this up or atleast make it more favourable for us." The Lieutenant Commander explained. He popped his head up slightly the pirates were getting more cautious, he had an idea, it was a gamble but if it worked then it would solve this problem and they could move back towards the shuttle in full force. "Change of plans, listen up, Hackett, take Gough and bring Grayburn's Soldano. Fall back in the direction of the shuttle, find a good defensible position with preferably a cleared out area and set up with the Soldanos. Try not to be seen, when you're in position let me know what direction to head to. Lathbury, Frost and I will fall back, draw them right into your guns. We'll catch them out in the open and with a stroke of luck nail them all." With that Hackett and Gough disengaged and found themselves a concealed spot. Hackett gave him the ready signal and instructed him that if he were to move back and take the second street on the right and fall back to a few dozen meters they'd have them in the killzone Dietrich glanced at Grayburn's body "We'll come back for you. I promise. We're not leaving you behind." He whispered and then informed Frost and Lathbury to follow him, fighting retreat, sticking to cover as much as possible as they moved back in the direction that Hacket had instructed.
Hendrick had gone to the weapons room intending to prepare for the visit to Yuri, after how he had been caught off guard twice over now, it was time he prepared more properly. He stuck with his trusty Seraphim blade but for his bow he needed something more specific. While they were headed for Yuri, it didn't mean they wouldn't run into the damnable underlings of Titania, so he decided to take five arrows with iron arrowheads with him. He also took his Stele and a bit of Holy water just in case. He took a moment to consider and put the Holy water back where it belonged. They were going to forge an alliance not start a war. To bring the axe to the negotiation table is in itself a sign of mistrust. So instead he decided to add more iron tipped arrows with him, just in case they ran into any fae. With that Hendrick checked and removed the remainder of the marks he had used in the fight with Cin and went to look for the others. He found Corvo and an upset Roxanne, he softly cursed the universe but joined the two of them. He looked at Roxanne and then turned to Corvo who seemed to be handling things "What happened?" He asked the both of them, realising Roxanne might not be able to answer. Aethelrick was hanging in the same tree as Ash when Masque a few trees down started yelling at Vallister to get the hell away from the forest floor and into the trees. He watched as Vallister tried to attack and got taken into the dome. He also observed how the pillar shot up to catch the fireball from Ash. The gears in his head started turning. When yet another pillar of dirt came crashing down on them, resulting in Aethelricks narrator to say he ****ing knew it, pelting him with dirt and debris causing shallow cuts and quite a few bruises and if Aethel didn't know any better crach a rib or two. And it hurt like hell. His runes did help him retain his combat capabilities but the wounds particularly the ribs would cause problems for him. He followed Ash to the next tree and then said "The fireball, it could work, but you'll have to get closer. The other warlock and I could play the distraction for you to get closer and we could try again alternatively if that mound opens up again directly into it wouldn't be a bad idea either, but we'll have to work together. Speaking of which have you seen him anywhere? If he is so good with hiding and sneaking about how about we draw the attention while he blindsides her?" Aethelrick offered, he then saw what Ash was doing. "Ash, come on we should get down there. If you can, keep the pressure on." He then called out to Masque "Oi, mate where ever you're hiding. We could use your help about now." Aethel said as he climbed down and then landed back onto his two feet below the tree, he started running though his movement impeded bu the rhytmic stab of pain from his ribs as he moved for the dome in an eratic manner intended to make hitting him harder and as a distraction as predicting his course would take attention. If Ash joined him maybe Masque could blindside her, after all she didn't appear to know where he was.