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  1. Vladek515

    Cadmus was walking back through the station towards the ship, awaiting a reply from the Admiral, it didn't take too long for her to get back to him and she did raise a good point.
    Understood, ma'am. No need to apologise, it was just a suggestion after all and you raise a sound argument." Cadmus replied. "And thanks for the downtime Admiral as for preperations I instructed engineering to keep the engines on standby as a security measure, after yesterday I figured it couldn't hurt." Cadmus considered what he was going to do with the down time, as it was a trader station so the obvious thing to do would be just look around and browse, he had fairly little in the ways of personal savings but he was just going to see what there all was with no intention to buy anything. Then again there wouldn't be too much point to it, if it were an actual planetary city to visit he'd be more inclined to go around and see, right now he'd rather spend some time on the ship, odd as that might be he didn't mind the more enclosed spaces and was more used to them than larger open ones anyways. He had some options swirling around his head as to what to do with the down time as he continued to head back.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 26, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Vladek515

    There was some chatter over the coms, that Cadmus listened to on his way back. The slave had been purchased without any bloodshed or marring the name of humanity any further. in any other way. "Good to hear it went off without too much trouble." Cadmus commented over the coms in regards to Jael's report. He wasn't sure about everything being bought yet, in his department he got his hands on the bare minimum required, haggling a little too to get the price further down. It were the only two things they really needed in the maintenance department, the remainder could all be optional. He raised a direct communication link to Dania. "Ma'am, apologies if I am interrupting but, there's something I'd like to ask you to consider. This is a trading station right? Maybe we can make some extra money by using some of the empty space in our ship for cargo to ship to another destination, maybe make some cash in the process." Cadmus said as he was heading back to the ship. "I could check around the place, see if there is some job we could do. It might also help in the long run as we're not viewed as being a particularly positive influence, we could build a more positive one by contributing here and there. I'll ask Jael if he can help me with the common traer language, since I'm a bit rusty." Given the marred name of humanity it wouldn't be as easy to find a job but if they could maybe they could start building trust and a better name.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 23, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Vladek515

    As Cadmus was browsing the trading station for items he required a transmission went through the coms as Kathi requested a course of action after seeing a human being dragged off to some auction house. A human being sold into slavery, it was just an example of the sad state their race was in, the scattered groups easily picked off over time. It was a sad reality but nothing he could do about it himself without the high risk of causing more trouble for them all. As a group they could probably liberate this man one way or another, whether through payment, subterfuge or no doubt in the Commander's case force. Cadmus would prefer either subterfuge or just outright buying the man to get it sorted. What followed were a few back and forth messages over the coms while Cadmus considered the options they had.

    It didn't exactly take long for the Commander to mix himself into it, he wasn't part of the combat personnel he refered to, while he was half-decent in a fight, he didn't have the experience or training to be of the use actual combat personnel was. Cadmus checked the list of things the maintenance department required and they had divided among people to look out for. He only needed to get the power coupling for now and he'd have done all that was on his list as the relatively small amount of light battle plate he had managed to secure was being loaded on the ship. It took him a while to find the proper model, it wasn't that it was a very special one he was going after but just a specific type he had good experience with possible allowing them to increase the lifespan of the coupling by repairing it. After acquiring it he headed back to ship there was an inquiry over the coms so apparantly something had happened, but the instructions still stood and while Cadmus could pull rank on the Commander he felt it was a good idea to trust the man on his turf. "
    Cadmus, returning to vessel, got my shopping list done." Cadmus said over the coms, it'd make a headcount easier later to make sure they didn't leave anyone behind to be undoubtebly sold into slavery.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 20, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Vladek515

    Cadmus spent some more time in the maintenance shop as he thought it a good idea to spend his time productively, in the midst of fixing a bulkhead that was malfunctioning he was recalled to the bridge as the admiral had given a course, so Cadmus handed the task of the bulkhead over to Peeves, who went on to fix the problem as Cadmus made sure the ship would get where it needed to go, as they got closer it turned out to be a space station and a fairly large one at that. Docking their vessel at the station went of without a hitch, after a little bit of confusion as to where they were actually supposed to land, the Admiral disembarked and Cadmus kept the engines on stand-by just in case, he wasn't gonna take the risk of being caught off-guard, especially not after yesterday.

    When the Admiral was back on board she mentioned the whole compilation of a list for items they needed per department and Cadmus checked with the maintenance shop and anything he knew that needed to be repaired, he'd try and requisition some light battle plate to have repairs made to the hull damage fom yesterday and reinforce known weakpoints in the hell. He also definitely wanted get a spare main power coupling as the one that was currently installed was showing signs of wear and getting caught without a replacement could potentially be the deathblow to humanity. In addition to those more crucial items he listed smaller parts that in varying degrees were a priority. He compiled the list and sent it directly to the admiral and headed for the airlock where Jael gave him a little refresher when it came to language and Cadmus disembarked to check out the station to see what was on offer.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 15, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Vladek515

    Cadmus listened to the explanation that Kathi gave him. So the automagnetism didn't work. Hmmm they had attempted the obvious and switch out the part itself. "I take it you checked the wiring too?" He asked it was the next logical step to check as well, because that was the only way they could fully conclude that it would be software related. He thought for a moment if they lost the back-up disc then all the robots they had were at risk of becoming useless quicker than anticipated, however this particular one could still be fixed. Cadmus thought for a moment and he came to a possibly solution. "Okay, if we can't find the disc then there is another way we can make this unit work. Instead of letting the program control the switches to the electromagnet we could rewire it directly into the main power grid of the robot. That way as soon as it's turned on the magnet will power up, this will change operational procedure but it would still work, if you haven't yet check the wiring and connections first. I'm gonna tell Dan and Peeves to see if we can find that disc anyways, if we really lost it we got a big problem in the future, but we can just fix this particular unit, rewire it and just remove pieces of code that control the switches, but do make a backup of that particular bit of software." Cadmus said. "Also before you continue with your work take your break, I know I interupted it. Anything else I can do for you?"
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 7, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Vladek515
    The Captain was taking in the information from the engineering station and turning them into useful data for when they were on the move again and in an emergency what the capacities of the old beast were. There was of course always the option of temporarily pushing the reactors past their capacity, but he wouldn't do that unless necessary. He received a few notifications as he assesed ship readiness, it was all maintenance and repair related. He updated the information where needed so he had an up-to-date picture when they were moving. As he didn't know how long i might take for the course to be set and there wasn't too much to be done here on the bridge he might as well assist his fellow mechanics. He told the ranking bridge officer in his absence that if a course were put through he was to be called back to the bridge but for now work needed to be done.

    He left the bridge for the maintenance workshop. On his way there he hummed an old song to himself. Having arrived in the workshop he saw Kathi, he had just read the reports about the robots and recalled one was still not entirely confirmed to be operational, maybe he could have a look at it and walked over. "
    Heya Kathi, I got your report, nice work on those robots, could you tell me what the problem seems to be with the R-8252 unit?" Cadmus asked his fellow mechanic with the usual air of casualness. He would only utilise a formal approach if it were some official business like an evaluation. He was just a normal human after all and he wouldn't try to let rank interfere too much with that.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 3, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Vladek515
    The sharp beeping awoke him from his sleep, it was a very annoying noise, but effective for it's purpose. Cadmus turned the alarm off and got out of bed immediately. It had been a long day yesterday and he had fallen asleep about as soon as he had hit his bed. He got into his uniform and checked the time. His shift would start soon, there would be enough time to quickly grab something to eat. He headed for the canteen going over the damage assesments from their latest trip, as he went, paying enough attention not to run into other people as he went. Some of the reports had been updated since he had gone to bed as a more complete picture had been formed. The overall situation not being too bad, but with supplies not readily available and others generally not being helpful to them repairs would be made more difficult.

    When he arrived at the canteen he quickly grabbed something to eat, still going through the reports. He finished his meal quickly and headed straight for the bridge, eventhough they were still waiting for a new course from the Admiral, he had to check up the current status of the ship. On the bridge a few of his officers were present. He went past the consoles that stood in front of the raised chair he dubbed the throne. It was raised so the occupant could oversee everything. From the chair directly to the left was the communications station, front left was weapons, front right was operations and to his right was the engineering station. Nestled in between the weapons and operations station was the helm control, with a clear view through the viewport. He skimmed over the stations taking in all the important information, the ship seemed to be ready to go, but they didn't have a course yet. The Captain sat down in the chair intended for the CO, since the admiral wasn't present it was his spot now and waited, analysing the information streams coming in from the stations as they waited for a course.

    OoC: No banner yet, but it will be there later
    Post by: Vladek515, Dec 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Vladek515
    Name: Cadmus
    Age: 25
    Rank: Captain
    Job: Mechanic
    Weapon: Repurposed Mining Laser, A 36mm flat combination wrench
    Personality: Spiritual, Calm, Innovative
    Born as the first son, when he was two a younger sister was born. The system on board designated him to become a mechanic as he eventually would follow in his father's footsteps as a mechanic.
    From a relatively young age he was pushed into training out of necessity as the human race's numbers had diminished dangerously low and to maintain what ship systems they could so that they could atleast try and resist
    extinction. Cadmus learned he had a talent for it and under his father's tutelage he became one of the most skilled mechanics on board the resilient, doing his part to make the ship honour it's name. His expertise
    made him rise through the ranks and knowing how the systems worked made him rather useful in the day to day operation of the ship, his position reflecting this.
    Relations: Knows the Admiral
    Post by: Vladek515, Dec 21, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Vladek515
    I'd like to join the Unicorn, the name's Vladek and the ID is 2049799
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 9, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  10. Vladek515
    The Hunter told him that he had some time to weigh his options on whether or not he should join this King or not. Saying his palace was in the city of Novigrad. Tobias was then asked for his name. "I do have a name, my name is Tobias, simply Tobias." What he didn't say was that it was only one of the many monnikers he had and the only man that had known the true name was dead now. "You shall hear from me, Hunter, good luck with the hunt." Tobias said as he went back to preparing to move out of the city.

    The woman introduced herself as Alyse and asked him his name again, an odd thing as he had introduced himself when he came over. Either she hadn't heard him or already forgotten, either way it didn't matter too much. "My name's Alastar, pleased to meet you." He said in a friendly tone holding out his hand to shake hers. The other bloke hadn't introduced himself yet, not that it mattered too much. He took a sip from his drink. "I apologise for looking like an animal, I've been on the road for a long time." He explained to his new drinking companions, it was true, he didn't look like the average city person who atleast took a bit of care of themselves. "So what brings you here?" He asked, once again in the friendly tone.

    As Sigmund started to focus his concentration was broken by Tessa who clearly hadn't listened to his instructions, however he still managed to manifest the portal, albeit taking a bit longer and more of his power than it did normally thanks to the broken concentration. When he had manifested it he turned to Tessa. "Had I not asked you to allow me to concentrate?" He asked her, only light undertones of anger in his voice. "As for a catch, you shall be travelling with me. To a location of safety where no Lord holds jurisdiction as I was on my way there anyways. It is merely a coincidence but a convenient one at that." Sigmund said, then turning towards the discussion between Seth and Mathilda. "Seth, that is enough... Mathilda, if you need help I can help you and your brothers out of the city too." Sigmund said as he gestured to the glowing orange portal.

    The maid smiled and in a friendly tone said "
    Oh you're not inconveniencing me at all. I'd be happy to help you." Then the guest spoke up and Master Sigmund mixed into the conversation prompting the maid to go back to her chores, feeling all was being taken care of.
    Post by: Vladek515, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Vladek515
    Hendrick walked with Roxanne, the distress caused by what he had said was clear. The sound of her voice being shaky, he had pushed her to the very edge. "You're right...I'll shut up... Sorry..." Hendrick said and he was actually sincere about it. A thought suggested it was better this way, to have driven them off so they couldn't hurt him. But now he had done exactly that to someone. One of the last few people in the world he could call a friend and it made him feel rotten. Conflict danced through his mind, like leaves dancing on the wind. He tried to focus on the task at hand, like Roxanne was, but he had an extremely hard time doing it. Brianne appeared to be lost cause, he didn't get along with her brother that much, Yorrick was dead at his suggestion, so that left Roxanne and Aethelrick the latter of which he wasn't sure how to feel about having popped up again. He'd have to do what had to be done and pray to the Angel for forgiveness.
    Post by: Vladek515, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Vladek515
    Corvo didn't seem to respond to his remarks. They knew where they had to go, he walked with Roxanne towards the exit of the Vampire lair. "Yeah I think so. I guess we'd better make haste, but I doubt that the High Warlock requires help against a simple demon." Hendrick said, Roxanne then got very excited for the hunt. The last one. If all went wrong it'd be the last for all of them. As she sprinted ahead, Hendrick followed suit and caught up to her. He felt that he had to say something about his behaviour, after all she had confided in him and he had betrayed her. "I shouldn't have said that, Roxanne, I was wrong..." Hendrick said feigning remorse in his tone. "Can you forgive me for this transgression?" Hendrick didn't look her in the eyes, he tried to avoid it, as the eyes spoke he truth.

    Aethelrick had followed Alarick through the city, as the man didn't appear to be in a talkative mood he just followed him without saying anything, keeping an eye out for potential threats. They eventually ended up witnessing a fight in the making between a werewolf pack and a single vampire. Alarick was calling to save the vampire. Unlike Alarick, Aethelrick drew runes for Strength, Speed and Stamina, then grabbing his Seraph blade, activated it, keeping it in one hand while firing the P90 from the other as he charged the pack, taking care not to fire in such a manner to put the vampie at risk. He closed the distance rather quickly, as he moved in to cut loose the Vampire. "Come on you dumb dogs, show me what you got!" He shouted.

    Everything happened so fast, the entire group of people who wanted to "liberate" Morrigan disappeared again, all hopped into the Van and van-ished (*badum tss*). The duel between Gaia and Titania grew more intense, Morrigan was lost beneath the tree. Where Ash was he did not see. He remained behind at a distance, to watch, to intervene if it were necessary, after all nothing was guaranteed in this world and he doubted Titania would play by the rule book of duels.
    Post by: Vladek515, Sep 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Vladek515
    The newcomer spoke up first saying they needed help getting out of the city. "I am currently on my way out of the city, I guess I could take the extra step to get you out of the city as well." Tessa reminded him he had promised them safety. He didn't say anything about it, he knew what he had promised them and he may be old but not yet a forgetful man. "I need to prepare a little, allow me to focus, please and I shall get you out of this city. I actually wanted to walk the entire way but alas." With those words Sigmund went to work on making a portal, out of the city on the first little village on his way to Kaer Morhen

    Within the house one of the maids saw Mathilda wandering through the halls of the house as if she had lost something. "Can I help you, madam? You look like you lost something." She said in a friendly tone, just trying to be helpful to the guest as she had seen Mathilda around before and knew for certain she wasn't a trespasser.

    The girl didn't exactly respond to his question, so that meant she didn't have any objections. The lad didn't appear to have any objections either, so the Witcher sat down with the two people of interest. He sipped some of his drink, figuring he may be quite the imposing person, being a witcher left out of the picture, he was a pretty big bloke, looking rough, been on the road a while, all in all not the most pleasant fellow in the world, not to mention his axes. He looked them over and tried to smile which was more difficult in his situation, maybe some conversation would help. "What are your names, if I may ask and what brings you here?" He asked in a friendly tone, not to scare them away, though it may have already been too late.

    Tobias had been gathering his people from across the city prepared to move out when the Commander came back. "Hunter Zavarius.... what a surprise." The man said, funny the leaders always keeping secrets from their populace. "An interesting offer you have there, Hunter. I will consider it but for now I shall evacuate the city as per our agreement." Tobias said. "You shall hear from me, Hunter, where would I be able to contact you? Or is this one of those one-time deals, agree or it's off the table forever?" The expression on his face showed a little smile of amusement. He was seriously considering joining forces, but he knew better than to trust humans who would set upon their allies if it meant getting something out of it. Then again, he had quite the bombshell in hands if the King tried anything. He had to be careful with what he did after all, it wouldn't be as easy as it went with Nikolai.
    Post by: Vladek515, Sep 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Vladek515
    Hendrick stood silently by as the events unfolded, he had chosen poorly and he knew it. The look from the King of Vampires gave it away, Hendrick gazed back, but not back into the King's eyes, holding it for only a moment before breaking it off. It made him feel uneasy, more on edge than he already was. Corvo sorted it all out, making the pact with the Vampire. Followed by all of them leaving and moving to battle. The Inquisitor then asked the child where Hestia's home was located. "Corvo..." Hendrick said, his tone normal as if he hadn't just advocated the death of a close friend. "I know where to go, follow me." Hendrick said, without a word he turned around and headed for the door, leading the way towards the residence of the High warlock of New York.

    It all happened quickly, the man hadn't said a word. The Fae had had enough of everyone's involvement in her life and Ash was utilising his Shadow again. Then the vines bound Morrigan but Lady Gaia defended them. The tree that sprung up between themselves and Titania, took the roots away from Morrigan and shielded himself and Nick from the magic too powerful for them to face. Ash pulled the roots away from Morrigan, who was in a bad shape. "We must get her to safety. Her Grace can't keep protecting us the entire time she has to focus on Titania. Do you know of any safe places?" Shadi asked, giving Ash a hand.
    Post by: Vladek515, Aug 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Vladek515
    Alastar still wasn't entirely sure whether or not the person was a monster or not. She could have easily been a Bruxa or an Alp, perfect disguise. Didn't matter whether or not it was day, he knew that he wasn't at the top of his game, not because of the alcohol he had had, he could stomach that better than any of the people present, but it didn't matter at the moment. Not even a higher vampire was impossible, then there were the Lycanthropes, of course he could be wrong and she was just a mage, but he couldn't take the risk. And well it would provide distraction. Alastar wrapped things up with the merchant . He went over to the newcomers just as the woman uttered the words that the human body was such a strange thing. "Indeed, you can drink water all you want and well eventually it'll go wrong but if it goes down the other pipe yer screwed. I am Alastar, do you mind if I join you for a drink?" The witcher asked, the vibration of the medallion was stronger so he had been right other of them was the source, perhaps even both.
    Post by: Vladek515, Aug 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Vladek515
    Hendrick listened to Yuri's reasoning he did have a point, it didn't give a good image, but they had to set priorities they already had one member that required special attention another one would result in less attention to surroundings, rash actions to just kill him? Yes, hardly justifiable but Hendrick stood by his councel in the end he knew he'd pay for it anyways, one way or another. The Vampire stood before them an imposing figure. Curious for the reasoning as to why he should help them, murderers. A King demanded absolute respect of his kind, the way he did it unsettling him. He listened to Corvo's reasoning, it was a sound reasoning, but that was to his Nephilim mind, no way to be sure it would also be as logical as it sounded. Beside him Roxanne spoke of her own faults. He too had been at fault only a few days ago he killed 4 vampires, albeit in self-defence. Yuri held up a hand to indicate to keep quiet. He wanted to keep Roxanne. He could understand why the King wanted her. His reasoning sound within the same sphere of reasoning they had used when executing Yorrick. He looked at Corvo, his eyes saying they had no choice. Still it was Roxanne... and he had told her he'd be there for her... "Corvo... you know our hands are tied...." Hendrick said "You know it, just as well as I know it and possibly hate it even more....Mundanes have that saying... the needs of the many.... it's just like with all their damn sayings a lot more difficult in practice.... we need his help, I don't like it either that we gotta do this, but I don't see any other way that we're gonna do this.... There is no real choice here and you know it..." Another sin for which he would pay when the time came for him... He knew Roxanne wouldn't forgive him for this and he would carry that with him until judgement came. "You make the final call after all you are the highest in rank... but that's my two cents." He said, emotions seeping into his voice.

    Aethelrick watched the situation develop, Ash told him to just go on towards Hestia's. A place he didn't know where it was but Alarick was walking ahead of the group and if Aethel wasn't mistaken he was headed in the direction of Hestia's place, so Aethel hoofed it a little to close the distance a good bit so that he could more easily follow him, but maintain enough distance to not spark another outburst from him.

    Shadi approached the fairy who was now too assaulted by a shadow. Then a shot rang out. Shadi focused, he had lost the other Warlock, could it be him? It was a chaos around him with two crisis situations going on. The fae who alledgedly had some of the most angelic blood around. And this Warlock being shot at. If what this Nephilim said was true then he should interfere. He had closed the distance towards the fairies, keeping his hand on the Shotel. With the gun away he figured he stood a better chance should violence erupt, he carefully positioned himself, back to the wall face outwards towards the road, seeing both Nicholas and Paragon. "Let the lady go..." Shadi demanded having dropped the friendly demeanor.
    Post by: Vladek515, Aug 12, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Vladek515
    Tobias' crows watched the Army shift it's position. "I shall lead my children away from the Redanians, maybe the Nilfgaardians with their more sophisitcated and enlightened minds could see the advantage of a man to keep the Necrophages in check. Or the advantage of Necrophages under control." Tobias said as he had word spread amongst his children that they were to move out. He still didn't trust his foe and this is why he wouldn't remove the mist until they reached a more favourable terrain for them and knew they weren't followed. If this man weren't true to his word than he would personally see to the price Redania would pay. But where to go.... Maybe there still was usable map in this ruined city. But towards the Nilfgaardians didn't sound like a bad idea. He wouldn't remove his flower patch after all this man had asked him to leave immediately.

    Sigmund had gathered his things and instructed his servants to let Mathilda out when she was done, something he didn't imagine taking a terribly long time. As he wanted to leave his home and head for the Kaer there was a knock on the door, since traveling meant leaving the house and there wasn't any difference by leaving through the front door he decided to get it before leaving. Surprised to find Tessa on his doorstep now, Seth standing back with a bloke he didn't know. "Is there something you need or did you just want to be let into the house again?" The old mage asked, hoping to get going soon as to not keep his old friend waiting.
    Post by: Vladek515, Aug 8, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Vladek515
    A duo of new guests walked in. Alastar only cast a brief glance as they entered through the door, then turning his attention back to the conversation with the merchant. He told the story of his first contract on a few drowners and the anger he felt later when talking to a Royal huntsman about the prices of drowner heads. He felt his medallion vibrate, he didn't exactly expect monsters this close during the day unless it was one of the bigger bastards, like a griffin, but then he'd hear it's wings. No this meant mage...What were they doing in a shithole like this?
    Post by: Vladek515, Aug 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Vladek515
    The Ifrit listened to his queen's response. "As you wish, your grace." He replied simply to her request of him staying with Masque. He knew she could find him no matter where he went, it was rather comforting to know to have someone so powerful at your back, knowing how to reach out to you if it were necessary. "Good luck, my Lady." Shadi said, before turning and following Masque, staying by his side a friendly look on his face, he frowned after Alarick's outburst, division within the group, not preferable but nothing he could do to restore it. He was a Downworlder and an Ifrit at that, given the outburst he doubted that Alarick would even consider his opinion. Shadi stayed with Masque, as he went back to Morrigan who was dragging off one of the Nephilim, more division. Then it all happened rather quickly, Masque seemed to have disappeared and a strange person stood behind Morrigan, where had he come from? Shadi had to act... Masque couldn't have disappeared into thin air, meaning he was probably still close by and he knew he would lose valuable time trying to find him if he intervened in the situation down the road but he could not stand idly by, he went over, keeping a hand on the hilt of his shotel.

    Aethelrick watched the scene caused by the question from Ash and shook his head, this wasn't a time where they could cause division within the group but as Alarick walked away, Ash came to him warning him about Hestia. "Understood, I'll keep a low profile, not cause any scenes, you know stay in the background. The prospect of being turned to ash doesn't seem attractive enough for me to provoke it." Aethelrick said, following Ash, the group started to scatter even more. Well there goes the unity we displayed earlier...

    The Vampire certainly didn't hide her opinions about them and he couldn't really blame her, she was right. They had to tread lightly here, if anything happened there was no way they could stop it. Vastly outnumbered and at a disadvantage in regards to speed. Hendrick stepped into the elevator without hesitation, Corvo and Roxanne entered too. They rode the elevator down and Hendrick only nodded to Corvo's suggestion to not do anything rash, it kind of went without saying. Hendrick walked in, in the corner of his eyes he watched the flitting shadows. The hissing in the shadows was unsettling, as were the dozens of eyes that were upon them. But this had to be done. As Corvo introduced him, Hendrick bowed respectfully, letting Corvo take the word, listening carefully, ready to interject.
    Post by: Vladek515, Aug 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Vladek515
    They stood within the room and then the whispers were heard. He followed the shadow with his eyes as it circled around them until she stood back. Corvo took the word for their group, Hendrick already noted the diplomatic tone that he had used. "We apologise for the Intrusion, Madam. We should have arranged a meeting, but there simply was no time." Hendrick said apologeticly. Standing with Corvo and Roxanne. He noticed something was off about the girl. He gave her a glance, looking her in the eyes, his own carrying a re-assuring look. He felt his phone buzz but at this moment they needed to remain as non-threatening or demanding as possible. Roxanne's seemed to be a particular pain point. If this was about the death of vampires his hands weren't clean either.

    Aethelrick stood there waiting for an answer with Alarick staring at him, there was something in that look... something he couldn't place... Not getting an answer wasn't really all that helpful, luckily he asked Ash too. He was allowed to stick around with them which was appreciated. Aethelrick brought up the rear of the group as they traveled to their destination sticking to himself mainly, keeping an eye out for any form of welcoming party. He had notified Hendrick of their return in New York, now it was just the time to wait.

    Shadi listened to what Gaia had to say. "I understand, your grace. I shall remain by your side, serving you like I have for all these years. I may not be a Seelie Knight, but I shall fight for my queen if it is required." The Ifrit said, keeping his hand on the hilt of his Shotel, his skill with it refined over his ages of practice.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home