Ulrich sat in the back of the car going over the explanation that Lynda had given. It had been a rather rough ride through the city and it had been a rather nauseating experience that Ulrich had gone through quite a few times before. Enough times to not throw up anymore, but it still made him feel nauseous. He was fairly happy when they stopped the car near the magnificent Dragoncrest Plaza. The plaza had been mainly cleared by the royal guards who were now nearly the sole occupants of it. He followed Lynda and Lucian's example and got out of the car, surveying the scene, he saw that at the ministry building the doors opened and Royal guard where escorting someone out, hands cuffed, she was covered in blood, presumably not hers or she wouldn't be walking like that. It seemed the emergency involved a murder at the ministry, though that was just an educated guess. This must have been a very serious incident given the heavy presence of the Royal guard even going as far as clearing Dragoncrest Plaza. He then heard a clockwork golem stride over who in a rather deep metalic rumbling voice asked them what had happened to the Grand Minister, as they only had just arrived. It was quite litterally too early in the investigation to be able to say anything conclusive about this so Ulrich turned his attention to the machine who had undoubtedly seen them arrive. "Greetings construct, it is too early in the investigation to draw any conclusions, when we know more and are able to say anything we'll make it known through the proper channels." He said in a rather friendly tone, knowing full well that it sounded like a very run of the mill hell answer from the constabulary, but it would be wrong to just bring assumptions to the public when they hadn't had time to even look at the evidence present at the crime scene. Especially with the already marred reputation of the constabulary, because accusations of murder could destroy a politician's carreer in this particular case and they had to be sure they had looked at all the pieces of the puzzle.
Lynda explained to him that she would only need one of their team and that he was lucky to be the only one in the building. He knew why she said that had others of his team been available she would have asked them to come along so Ulrich could go and work on his paperwork, had Ulrich been religious he would probably have thanked his God for this blessing, a way out of the paperwork, he knew it would still be there when he got back, but he didn't have to deal with it just yet. "Understood, ma'am." Ulrich replied as he was informed there was an emergency at the Ministry. This worried Ulrich slightly, something happened at the seat of Eredan's power and they were asked to look into it. Lynda didn't give any details, but he doubted she knew what exactly was going on, but there was no harm in asking about it. Before he could do Lucian asked whether he could drive and Ulrich couldn't keep a straight face when Lynda responded with the monkey remark. Quickly regaining his posture, he asked her "Do we know what sort of an emergency it is, Ma'am?" Ulrich asked as he did a quick check-up of his augment, as he followed Lynda to the car, he took the seat in the back on the right hand side of the car sitting there with Lucian, not a word was spoken as both of them had a pretty good idea of what the other thought of them. Ulrich prefered sitting on the right hand side, so that in an emergency the window could be opened and he could bring his augment to bear, he had taken some munitions with him, eventhough he doubted having to make use of it. Sitting in the back wasn't the most comfortable thing as it wasn't extremely roomy, but Ulrich kept quiet as he just watched through the window to the people just going about their lives in the streets.
Ulrich did his best to focus on the paperwork and did quite a good job of it. Eventhough he hated it he went about the paperwork, while in his mind he was playing back the memory as to what he was writing about, reliving the moments to liven up the dull work. Having finished two reports he was disturbed from his work by a very noisy co-worker arrived. It drew him out of his concentration as the disaster story of a constable arrived and started shouting about having lost something, it probably was a bottle of booze, he didn't like working with the bloke, he didn't take his job seriously and just made a mess of things. He was yelling about respect yet he had no respect for his own bloody job. Ulrich didn't even know why they hadn't fired him already, the constabulary didn't have great enough reputation as it was it really didn't need help from people like him to drag it down to the bottom of the ocean as it wa doing quite the job of that in of itself, despite the hard work from people like himself and Jebediah. However then he heard Lynda's voice talking to Lucian and he did his best to get back into his paperwork, still hoping something would happen that day and as Lynda was talking to Lucian he got back into a report about a raid on an illegal gambling den, it was quite the shooting range in there and only one of the suspects made it through the firefight, it was a right mess, but they all followed procedure and didn't break any of the laws. In the middle of writing down a sentence he heard his last name being called by Lynda, which caused him to jump up and go over, on the way there he checked his uniform. "Constable Haltzenor reporting, Ma'am." Ulrich said "Is there another deployment for me and my team?" He asked her, glad that he had an escape from the rather dull paperwork.
The witcher beside him listened to the story of the Old crow and listened politely, but he didn't really expect an as thorough answer from the younger witcher, he himself didn't really plan his moves back in the day and just saw where the roads would take him, but as he got up higher in the hierarchy he also learned to set out atleast rudimentary plans which would eventually grow into more well thought out plans. The kid didn't have as much on his plate. "Don't worry 'bout it, something will draw it's attention to you, it's the way of the Path." Vecslav said as he finished his drink. Something drew his attention, it started as a faint sound but increased in volume, Veceslav had already paid for his drink including a tip. "Lumen, I gotta go" Veceslav said suddenly "Good luck out there on the Path." the old Crow got up and headed through the door having ignored the vibrating of the medallion that was caused by the two returned people, one of which quickly vanished again. Stepping out in the streets he breathed in the cold air through his nose, he enjoyed it for a moment and then went for what had drawn his attention inside. It was the sound of metal striking metal. A call to attention. The tolling of the bells, it could mean a few things. A fire in the city, Nilfgaardians at the gates, the blockading pirates making an assault. He heard screaming down the street and started running in the direction, he saw people run down the street and tried to stop one in the street, but they kept running he tried several more times and he only got a bit of stuttering out of it and all he really got out of it was something about a monster at the docks, so Veceslav figuring he wouldn't get anything more sensible out of the panicked populace drew his silver sword and ran against the current to the docks.
Ulrich had dragged himself out of bed, freshened up, grabbed a quick breakfast and headed out the door to work. It was quite a nice morning with the sun shining down on the city. Ulrich enjoyed the walk to work, he had made it a habit to take a different route every single day walking to work, he had taken ample time for it. He walked through the Riverside park on the fine morning with thin wispy mist still on the river which would be gone quickly as the day would go by. He kept his eyes peeled for anyone commiting a crime, then again seeing a constable with an augment like the one he had, people tended to behave. He strolled across the square in front of the North Constable Station, looking up at the statue of the General. To him it symbolised aspiring to be at one's best and he aspired to do it every day, didn't always go that way but he made the most of it. As he entered the stone building he greeted Penelope with a smile. He went for his desk where he found a note, he recognised the handwriting and knew who had written it before getting to the signature. "Ulrich, Please get your paperwork in order, you're a month behind. - Lynda." Ulrich let out a long sigh, the time he spent in here doing paperwork would be better spent if he was out in the streets, but it was part of the job. He grabbed a coffee and skimmed over the newspaper before sitting down behind his desk and started filling out the paperwork. "It's too nice a day outside to do paperwork...." he muttered to himself as he tried to remember what the incidents were about so he could fill out the forms, silently hoping that an emergency would occur so he could get away from what he saw as unnecessary bureacracy.
Name: Ulrich Haltzenor Age: 37 Race: Human Nationality: Tyrrean Southener Faction: Constabulary Job: Special Operations Operative. Appearance: Green eyes, black, neatly combed medium long hair, fairly strong built and missing an arm, he has a well kept mustache and when not on the job wears quite casual clothes like a shirt, jeans with suspenders and a brown raincoat. Weapons: A punching knife Magic: Elemental Fire Religion: N/A Augments: A Clockwork Machine Rifle grafted to his upper right arm Skills and Strengths: Ulrich handless himself very well in firefights and knows how to maintain his weaponry well, great tactical thinker and stays cool under pressure. Personality: Ulrich is a fairly proud man, taking pride in his work and is thus bothered by the bad rep the constabulary gets, in his work he is serious and can't stand people who don't take their job seriously. Furthermore he dislikes when people interfere with constabulary business, thinking they are above the law. Furthermore the law is the law in his eyes and there is no arguing with it. Flaws/Weaknesses: Finds himself lacking in the melee department, dislikes the paperwork that comes with the job and is always behind on it, gets annoyed when people bring up the bad rep the constabulary has. History: Ulrich was born an Eredan native, didn't lead too bad a life and joined the Constabulary to make himself useful for society. While he wasn't that great at the investigative part of the job, his peers noticed he had a knack for raids on criminal enterprises and was put through additional specialist training for Special Operatives, members of the Constabulary who are deployed for special tasks like raiding criminal enterprises, intervening in hostage situations and when the situation on the streets would deteriorate so badly that heavier firepower would be required. During the training Ulrich learned he had magical potential too and the trainers helped him exploit this potential and this is where Ulrich learned most of his fire magic. Ulrich after completing his training was then ready for deployment, but because such services weren't required as often, he would have normal constabulary duties too, including the paperwork, which he wasn't as fond of anymore. At the age of 30 Ulrich during a firefight in a raid on an illegal casino was shot in the arm, the firefight dragged out for quite a bit, he received medical attention and his wounds were taken care off. However a few days after the raid, Ulrich suffered complications and had to have his arm amputated, however due to the specialised training he had received the Constabulary would not want to give up on him and had a special augment built for him, while it did mean he had only one hand left and still having his job, the deteriorating reputation taking it's toll on him as he is trying hard enough to do his work. Attributes Vitality: 16 Agility: 7 Dexterity: 15 Intelligence: 10 Will: 10 Wits: 15 Charisma: 14
The witcher beside him told him that the only reason he was really here was simply his curiousity, well Veceslav couldn't blame him, it was the biggest city in the Northern Kingdoms with over thirty thousand inhabitants. Some even said it was the cultural capital of the world, but Veceslav had rejected that idea a few years back when some commoners started fighting amidst a poetry recital in quite a reputable establishment, but they let such hooligans in too, a client had asked to meet him there during the recital to discuss the details of a contract. After that he had rejected the notion of it being the cultural capital of the world, sure there were plenty of stages for poetry and music, but it also fell to the citizens of the city to truly make it the capital. This young Witcher was probably for his first time in Nowigrad, he remembered his first time here, the city was imposing, there was always activity going on around him, while it was nice to have access to a bed, some of the more fancy food and drink, he still enjoyed the Path. "Well the search for work is always part of the wanderings, Lumen." Veceslav said "Normally I would stay at the Kaer in winter, which has come early this year, meet with the others, train, exchange stories, do some work around the castle, but the snow has caught everyone off guard this year, so I doubted the others would come to the Kaer, if they did there'd be a letter on the door of my quarters explaining my absence. Furthermore I have been training another witcher for quite some time and just needed to get back out on the Path. With all the snow here, I figured I'd travel further South, wait out the winter, with the roads more difficult to travel I figured I'd hit up Nowigrad and see if I could catch a ship headed South, but it turned out the Port has been blockaded. So here we are, I'll probably stay the night and start heading tomorrow, if nothing changes." Veceslav explained, he'd have to cross the Pontar which would be easy enough even with the war on, and head through Temeria, well what used to be Temeria and was now occupied territory. Maybe the Nilfgaardians had work for him. Velen for example was still a wild place, more than a fair chance of finding work. As the people of Velen usually said: Out here you find your own protectors. And it just so happened he was a protector for hire. "So how long do you intend to stay, yourself? Got any plans for after your visit to Nowigrad?" He asked the Witcher beside him.
Veceslav just snorted when the Witcher who would introduce himself Lumen Arkadian saying that flattery would get her nowhere and took another sip of his Mahakaman Mead. He noticed a change in his Medallion vibration and heard the door open as two people left, he glanced over and took note of what they looked like for future reference. It appeared that they were part of the source of the magical power but it still hadn't stopped vibrating so there still were sources around. He turned to the witcher beside him. "Well met Lumen, the name is Veceslav Furst." He looked at the medallion his fellow witcher wore, it was the small head of a Griffin, a well respected school, adept in the signs combined with their swords. He himself was the eldest of the Wolf School. The vibrating nearly stopped after yet another person left. The Barkeep told him that there were no monsters here, he noticed the annoyance in her voice. "Alright, thanks." Veceslav said, he too was considered a deviant by many people. The amount of times he had had to defend himself from yokels who didn't like him being in their favourite watering hole was ridiculous. Many people would also reason that because they were in a city like Nowigrad, supposedly protected by the Eternal Fire monsters wouldn't get in. He would bet that there were drowners in the sewers and channels, possibly dopplers hiding around here too, vampires, werewolves. His Medallion and experience told him that there were monsters around as City Walls didn't stop them. He turned to the Witcher beside him. "So what has brought you to Nowigrad?" He asked.
The Old Crow had noticed the vibration of his medallion as soon as he had walked in and knew there was a source of magical power or a monster close by, he'd have to try and figure it out what it was, then again he checked quite a few notice boards and there weren't really any contracts on the ones he had seen, didn't mean there weren't any though. The witcher beside him ordered the sweet cherry flavoured ale from Rivia, not really something the old crow himself enjoyed but that hardly mattered. He took note of the way of she called the Witcher next to him the cute one and just smiled at the remark, the witcher next to him probably was just out of training and hadn't been on the Path for long and the years just fly by. When the elf got his order, he paid for his drink with a little extra and said "Thanks" after which he took a sip from his mead and looked around the room and something caught his eye, it was the hand of a certain lady being rather close to the handle of a mace and they seemed to be on edge. There was a tension in the air, while keeping an eye on the woman he turned to the witcher beside him. "I don't believe we have met. The name is Veceslav Furst. Who might you be, friend?" Veceslav asked the witcher sitting beside him as he cast his glance over the room again taking note of the bloke the woman with the mace was talking to. He turned to the Barkeep again "Say, Miss, you wouldn't happen to know if there's any work for me around here would you?" The old witcher asked.
It was a cold afternoon as the old witcher finally arrived in Nowigrad, the snowy roads had made travel slower. Winter seemed to have come early this year and caught everyone off guard, including himself. The cold had destroyed crops and was well on it's way to go start a famine in the North. The cold did have it's advantages though, corpses would freeze before rotting meaning they wouldn't attract corpse eaters and while not exactly good for his business it was a positive change for people. Normally he'd hold out the winter with the other witchers, but having spent so much time training one again he had risked travelling the mountain pass, as the snow had caught everyone off guard he doubted others would risk the pass and therefor he would have ended up alone in the Kaer. And if he had to choose between alone in the Kaer or alone on the Path, he'd rather be on the Path. He had arrived at the Tretogor gate and put his horse Hawk in the stable. Walking through the snowy streets of Nowigrad he considered for a moment to just travel on towards the south, to Toussaint perhaps or Mettina to wait out the winter in a warmer land, perhaps with more work for him too. He overheard some people mention the blockade, after some inquiries he learned it were ships that were doing the blockading and not something like a Kayran. That was work for the Hierarch or the King of Redania, not a witcher. He went back on his way checking notice boards along the way, nigh on all of it was useless. Announcement from the Hierarch, a citizen looking to trade some of their stuff, some new miracle potion for sale on the market. The witcher just went on his way to one of the city's many taverns. As he entered the tavern he noted it wasn't as busy for obvious reasons, but in this small crowd he saw the cat eyes of another witcher. Veceslav went up to the bar. "I would like some Mead from Mahakam." the witcher said to the barkeep. The witcher remained aware of his surroundings as he waited for his drink, some people really didn't like it when a witcher walked into their favourite drinking hole.
You were named? Veceslav Furst You have been alive for? 124 years You were born as a...Human You chose to be...Witcher You were gifted with the signs of the witcher, their alchemical knowledge and their swordsmanship, though I specialise in alchemy and swordsmanship. You fear... Meeting my end and leaving his students without proper guidance and Witcher secrets ending up in the wrong hands. You love... the Path, eventhough it has been long and hard to walk at times it has been good. I also love a good strong drink. You may have heard of them... Derrick of Kaedwen, Aaron Risen, Lumen Arkadian as they are all Witchers Who will you fight for? Neutral What is your history? At the age of 6 I was taken to Kaer Morhen to train as a Witcher, I trained hard so I could make my father proud, it seems an aweful long time ago now. I nearly didn't make it through the trial of the grasses, but pulled through in the end becoming a full fledged witcher. After recovering from the trial I set out onto the Path my first contract taking down a few pesky drowners that were bothering a village in the Pontar delta. It went well and even if the pay wasn't anything to write home about it was the first step on the path and from there I continued to make quite a name for myself gaining the nickname the Crow for my long black hair and generally darker coloured outfits. Throughout my years years I have watched my new family of witchers fall away, but also grow with new members, like Derrick and Aaron. I took Derrick in myself as a result of the same law of surprise that lay at the start of my journey and trained him, putting him through the proces that would change him into a witcher, something that was hated by many until they needed one. I had become the eldest of our little family and had become responsible for training the new members even as cases like that were fewer and further between. What are your weapons of choice? Steel longsword and Silver longsword Who is your puppeteer? Vladek515
Cadmus was sitting at his station on stand-by as he received a message from the Lieutenant Commander that when they were through he'd be on the away team, it was understandable they wanted someone from the upper chain on the ground. He would have to grab his gear before launch. When they were through he'd just hand over the controls to another engineer and grab his gear. By the time Emma announced the start of their mission he had strapped himself into the chair of the shield controls and had put them to their maximum output at 85% "Shield output at maximum availability and standing by. Cadmus out." Cadmus checked the sensor feeds for their surrounding areas the begining of the field wouldn't be too bad but further in he would use the data to determine where to strengthen the shields to prevent them being breached and the hull being damaged. He knew today was going to be a very long one, and silently prayed for it to all go smoothly and that humanity's quest for a new home might end here.
The meeting was over fairly quickly, they'd have the rest of the day to prepare and rest for the mission that would start tomorrow, Cadmus figured he'd get the checks done first. He assigned the task of checking the primary flight systems and fine tuning the controls to Peeves. He himself went with the checking and recalibrating of the thrusters and checking the signal lines. He eventually asked some help to get done with the task a little quicker as it was a bit more work than he had anticipated. After finishing his work he quickly finished his day and went to bed early he had to bring his A-game the next day. He was rather roughly awoken by the announcement, he had intended to wake up a little bit later but no matter, he had plenty of time to prepare for today's mission. According to the announcement they had until 9 in the morning to get to their positions and ready for the mission, he took ample of time for it and grabbed a shower and breakfast and made his way to the engineering station and started to run down the status of the shield controls and the shields themselves, still waking up a little bit as he did, he'd be sharp in time though.
Cadmus took his seat and just listened to what Dania had to say. He didn't expect anything out of the ordinairy from this meeting eventhough they were doing a little bit extrordinairy. It was all crystal clear and it seemed there was hardly any special task for him simply because what he was supposed to do was already part of his assigned tasks anyways, it would just be a slightly more focused on it rather than manning the bridge. "No, ma'am, it's all crystal clear for me." Cadmus said, this meeting was rather pointless in his opinion, a simple memo would have sufficed if this was the entire meeting, it would have been a lot more efficient and if questions arose then they could have always have held a meeting. The assignment of specific roles in this made him more confident in their mission, just like the advise from the navigator. It seemed like this meeting was going to be done quickly as the commander was heading out of the room already. "Well, ma'am if that is everything, I take it we're done here until we start?" Cadmus said, still remaining in his seat until the meeting was official over.
"No problem, just doing my part for what remains of Humanity. It's the other way around too, we're thankful for you pulling us out of all the dicey situations that you did. And even if we're a bit annoyed or a bit angry that you broke something in the proces, in the end you still got us all to safety and in the end that's what matters. Here's hoping you get to pilot our vessel for years to come." The Captain said, he wasn't lying, they generally did rely on her piloting skills to get them out of dangerous situations and most of the time engineering could fix whatever broke but there were obviously sensitive systems around. Then first the Emma's pager got a call for her to go to a meeting, it came directly from the Admiral requesting both their presences, his own com unit received the very same message an instant later. "Indeed, Emma and you're right, let's get going." Cadmus said and joined with Emma on their way to the meeting. Entering the room after Emma, he closed the doors behind him. "Good day Admiral, Commander" He said nodding to each of them. He took his seat and awaited the start of the meeting. It was yet another meeting in a short while and Cadmus wasn't particularly fond of them but it came with the territory so he just had to suck it up.
Cadmus didn't expect to catch Emma this off guard, but he figured that came with the task set before her. She had been so engrossed in the hologram, just looking at ways to get through. There was a lot of pressure on her to perform. "It's alright, Emma, don't worry about it." He said after Emma apologised for her absent-mindedness. He understood why she was so focused as she pointed out herself this was going to be a challenge. "Now that's a new one, didn't think I'd live to see you not ask for more power." He joked, though to be fair the speed and engine power she requested was used to save their skins most skilfully. He listened attentively to what she had to say. "It's not an aweful lot to ask, we'll have to check the primary flight systems before we get into it to give a better chances that it won't respond in any strange manners." Cadmus said "We'll check the calibration on the movement thrusters and if necessary recalibrate them, fine tuning the controls, checking the signal lines from your controls to the actual systems themselves." The calibration would be the most time consuming part if it were necessary to do. "We'll make sure that it'll respond as you want it to, speed, maneuverability, responsiveness we'll make sure we can get the best out of this ship that we can and during the crossing you only need to give us a call and we'll do what is required so you can get us through." Cadmus re-assured her, sure there was always the chance of something breaking but with the preventive maintenance and checks they would do prior to transit these chances would be minimised.
The admiral didn't object to his request to man the engineering station, she probably saw the value of him taking charge of the department he was strongest at and in charge of. It'd also mean that he wouldn't be occupying the bridge where the helmsman would need to focus on getting them through in one piece. "Ma'am if you want all hands on deck, might I suggest we sound general quarters before we enter the belt." The Captain said, it meant everyone would go to battlestations and everyone would be ready for everything. Soon after they were dismissed and the meeting had drawn to a close, before leaving though he had to look into something first, if they had 24 hours to rest up and prepare he'd prepare first and rest later. He then got the notification of Kathi being back on the good side of the hullplates, no serious incidents involved and he was glad to hear it. The bridge personnel would have received it too and responded accordingly. He waited for everyone else to leave approached Emma, who was still studying the holograms after everyone had left "Heya Emma, everything alright? And since you'll be the one bringing us through the asteroid field, is there anything engineering can do to help you out to make it easier on you?" He asked politely sitting down at the opposite side of the hologram.
Cadmus listened to the Admiral and Commander when they spoke. "Oh I agree with you there, Commander, we should make the effort to find every man woman and child so humanity as a whole will find a new place. I wasn't suggesting we'd avoid the planet altogether merely suggesting the route there of minimal risk." Cadmus added and then studied the image as Dania explained it. Pulling the ship back up like that would indeed be more difficult. "You are right, Admiral, making that maneuver in that environment would be more dangerous." Then the helmsman spoke up, bringing up a few good points. "You raise a good point even with our point defence weapons we'd be hardpressed in that game of cat and mouse, maybe we could keep our own shuttles on standby to counter such a thing if it were to happen?" Cadmus offered. He then received the notification from Kathi and made note, the other bridge personnel would have it and know to follow it. "Admiral if you have no objections I'll be manning the engineering station personally." Cadmus said, he'd be managing the ships systems and making sure the critical ones wouldn't be strained too much.
Cadmus had spent his free time mostly on his own reflecting upon the lines from the book even writing out his thoughts on the subject that was discussed, looking at it from a handful of angles. After what he had not realised was an hour or two he had received an invitation for a meeting. While it was optional he still felt a slight obligation to go due to his rank as Captain. So he went, he didn't feel any pride in the thanks as he had not contributed to it in the slightest and he probably should have, no matter it was all in the past. Then the hologram popped up and he studied it, and noted that Emma was too, understandable she was the one to pilot the ship however she didn't have to do it alone. "Ma'am, is there a way we could possibly circumvent this belt? Go around it or approach on a more favourable vector? I am sure the other ship tried to look into it but if we sustain damage on our way through we might get stuck on the other side." Cadmus asked the admiral, sure he didn't doubt Emma's abilities to pilot the ship, he had seen her pull them out of some rather dicey situations before, but it was always best to prepare for the worst. He couldn't help but chuckle a little when Emma mentioned engineering would be mad. "If you don't break anything too badly I'm sure they won't be too mad." He said realizing full well he was the one in charge on that department and sure he had gotten mad a handful of times, but far less frequent than any of the other people in his department. He listened to a few more of the plans being coined, some better than others, deflector shields being among the better ideas. "We're gonna need those shields if we are going to try this, good call Kathi." He said, he was thinking about a few other things they could do, like maybe increase air pressure in the inside rooms along the hull to give it a little bit more resistance to the kinetic impacts of the rocks and maybe using the point-defence weapons in emergencies to destroy smaller rocks, but they didn't seem like very good plans, just like a small idea he had but they couldn't put in practice because of the lack of resources, he wasn't entirely unwilling to try this but only if they had made a proper risk assesement.
After the compliment from the Admiral, Cadmus thanked the Admiral one last time before he turned his com off, priority messages would still come through but it would give him his peace and quiet that according to the Admiral he ha deserved, today he hadn't done too much so he didn't exactly agree with the praise, but then again you never really did. He had boarded the ship again and headed for his personal quarters. Closing the door behind him he had entered his fairly neat room, it wasn't perfectly clean, but he still prided himself in keeping it quite clean. To start his free time he took a rather quick shower, he never started his days with them as he'd have his shift and depending on how it would go it may have been pointless to take a shower, sure later he might be called up to have command of the bridge again but that could be several hours away. After that he sat down at his desk a small lamp providing him with light, the desk wasn't some imposing wooden behemoth but a more simply construction of steel and a wooden work surface. He put his communicator on the side of his desk and took a datapad out and dug up a certain text file and started reading, he knew the text very well but it was a habbit to read a few lines and reflect on them.