Derrick liked the idea of getting out of the cold rain, atleast one sensible idea that the lad had. It didn't escape the Witcher's notice that his former student took a moment to admire the behind of Dayla. This resulted in the older witcher delivering a swift, elbow to his younger student. "Behave, lad." He said quietly as Dayla turned around and told them they were welcome in the tavern. "Thank you, we will be heading over there shortly." The older witcher said, part of him didn't disagree with Derrick, she was quite something to look at, as was Derrick's enchantress friend. And the Old Crow stood there for a moment, wondering whether or not Derrick had gotten that from him. He thought of himself as while having his moments atleast tried to be respectful about it. It had been quite a few years ago he had trained Derrick, he had been young too and perhaps his assumption about himself wasn't correct and Derrick had picked it up from him. He'd have to remind himself to be a bit more careful with the young ones, as they might get some of the wrong impressions from him. Before they could get out of this miserable cold rain and into the tavern promising good conversation, drink and warmth they were intercepted by a few guards, he knew that borrowing the guard's longbow would cause some sort of problems, but he didn't expect the city guard to drum up a squad to actively apprehend him. "Good afternoon, good gentlemen, you appear to be mistaken, as I have no crossbow on my person. If the city guard is low on ranged weaponry, you can take my longbow and some of my gold as a donation." Veceslav said, holding out the longbow and a small purse to the lieutenant. Between Derrick and himself they could probably take the guards, but he'd rather not cause a scene in the city.
Character Name: Dubhán Daividh Nickname: Gender: Male Race: Human Age: 17 Personality: Dubhán is fairly quiet and tends to keep to himself. Depends on himself, as he was taught everyone should be able to take care of themselves before helping others. Appearance: Bio: Dubhán grew up in a village close to the Kingdom of Vale at the foot of the mountains shielding the Kingdom, his father was one of the hunters of the town. His mother was one of the council members. The village was able to sustain itself for a long time, the hunters and guards holding off bandits and because of it's close proximity to Vale, huntsmen would generally be on the scene before the Grimm could do too much damage. His parents had chosen this village for it's relatively safe position, they wanted the simpler life of a village, but at the very least have a back-up plan. Having seen the huntsman pass through and defend the village he lived in, Dubhán wanted to become a huntsman, his father saw the merit of having a huntsman in the village as they were skilled fighters. His mother wasn't as supportive of it but she knew that it would be for the good of the village and it wasn't that he would be leading a safe life in a village outside of the Kingdom. Dubhán was sent to Signal academy, this is where his weapons were forged, in the image of those his father used, the twin blades, modified with pistols that could fire different types of dust ammunition. After he graduated he immediately applied for Beacon, to just make sure he was away from his village for as short as possible. Weapon: A pair Golok with a revolver as a handle. Other:
Ulrich sadly was to be disappointed by his collegues as the reports were written in the dull standard of the constabulary, he had to take a few extra runs to the coffee machine to help maintain his focus. Going through the reports he made small notes of any information he found in the reports by the end of it he had a few intriguing details that seemed to fit in with the case. Puzzle pieces that fit in right with his theory sure it meant that it would have to go exactly like that, but still, they were clues and his theory seemed to be gaining in strength. He was still going over reports when Lynda strode into his office and not in a very pleasant mood, at the very least judging by the fact she felt the need to slam the door. He knew that at times like these it was best not to anger her even further. "I would say that in my eyes he has always been of questionable merit, but alas there isn't much we can do about his position." Ulrich said then looking over his notes of the things he had found. "It isn't much but I have found a few more puzzle pieces. For example while normally requiring a line of sight, if the mage has blood they can perform a ritual and manipulate the victim from within 30 meters, and well didn't the Grand Minister say the escape tunnel was blocked? Furthermore I found a note that it is more common to see the arts among Hirokiri migrants as the art is not outlawed there."
Just after disembarking he heard the elven bar tender call both him and Derrick cowards. He had been called worse, far worse. The Path wasn't easy and this too was a part of it. Derrick told him that they would do what witcher's did when they weren't paid, stay neutral, it wasn't our business. It wasn't entirely true and he felt he had taught it to Derrick in a too black and white manner, there were contradictions. If attacked by a monster the witcher would still lift his sword. If they ran into a caravan that was under attack from endrega, they would step in. The old man had struggled with the concept of the neutrality himself but he had found his way, perhaps it came with experience. Derrick joining him on the docks did provide the opportunity to catch up with his former student. After not having made it to the Kaer before the snow did put a little doubt in his heart that this would have been the year that Derrick would have died in a ditch somewhere or on the road bleeding out, having seen him here in Nowigrad had taken those doubts away. It was purely by chance that they had run into each other. The Crow appreciated that was the course that fate had decided to take. "We should find a warmer place to go talk, perhaps a tavern, or something." It was then that the Aen Saedhe abandoned the suicidal plan saying they may not have been cowards after all. Perhaps, perhaps not. They did leave Aaron to his fate. The mage too said something but it didn't seem important enough to warrant an answer.
Ulrich was going through the archives in the search for the files that Lynda had mentioned it took him quite a bit to actually locate the files, as the files in question were buried within the archives. Having finally dug up the files he left the archives and put the files on his desk. Before he started he wanted to grab a good cup of coffee to make sure he could keep paying attention while going over the files in question. He quickly made a mug of the greatest of mankind's inventions. And sat down at his desk. While it wasn't that much of a great task in his eyes, this forbidden magic seemed rather intriguing, maybe his colleagues had taken a little bit of freedom with the standards of writing reports like he himself used to and not make it as boring a read.
Derrick joined them on the ship as had the other witcher. He had listened to Derrick's instructions to the sorceress and he concurred with the fact that they would need a bit of help on their approach. The elf then mentioned she had no experience with sailing, which wasn't a surprise at all. He had noticed her sweet smile as he had gone on board. He had seen such elven smiles before and he had never really liked them. Whenever an elf smiled like that you were in a position where they were at an advantage atleast in some way. Or they were trying to pass something off as nothing. However not soon after people started abandoning the plan. First the sorceress, he couldn't blame her. She had no personal stake in this situation. However after she didn't join, Derrick came over to him saying it was suicidal to continue, it had been a suicidal plan to begin with... He wanted to shout at him to return, they could do this. But in the end he knew Derrick was right. It would be a painful loss... but not unlike any other student he lost during the trials or their training or shortly after they had started on the Path. He remembered every single on of them and it pained him to lose him like that. But Veceslav was the warden of witcher secrets like those of the Grasses would be lost. Atleast for the Wolf school, sure there would still be a stock somewhere but when those ran out then there wouldn't be any new witchers, not that those appeared very often these days anymore anyways, but then their school and traditions would end. The 'Captain' of the ship asked if they were ready to leave now. Veceslav thought for a long moment and thought it through very well. He pulled the hood of his cloak up and walked away back towards the docks. His face an unmoving steel mask, to those who didn't know him he'd look fine, those that did that something was underneath it. He kept telling himself it was for the greater good of the School of the Wolf. And maybe, just maybe Aaron would find a way out one way or another. Maybe everything would in the end turn out alright... He approached Derrick. "Then what do we do?" He asked Derrick.
Lynda seemed to follow his theory and mentioned that the potential magical abilities he alluded to hadn't been seen in Eredan for a long time. "Well, it's not impossible for it to have returned is it? But as I said this is just a shot in the dark, it might explain the strange inconsistencies within the narrative of this crime. I'll look into those case files to see if there's anything useful in there." Ulrich said, knowing full well it was paperwork and definitely not his favourite job, but this was a rather interesting subject. When Ulrich listened to the explanation of the source of the discussion, he thought for a moment,it could have a few reasons, one of them being xenophobia but also economical if more people are around labour becomes cheaper, which for companies is favourable, but for the common man much less so. "Well, that does seem unrelated but perhaps pressure from economical groups is involved. But for the moment it seems irrelevant. As for magic, as far as I am aware you are right, you generally need to be in the vicinity, then again I am far from an expert in the field. And yes we really do." Ulrich said regarding the searching of the Ministry as he had gotten out of the car. He first went to go find those case files about the forbidden magic.
Veceslav listened to Derrick reciting more or less the same things he had mentioned that could happen if they went through with this. The she-elf had taunted them about fear and wanting to use her bow again, she clearly had a deathwish but that wasn't his problem. Neither was the whole raider situation really, as he hadn't been paid to care. Something he saw reflected in Derrick's eyes too. He understood it, he had taught the man to be neutral, but not to be indifferent and this moment was one of those moments where the difference would be evident. The mage said she would come along if the person he had fished out of the water stayed behind. He had no objection to that at all. "That's perfectly fine by me." Veceslav said as he boarded the vessel, sailing wasn't his strong point and he had only some experience with siege weapons, a lesson or two taught to him by people he had ran into along the path. He boarded the ship and started working on loading up the ballista.
Ulrich listened to Lynda's rambling and he himself was trying to fit puzzle pieces together. "Maybe the reason why they didn't hurt the Grand Minister is because they were sending the message to her? I mean if you are able to strike within the seat of power with impunity, then where will you be able to hide safely? A show of force just as an example, this could be a ploy to make sure a certain decision is or isn't made. I am afraid I am unaware of the full business at the ministiry as I do not follow the news regarding politics extremely well otherwise it could shed more light on the matter." Ulrich said, putting in his two cents in to try and answer Lucian's question. The other question he thought a moment or two about before opening his mouth again to speak. "Well according to the Royal Guardsman I spoke the room wasn't warded against magic so it would be a likely approach to this case, from what I gathered there is an understandable sense of confidence with the Royal guard that a handful would be able to take care of a mage. If such a thing were to be known maybe someone would try to exploit this particular situation, capitalising on their by lack of better term hubris. It might be a combination of both, Lilian being blackmailed into this, and she was completely controlled through magical abilities to make sure the guards could be overpowered and she wouldn't back out or hesitate. I am aware this is all guessing and a lot of theory with very little evidence. Though Lilian and the Grandminister were arguing before the incident if we learn what this argument was about it could atleast debunk or prove part of this theory." Ulrich was rather curious to Lynda's thoughts on his only scarecely supported theory.
The crow watched his arrow disappear into the grey fog, not counting on an aweful lot to happen, having taken note of the remark of Teliana but he didn't react to it, no point really. Someone called out to presumably the small gathering of them. The person asked them to join him on the ship so they could get closer. While he himself didn't care about the raiders as he wasn't being paid to care about them and this city had more than enough people in the city guard and militias to make sure the raiders couldn't set foot on the shores. What he did care about however was the fate of his student, who had been acting like an idiot. Sure there was a risk in going out onto the water with these conditions and the uncertainty of the serpent being gone, but it was a better chance than anything else they had. And eventhough the question wasn't exactly directed at him he answered anyways. "The serpent returning,destroying the ship while we're out. The raiders deciding it is more interesting to play with more people. Perhaps some magic raining down on us. I'd say it's risky but what else is there to do but sit and twiddle our thumbs?" Veceslav said as he waited for Derrick's thoughts on this particular plan.
When Lynda turned to him to give him some credit for his thoughts, while not exactly needed it was appreciated. He listened to the instructions and further questioning as he waited. Lucian's questions regarding the motive were some good questions, asked in the wrong place, but good questions nontheless, after all these were the questions they were supposed to answer. The easy answer was this was specificly targeted at the victims at the meeting, maybe something about the subject of the particular meeting. He wanted to ask, but the grand minister was unable to answer the questions at the moment. As Lynda turned away and started walking towards the car that had brought them here, he followed her dreading the prospect of filling out paper work, but there was a chance that after he had done that, Lynda would have arranged the necessary paperwork with the Lord Marshall and they could get going with the investigation of the meeting room. As he got to the car he got in at the passenger's side, if Lynda would be driving there'd be no reason to sit in the cramped rear. When Lynda got in the car and got underway he figured to spend the traveling time usefully. "So Ma'am, what are your thoughts on this particular case? Got any ideas on the whys of this whole thing?" He asked her.
Veceslav saw the serpent disappear after his bomb, but it had been too late. Derrick was right if they wanted one, they had one. The Crow considered just getting a boat and going over there. Witchers lived by the sword and those who lived by it would die by it. There wouldn't be a death in a nice and warm bed, they'd die in the woods, by the roadside in a ditch, protecting the humans who only cared if they were helping out. Derrick had no ideas for what to do, he himself had an idea but the mists getting thicker put an end to it. "He shouldn't have been on that boat in the first place, I've dragged people from some hairy situations, you know that, hell I would thank the Wild Hunt if they took him away right now, because servitude with them is better than death....because I do not see a way to solve this, unless he just jumps and goes for it...." The crow said grimly. The mage and his fellow witcher discussed the matter for a moment and he could understand why they felt that way... But he couldn't just stand here do nothing as people he was supposed to protect were in danger. He appreciated the help of the Archer he hadn't noticed was providing as she had not yet stopped firing, he still had his longbow too and while he was unable to see his target clearly through the mist, he could probably hit something and there was something their opponent might have overseen too. Within the downpour the old Crow prepared another arrow with a bomb a different kind this time around, a Northern Wind bomb, his only one, he lit it with igni, and aimed for a similar spot the archer had fired her arrow at, but he was firing blind and he knew the risks but it was better than nothing, he loosed the arrow and prayed to whatever watched over them be it destiny, fate or one of the "divines" that he wouldn't hit Aaron with this thing and that it would atleast make the journey to his target. He turned to the mage. "If at all possible could you make sure that bomb goes off? It may not save him but it sure as hell will help..." The black cloth over the dark iron of his armour had been thoroughly soaked by now and the chill was getting to him, the fire he had made from the barrels had died and while he didn't exactly like having to leave Aaron on his own, he knew Derrick was right... He put the bundle of arrows he had left by the archer, whom now that he actually looked at her with more than a sideways glance appeared to be the barmaid from earlier. It wasn't unusual for city people to join archery guilds to help protect their cities, but he doubted the humans would be so open minded as to teach an elf archery when Scoia'tael arrows still felled humans. He himself wasn't going to meddle in that it wasn't his place, both sides wanted witchers to help them, but that's when the Witcher neutrality came around. He kept the bow with him, he'd return it when he had the chance and looked solemly at Derrick. The two of them had sunken hours into training the lad, he himself had sunken years into it and he had been such a promising student. "Derrick, leave her, if she wishes to continue you should let her." He said in remark to his younger compatriot's remark.
Ulrich listened attentively to the answers he received from the grand minister. They only served to reinforce the suspicions he had. How could a minister be quick enough to just grab a pistol away from a guard and shoot in total five people so quickly. Lynda asked whether she ran or hid and the grand minister admitted to hiding but the emergency exits were blocked in some way... That was unusual because they were always supposed to be open. Something was seriously wrong here. He was unable to judge her skil with a pistol but it took some training to be that accurate. He himself was pretty good but it had taken years of training and he couldn't say anything about the minister that commited this. Further more emergency exits being alledgedly blocked? That required some looking into. He greeted Jebediah as he arrived on the scene. "Hmmm, Ma'am, we might have to investigate the scene itself too. But the helpful Royal Guard I spoke to told me we're going to need permission from the Lord Marshall, shall I go take care of that so we may have a look?" He asked Lynda, kind of hoping it had already been taken care off he really doubted cause this was an emergency deployment, but it would help if it already existed.
The old Crow finished up his work on the arrows walked as close to the edge of the docks as possible. The mist was making it hard to really see his target, even changing the size of irises hardly helped. He nocked the arrow to the bowstring, took aim, partially trying to see and partially making an educated guess. Used igni to light the extended fuse, drew the bowstring back, compensated a little for the wind when the tiny droplets started coming down from the sky. He released immediately as the rain started to intensify hoping that the fuse would remain lit throughout it's flight toward his target, the sea serpent. With the rain intensifying there was no point in making more of the arrows he had just used, a bodkin with a dimeritium bomb attached to it. The old witcher was uncertain what the next course of action would be. He wasn't going to pretend he had a plan to follow it up, as the rain intensified, Veceslav pulled his heavy black cloak tighter around him, but he didn't put the hood up. "So what's the plan now?" The old witcher asked both the unknown fire mage and Derrick.
So the room wasn't warded against magic, maybe the magician in question took control over a long distance. He didn't doubt the guardsman's claim that a simple mage would be no match for a few Royal guardsmen. There was something really weird going on, the fact that she screamed she didn't have control made him think it was magic related. And it wasn't to be ruled out since the room hadn't been warded. If she was speaking the truth that was. "And I do not believe we have permission, I would have to ask my superior, but if we do not we will return with permission, thank you for your cooperation and good day to you, sir." Ulrich said. It would be time to go back to Lynda see if there was anything else that he could help with. He walked over to his superior officer and he caught the begining of the investigation, with Lucian apparantly atleast trying to act like a profesional constable, though he couldn't help but feel like there was some negative undertone to what the constable said. It probably had to do with the phrasing. Ulrich joined Lynda and Lucian. "Ma'am, apologies for the interruption, but the royal guard provided me with a rundown of the incident and there seems to be merit to the claims of the Grand Minister. According to the guard, there was screaming from within the meeting room, when the guard arrived, they found the minister holding the gun of a guardsmen, with two of them dead and three ministers. The gun presumably came from one of these guards, though without examining the scene that can't be said with certainty." Ulrich explained "Grand Minister, could you please tell us where you were when the incident took place and if you were present what took place within this meeting room." Ulrich said, remaining respectful and professional throughout his entire explanation.
Veceslav hadn't at all expected this course of action and it tore into him when he watched the serpent take the boat holding Aaron. A student of his that he had sunk several years of his own life into the training of, was appearing to be brutally ripped away after only just graduating. Damn it he had taught Aaron better than that why did the idiot get on that accursed boat. The fog that had rolled in was quite bothersome too. Veceslav was starting to think of any plans even considering going full on frogman and downing a killer whale and swimming after, until he heard something about it seemingly being magicly controlled. That gave him an idea but he needed a bow for it. "Derrick, I got a plan, you gotta trust me I'll be right back." Veceslav rushed through the city streets looking for the red uniforms of the temple guard, he looked and looked for a specific weapon they carried, it took him quite a while to actually find it. "Would you borrow me your longbow?" The guard looked at him "Your kind don't belong in a proper place like Novigrad, what makes you think I would give a you a weapon of the guard?" Veceslav sighed always the same bloody thing in the cities. He made the sign with his hand convincing the guard he could take the longbow and arrows from the guard, then immediately running back and getting back to the docks he started tying a bomb to an arrow in preparation for his probably insane plan which might not even work but it might provide Aaron with a chance.
Ulrich had a lot more luck as the Royal guard was quite cooperative. It probably helped that Ulrich was polite about asking his questions, they were in a way collegues so there was no reason for hostility and Ulrich had learned that one would catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. He listened attentively as to what had taken place within the Parliament. This was indeed a massacre as the Royal guardsman explained it 5 people dead in seconds. A Minister overpowering Royal Guard, not just one but two before they could react even having their weapons? This seemed very unikely. This was a rather strange case they had found themselves in. "Thank you for the information, now if I might ask some more questions what can you tell me about the meeting room, was it warded against magic? And could you perchance show me this meeting room?" Ulrich asked continuing the friendly tone. He heard a bit of a racket behind him and he only shot a glance over and wasn't surprised to find Constable Thistle responsible for it. Lynda would probably take care of it. Waiting for the answer he heard the woman cry out she had no control over it. Hmmm, possibly magic, but maybe it was affliction of the mind, this case was going to be quite the interesting one.
The old Crow listened in on the plan the Derrick had while keeping his eyes on the two floundering people in the water. He watched as the woman dived in letting the rope slide through his gauntlets, when she came back up he followed her instruction and started reel in the line pulling the bloke who to his surprise was a bit heavier than anticipated, probably one of the higher ups in town only looking after themselves, or some owner of a granary, intent to make a huge profit out of this entire situation. The witcher pulled the bloke onto dry land and rolled him a bit away from the waters edge and then reached down to pull the woman out of the water. He clasped her wrists and helped her ashore. He knew they weren't entirely safe just yet. The danger of hypothermia was still a very real thing, he gathered some empty wooden barrels and smashed them into bits, the brewery they belonged to be damned. Away from the waters edge he stacked some of the planks and lit them with an igni sign starting a small fire, he then dragged the rather chubby guy over to the fire and turned to Alyse "Stick close to the fire, it'll do you good." Veceslav said to the woman he had fished out of the water. He joined Derrick and co. standing on the opposite side of Teliana "I wish we'd be re-united under more pleasant circumstances but alas." The old witcher said keeping his eyes on the murky grey waters for a sign of where the serpent was, if it focused on the sorceress and Derrick was going to attack it from one side, then he could mirror Derrick's move for maximum effectiveness, if not he'd have to improvise, plans were fine and all but you couldn't fully predict an animal or monster, it's something he reminded his students off time and time again. While keeping his eyes on the water he wondered what had gotten into the head of the werewolf that had been dragged beneath the surface.
Ulrich studied the expression of the golem in front of him, it was a habbit that brought him nowhere as the golems expression wouldn't change. He was taken by surprise when Lynda spoke up about the golem in front of him who turned out to be an acquaintance who she introduced to both himself, Lucian and Johnson. Ulrich extended a hand to the construct "Well met, Aspire, I am constable Ulrich, pleased to make your acquaintence." Ulrich noticed that Lucian was going ahead and get some work in. Meanwhile Ulrich decided to see what insight this Golem could provide on the scene before them. The clockwork golem explained them that the minister had been escorted out as was a woman. Ulrich had taken notice of the latter woman being escorted out but hadn't seen the minister, must have slipped his attention. Ulrich went over the new information in his head and was rather curious about Lynda's verdict on the presence of the golem, whether he was allowed to stay or not. The machines intrigued him, they were a marvel of magic and technology and he was impressed by the way the creatures were able to make them individuals, it was just such an amazing feat, part of him hoped the golem was allowed to tag along. Ulrich knew they were here for a job and as much as he would have wanted to get to know the Golem it would have to wait. He went over to one of the Royal guard around the plaza. "Greetings, I'm constable Ulrich Haltzenor, could you please show me the crime scene and give me a rundown of the incident if possible or point me in the direction of someone who could tell me what happened." Ulrich said, showing his badge.
Veceslav ran through the winding streets of the city making his way towards the docks weaving his path through the city and the people within it's streets who were coming toward him. He did so skillfully, a different application from the endless training he had received in the art of movement and his footwork and his superior reflexes, it was just a small convenience also given by their abilities and training. He made good progress through the city and eventually wound up at the docks, his medallion vibrating heavily. The Medallion however wasn't necessary to find the monster this time around as it was pretty much impossible to miss. However something else caught his eye it was a man he knew, a man with brown hair and a plantlike pattern upon his arm, twin swords, it all fit the bill of one man he knew, sure he could be wrong but it was a very sound conclusion he knew who that was. It was none other than Derrick of Kaedwen, who unbeknownst to the crow muttered something about weird things happening as the older witcher approached the scene. As he approached the scene he also noted that his other student was also present. The scene in front of him with a werewolf trying to claw a sea serpent through it's scaled hide as a sorceress hurled fire balls at it and Aaron being unsurprisingly reckless in an attempt to attak the beast was utterly bizarre. The great beast reminded him of a contract years ago, during the contract the King who was supposed to pay him didn't pay him for services rendered and then wanted to start waging a war on the ocean dwellers, who if left alone wouldn't harm anyone. A siren who the king was interested in, had helped him explain why it was an extremely stupid idea to fight these ocean dwellers, sure on the land mankind had carved out it's domain by fire and sword, but the oceans were no place for men, this being a prime example of why that was. Veceslav stood away from Derrick and the Sorceress and saw the woman in the water, the woman from earlier at the tavern, with a serpent underwater trying to get the werewolf off, it wasn't a good place to be. He borrowed a length of rope from the dock and tossed it over to her so he could quickly drag her to safety. "Grab on." Veceslav shouted over the racket at the docks, ready to drag her onto solid ground. He left the pleasantries for Derrick and Aaron for later after this situation would be taken care off, they'd understand.