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  1. Vladek515

    Conrad took Everette's encouragement well, perhaps the darkness at the very back of his mind had been stirring. Either that or he just saw the saw the situation wrong. He smiled back to Everette. With Everette broadening the search it would seem like a good idea to split up to cover more ground more quickly. "If I take a look at the crops and their animals, which are both outside the walls and you take the storehouses, well and rain water supply, we can look into it all a bit quicker, saving precious time." Conrad said as the Chief gave the option. As Renza returned to them he smiled to the little girl who was so eager to help out in this whole mess of a situation. The water boiling thing didn't seem like such uncommon knowledge to him, but when he had come to the guild he had noticed a difference in knowledge as they didn't get as good an education as he had received, but that didn't mean that there still were many lessons for him to be learned when he had joined. "Be careful in there, Samuel." He told his comrade and then turned to Everette. "So what do you say we split or not? I'm good either way." Conrad said, he didn't particularly care who showed him the way around either, although he still felt a little wary of the Chieftain with his rash, but since it didn't seem contagious he kept all that to himself.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Vladek515
    Boreas listened to the reason that Master Atmos gave it was fair enough but according to Torrin this Tinarah was missing and she had mentioned her, probably expecting Torrin to have found her in the Light Chasers base. "Hmm, fair reasoning although I do then question the mentioning of Tinarah, if she was lost too and not one of these Princesses of Heart the Light Chaser was after then there should have been no reason she would be recovered. And since Torrin hasn't mentioned returning her I am going to hazard a guess that she wasn't returned and thus remains either a captive or worse. When you capture an oppponent you want something out of it either an advantage or force the enemy to parley and for example exchange prisoners. I'll give you the fact that you didn't know Aria was in the Light Chasers grasp though for not mentioning it." He said, deep down knowing he wasn't being very careful around a rather touchy subject.

    When Torrin mentioned that a student of the Light Chaser let them go with a Princess of Heart in tow, something he according to Atmos had been starting to gather. "
    It makes no sense that they let you leave with her, there must be a catch somehow, it should not be made that easy... you don't simply give an asset away to opponents that you can repulse, there must be something more going on here, perhaps give us a false sense of security? Was there anything different about her?" Boreas theorized out loud. There was a ploy here, something wasn't right, but he didn't have all the information and could only hazard a guess. Perhaps... perhaps the Light Chaser had kept Tinarah out of the way of the raid to use her later as a bargaining chip to get Aria back.

    Then Torrin told him he actually had passed the mark of mastery. "
    Congratulations on passing the Mastery." He said and then listened to what happened and why he was recovering here. It was good to know that the two of them wouldn't have to keep coming back here to recover for battle after this, allowing for normal operation. And well with Torrin as a master now, following in the footsteps of his father, the fact there were ten of them with three masters on board boosted his confidence in their mission. "While I have improved significantly since you and last spoke, I am not above learning from a Master, especially not when the Master is a friend I finally see again after 6 years. What is it you want to teach me?" Boreas asked, resting his keyblade with the tip in the soft sand of the beach beside his feet.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Vladek515

    Conrad listened and watched as the Chieftain explained he too had been infected. It looked rather unpleasant eventhough it was just a rash. It all started to point in the direction of the fact that it wasn't contagious and if it was transmitted from person to person it had a very low chance of happening which relieved Conrad a little bit. When the Chieftain explained there hadn't been any large reactions to when people used the water to cook or bathe, Conrad got thinking "Well, if you use the water in cooking you generally use boiling water right? As you might know honourable Chieftain, boiling is a fairly easy and effective way to make sure most of the harmful contents are removed, it makes sense that even if it were waterborne it would have great difficulty spreading when the water is boiled." The bathing he wasn't too sure about, perhaps it had difficulty penetrating the skin? He couldn't be sure and even then it was all speculation.

    With animals being separated from people for the most part it seemed to almost entirely eliminate that vector too. He listened to the fairly quick plan of action that Samuel formulated, they had quite the task to try and figure this out, rain water seemed unlikely unless there was foul play at work where ever they collected or stored it, which wasn't impossible but they would need to have a motive for that and the Chieftain hadn't mentioned anything unusual happening so that at the very least seemed unlikely. "
    Well, Samuel, I don't mind giving you a hand collecting the information, although I would also be fine with having a look at the animals and perhaps where the rain water is stored. Just tell me where I am needed most." Conrad offered, he wanted to help and felt a little on the sidelines of the team, but he would do what was required of him, be it inquiring, investigating or setting up their camp. With Everette holding overall responsibility and Samuel being the expert he wasn't surprised he was a little more on the sidelines, but that didn't make him feel that much better.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Vladek515

    Boreas showed a small smile when he saw the puzzlement on Torrin's face. He grinned when Torrin took his hand in a strong handshake. "What's the matter, Torrin, all this traveling make you go soft?" Boreas said increasing the pressure. When Torrin pulled him in for the shoulder bash he patted him on the back. "I haven't gone soft Torrin, it has taken me a few years and considerable effort to get to this point, it's no use staying angry..." Was all he said on that subject for the time being, as Torrin pointed out there were more pressing concerns. "Atmos has brought me up to speed on the situation, when she told me you had been embroiled in this for the past year I knew you wouldn't let it go before it was finished. So I told her I'd help you all out so this can be resolved and we can go home." When Torrin mentioned Aria being safe he mentally went over the list of names Atmos mention in the Atlantean Court, this wasn't one of them, the fact that Tinarah wasn't back meant to him they had lost another combatant in an already severely undermanned unit. "Who is this Aria? Is she with us too? And if so why didn't you mention her before, Master Atmos?" Boreas asked, he disliked it when he wasn't told something and she probably had her reasons for doing so, but they were allies now and he wasn't one of her students that she could simply wave off with it's for your own good.

    He turned back to Torrin to answer his friends questions about the situation back home. "
    Well his Majesty is doing perfectly fine although his hair is starting to look a bit more like yours though. As for the war, we're winning albeit slowly. The attacks from the Heartless luckily have become a lot more managable, last few months or so we haven't really had any need to move everyone underground as there hasn't been a horde in sight. It has allowed us to focus more on the war than trying to make sure we don't all get killed. We have capitalised on this by forcing a significant rebel force to do battle against us, one they had no hope of winning. However we were played, while we were occupied dealing with what turned out to be a bait, a smaller force attacked the castle, we lost a few of the higher ups like Lord Berengar and Count Grahame, but they were made to pay dearly for their accomplishment. Our Master was with the men in the field while this happened, he too is alive and well." Boreas explained, the situation was a lot better than it had been six years ago, the one Torrin had left behind, but now he was caught in another war, one that was a lot more important. Boreas kept the comment from Atmos in the back of his mind about the Light affecting him if he pushed too much, was this what Torrin had been affected by? Not feeling his full one hundred percent? Atleast he was back at it now, but it still bugged Boreas a little, if they had to keep coming back her to restore strength then their own contribution to this fight was limited.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Vladek515

    Everette knelt beside him to get on the same level as the little girl who introduced herself as Renza, she mentioned it smelled inside the large hall, no surprise to be honest. As the older man appeared from the large building Conrad stood back up. When the little girl left, Conrad smiled back and like Everette told her it was nice to meet her and waved before turning to the Chieftain. When Samuel introduced him, Conrad bowed although he didn't believe it was necessary at all. The plague had been going on for while and then a storm swooping in that was really unfortunate. Samuel hadn't heard him earlier it seemed and it was fine as now the Chief was here and with Everette asking the most pressing questions Conrad was thinkin, they had a most unusual case at their hands here as it seemed the girl and the Chief were perfectly fine even when helping the victims. "Did anything out of the ordinary happen prior to the disease breaking out? As Everette pointed out it seems unusual you and Renza aren't sick so we got to keep all options open as to what this might be." Even out here a plague ought to follow the general principles of an outbreak.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Vladek515
    Dubhán stood as some others spoke up to the appearance of the new person, they were supposed to work with someone like that... He made a split second decision to not act when Noire threatened Lloyd, yes she threatening a comrade and it was an entirely unreasonable reaction on her part to do this, but he knew that if he acted in defense of Lloyd, he'd not only achieve nothing but pissing Noire off even more but he'd also be getting his own introduction to her fighting skills and having seen how she took down that Ursa, he'd rather not be on the receiving end of that sort of strength, as she got up he walked over to Lloyd offering him his hand to help him up. As he did he listened to what this operative of the Diamond Crosses had to say, first of all Glynda, Aalis and Uva had been reassigned and Dubhán wanted to walk with them as he was still the solo operative under Glynda and the operation with team LAVA had been temporary even if a member left. However before he could Noire had gone on and told him he had been re-assigned by order of Ozpin himself, orders were orders especially when they came from Ozpin himself. Apparantly the diamond crosses knew more about these guardians and Dubhán simply listened to what was being said, it was odd to him it worked with opposites. Now being part of former team LAVA Dubhán felt a little annoyed by Arian's antics, Noire had a point in asking him whether it was all he could think about. "Noire, what sort of supplies are you thinking? Rations and water are obvious, a piece of rope never hurt anyone, any other suggestions?" Dubhán asked.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Vladek515
    He had been right in assuming there was an office in her house, although the servant seemed rather reluctant to show him the way but he couldn't pinpoint whether it was simply because they had a warrant and were trudging around the house with nigh on impunity when they had hoped to stop that or whether it was simply the fact that he had a gun grafted to his arm, sure the safety was on, but that didn't make it any less unpleasant to have someone like that walk through your home, constabulary or not. But they were here rightfully under the law so he personally expected cooperation, perhaps a little less reluctant but atleast they were willing to help. Walking into the office Ulrich was greeted by a rather beautiful sight, he hadn't really expected this sort of grandeur although he really should have given the manor. He studied each of the paintings before circling back to the desk itself where he looked through the papers, taking the stack from the side of he desk and quickly going over the legislations before he neatly put it back and looked at the letter reading it.

    So Miss Harbrooke was frustrated with the way the Grand Minister handle her request for looking into the Hirokiri migrants with especially the people in top positions requiring another look. He understood the sentiment and while it was a finger pointed at Miss Harbrooke a simple concern and frustration with the way the system worked weren't enough to murder for as it wouldn't resolve anything or help make progress on the issue, furthermore the letter was still here on the desk and not sent. He turned to the servant. "
    Do you know by any chance why this hasn't been sent and when it was written?" This letter was important and he'd keep it with him as evidence to present to Lynda, see what she'd make of it. Ulrich checked the drawers of the desk next, taking everything out and placing it on the desk before neatly putting everything back where it had laid, after checking the drawers for false bottoms by knocking.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 20, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Vladek515
    The air within his cell had grown even colder as time had passed, Veceslav's limbs had gone numb, the torturer having called it a night earlier. Luckily he hadn't thought of severing his tendons to prevent any form of escape then again he was just a common criminal and it wasn't like the torturer wanted to see the body of a witcher pushed to the very limit. The removal of a few nails and being poked with hot iron were bad enough and Veceslav had fought to keep his composure and not give the man the satisfaction, he had fought hard, but when the man drove thin stakes precisely past some of his vital organs and blood vessels he couldn't surpress a cry of pain. He was being careful to not kill him in the first go, although it would take more to kill him than that. What the man had said about the long vacation in a warmer place, he hadn't known Veceslav intended to go south perhaps to Vicovaro before ending up in this cell, not that the old witcher had said anything about that. Sure he could have prevented ending up here but he wasn't going to shed their blood. If he got out of here however and his hands on any of those guards that had beaten him or the little coward of a torturer, he would show them the error of their ways, but first things first... not freeze to death during the night. He breathed in deeply and a sharp pain from where the stake had passed through sent through his entire body. Was this where it would end for him and the wolf school of witchers? He had never passed the secrets of the mutagens on to Derrick and it looked like that would be their undoing now.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 20, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Vladek515
    His words had hit a weak spot atleast her words seemed to suggest it. It hadn't been his intention to put hit the weakspot, merely analyse their opponents actions and trying to look at the grand strategy beneath it. The way she cut off after saying there were still others only reinforced his theory in his mind. Sure others might still be around but if they took no action it didn't at all matter. The silent majority never made a difference, just those who took action. Having gone through the portal he found himself on a beach, the gentle sound of the waves lapping at the beach filling his ears. Beneath the moon light he walked across the beach with Atmos wearing his armour. In the distance was a person sitting on the sand, they rose and summoned a keyblade, Boreas mimicked the move summoning the Silver wind to his hand. As he got closer he took in the details of the person standing in front of him, the one he hadn't seen in six years, the one that had disappeared, it was Torrin.

    Standing in front of the one he was to return home he looked in his eyes, the look in his eyes was different from back then. The six years had hardened both of them. When Torrin realised it was him he simply nodded. The question of who his armoured companion was didn't need to be answered, the how however. "
    Well... after going to the Light Chaser's base with you, Miss Atmos had a little meet-up with your nemesis, to get away she was forced to use unreliable methods of travel and ended up in the Realm of Darkness where your cousin, me and two of your Uncle's soldiers found her as you can imagine your cousin went a bit overboard and arrested her to bring her before the King. After a quick history lesson and a request of help from her to your Uncle I was to bring her to the Realm of Light, in exchange she promised your uncle to bring you home. I requested the opportunity to go with her to find you, return you home..." Boreas said, not mentioning the whole reasoning he had given Atmos about fighting this Light Chaser and knowing he wouldn't let this go. His blade had been pointed at the ground the entire time. "It is good to see you again, friend, it's been too long." He said walking up to the man and offering his hand and looking him in the eyes. He may have disappeared on him, but the reality of the battlefield had taught him that holding such a grudge lead to only more unnecessary misery, he had forgiven him a long time ago.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Vladek515

    Boreas listened as the King told him it was for a good friend, while the king hadn't said it directly but Boreas knew it must have been someone important to him. The instructions sounded a little vague but Boreas had a hunch as to what was needed to accomplish this. He followed Atmos after he bowed to the king bidding his farewell. He thought about what Atmos said about the many keyblade wielders already being lost or missing. Some were probably hiding waiting for the storm to pass, they wouldn't be noticed or targeted by this Light Chaser in an attempt to save their own skins, but they were wrong. As for those destroyed it made sense to target those worlds, if the wielders banded together to hunt this Light Chaser then it would have meant the end, but he struck first preventing such a thing to happen and now had almost free reign.

    As much as it is bad news it makes sense he targeted them early. It sends a clear message and prevents a coordinated retaliation, clever. But I refuse to believe that he has gotten all of them. With such a message being sent to you, what would you do? If an opponent is clearly powerful enough to destroy you should they need to, would you draw attention to yourself? Would you still fight? You yourself have already demonstrated your resolve as you have fought him yet still won't give up. Would everyone think that way? One for one the masters clearly can't win as the destruction of their worlds proves. He has succesfully broken the one force capable of stopping him easily, by sowing fear among the weak willed and taking out those who refused to run." Boreas said. "Since we are heading to the Realm of Darkness, have you recovered enough to go back there? I know we're only going to edge, but it's still the Darkness. I am willing to lend you my armour should you require it." Boreas offered the pauldron that functioned as the activator, before he opened up yet another portal. It was a practical choice mostly, she'd be no help to him if the Darkness was affecting her.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Vladek515

    Everette agreed with him on the sickness part but raised a good point, if he had been looking after all the people in the place where it would be most likely to be infected and he was still healthy then either this Chieftain had a very good immume system, was protected in some way or the disease wasn't contagious. "It might be a possibility, if that man has been in there and not gotten sick it's odd to say in the least... It would suggest that the plague isn't contagious but it's just an assumption at this point. What do you think, Samuel?" He didn't say anything else and simply watched as the girl tugged at Everette's jacket, she had snuck up without him noticing it was careless of him, especially in a place like this, it seemed like the illness wasn't contagious but it was still careless. The little girl seemed perfectly fine to him, but his eye wasn't nearly as trained as Samuel's were when it came to sicknesses. The girl had been carrying a bucket with water, helping out in this crisis in her own way it seemed. Conrad knelt to get on eye level with her. "Yes, we are the mages that came to help." He couldn't tell the girl that everything would be alright, he wasn't sure about that they could solve this.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Vladek515

    They quickly agreed to a plan of action and Conrad excused himself and left for his room, quickly grabbing a few changes of simple clothes, his cobalt blue knee-length double breasted coat and the belt with his rapier. He cast one glance at the photos of his family that were on his desk before rejoining Samuel downstairs to get the supplies, all of what they needed was easily acquired and with Everette having secured permission from Master Midarah they set out. The journey itself wasn't too bad at first it was fairly comfortable between the train and magical car they made good time towards the village of Froulk Wood, however it didn't all go as smoothely as they had some difficulty trying to find a horse-drawn cart for the final trek, it took the three of them to convince the driver they didn't have to get near the village themselves to get it going. Conrad had been prepared to just walk the final part before they tried convincing this man but was fairly glad that wasn't necessary until the final mile. As Samuel paid the driver, Conrad thanked the man for his help and they went on.

    When they arrived at the village gates they were stopped by the guards, saying the village was in quarantine. Samuel cleared up the situation by saying they had taken the job that was posted the day before in their Guild Hall, the guard seemed relieved that they arrived so soon and requested they showed their Guild Marks, to prevent having to lift his shirt like Samuel, Conrad had chosen a more practical place for his mark and simply showed the back of his right hand, pulling the sleeve of his coat back a little to show the entire mark and followed Samuel through the gate. Judging from the condition of the village it seemed like they waited quite a while before they asked for help. It was understandable but looking at the village he couldn't surpress the thought that they were here too late already. He looked as a few people were crowded around a hut and Conrad could only guess as to what had happened there. As Samuel mentioned the building the guard had refered to Conrad spoke up. "
    You think it's a good idea to go in there with all the sick people gathered in one place? I mean we don't know anything about this illness yet and if it's contagious walking in there is going to cut this mission short... then again we're already in the middle of it all but as you said before we left the Guild, we ought to be cautious until we know more. I'd say we talk to the Chieftain out here if possible." Conrad looked around him, listening to the baby cry one of few sounds in a village that should be a lot more lively and he shuddered, the sullen atmosphere that hung oppresively over the village scaring him a little. He really hoped they could solve this thing before it was too late, if it wasn't already.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Vladek515
    As Atmos asked him whether he would stick around to see this to the end. "My King has given me two months to bring Torrin home, I don't know whether it will be enough time to resolve this entire thing, but it would seem our goals are tied together and for the duration of my mission I shall aid you." Boreas said, leaving the difficult choice that would have to be made if the two months were gone and this Light Chaser wasn't dealt with yet. It was the price of the loyalty that Atmos had praised. He chuckled as Atmos tried to name the group that had been assembled to oppose this Light Chaser, naming groups wasn't important to him, having a clear objective tying it's members together that was important and it that was something they did have in their opposition to this Light Chaser. However when Boreas heard how many they numbered when they included himself and how close it was to their opponents estimated numbers he was surprised and didn't really want to believe it, sure he wasn't expecting full hosts to be marching on this Light Chaser but just 9 people, two of which weren't even from the Realm of Light to fight there. "So you are saying that within the Realm of Light there are now but 9 people who are confronting this threat? With only two Keyblade Masters out of the initial three left? Why aren't there more people working against this threat? Do they not realise what will happen when this individual is allowed to execute his plan? And you said it yourself worlds have been disappearing shouldn't there be more people looking into something like that?" Boreas just couldn't get his head around it.

    They were allowed entry to the King's chambers as the guards eyed him as he walked past them, he looked them in the eye and nodded. He knew it was only this easy to get into the King's chamber because of him accompanying Master Atmos. When they stopped before the king, Boreas instinctively bowed before him and merely listened to the conversation between the Keyblade Master and the King of Atlantis. It helped that Atmos explained a few things that the King asked, so this man had been personally affected by the machinations of this Light Chaser. He'd ask Atmos about the details of this disappearance later feeling like it was far from a good idea to ask about such things in front of the King, who was having trouble with the disappearance of his daughter, Boreas understood to some extent while he wasn't a father like the King he understood how it felt to have someone you care about disappear on you. For Boreas however that person had just passed through here before they had. And Torrin had been asking about returning a heart to a vacant body? What had Torrin get caught up in and by extension what had he himself get caught in?

    When Atmos assured the king that the next time they would be here with his daughter Boreas pitched in. "
    I vow it upon my honour as a knight for us to not return without your daughter." He said in a severe tone, then turned to Atmos. "Where shall we go now? Do we follow Torrin to whatever he is doing with the knowledge he was provided? Or do we link up with the others first?" Boreas asked, Atmos had just come from the Realm of Darkness when it had started to affect her and returning now might not be the best idea after such a short time in the Light, sure they would go to the edge of the darkness but still, should worst come to worst he'd lend her his own armour to keep her safe. Boreas however couldn't stop his curiosity regarding what Torrin was doing and turned to the King. "Your Majesty could you please tell us what you told Torrin about returning a heart to a vacant body. Did he say anything as to why he wanted to do this?" Boreas asked king Nedakh, if they were going to follow Torrin they might as well know what his angle was, it was also to ease Boreas' conscience a little bit.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Vladek515

    As they were talking about the details of their mission, Yukyo hopped over the heads of the two people sitting on the opposite side of the table from him. Conrad couldn't surpress his smile at the sight of the cat hopping over their heads and telling them they shouldn't miss him too much. Conrad felt kind of lucky that he was left out of the teasing. They quickly got back to the mission at hand, Everette told them that as soon as either of them got sick they would turn back. He understood the sentiment as an S-class he would be held accountable if it would go wrong. "Understood." Conrad said, then looking over to Thea as she called the attention to herself by requesting help with a mission. While he didn't mind helping her he wasn't going to switch teams to help her out this time, there were enough people left to do it. "Yeah she has quite the spirit, doesn't she?" Conrad said in response to Samuel's remark about her enthousiasm.

    Turning his attention back to the matter at hand Samuel explained that they should bring their own resources as they might be hard to come by in the afflicted village, he also gave some insight into how the sickness might develop. Conrad really didn't want to think of what would happen should he catch the disease or any of his team mates for that matter. He put himself at ease reminding himself that Samuel was there to help them should they get sick and well it had only killed children and elderly people, not people in the prime of their lives. When Samuel asked them when they ought to set off. "
    Well first we ought to get clearance from Midarah to go, I myself need to grab some things from my room, we could get the supplies on our way out of town, so really we could get going in fifteen to thirty minutes if it's on me." Conrad said, he'd need to get his rapier, he never left without it, it had been a gift from his father when he turned eighteen and Conrad cherished it as one of the few mementos he had of his family, he didn't feel comfortable to be on a mission without it. While he could go and visit them still, unlike some of his guild mates, he missed them at times. He'd be sure to visit them again soon.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Vladek515
    "Thank you." Boreas said taking the compliment. He didn't think the loyalty was extraordinary, it was part of being a knight in his eyes, but there was no point arguing about it and well coming from a Keyblade master it was an honour. He listened attentively as she explained what this Light Chaser was about and Boreas clenched his fists feeling his temper rising. He could understand wanting the Heartless to be destroyed, they were no good to anyone only causing misery and pain. But to destroy the Darkness, it was attempted before and resulted in untold destruction, this time would be no different. What would drive a man to think that such an atrocity to be a justifiable course of action. "They tried to destroy the Dark before, as the King said, countless people will lose their lives over the blind fanaticism of one man and for what? Condemning people to destruction simply for having darkness in their heart? Everything contains a balance of light and dark, the heart included I know mine contains darkness and I am willing to hazard a guess that yours does too, however we do not act on this darkness, we fight to keep the light in our hearts alive to not be consumed, it is the struggle of life. This is plan of the Light chaser is madness and if it is set in motion an outright act of war. If this man intends to destroy the light it would just be a repetition of the old war. The King should be informed that another front may open up soon, while we are already prepared and at war a new front could be devastating." Boreas said, unable to keep the angry tone out of his voice.

    He then considered what Atmos said about Torrin, he had been fighting this Light Chaser for a year, he wasn't going to let this go to return home. No Torrin would see this through to the very end however these events would end. If Boreas were to succeed in the mission he had requested, the mission the King had knowingly sent him on, then this whole mess should be resolved if he wanted to have a good chance to convince Torrin to come home. What this man's angle was in capturing the princesses of heart he wasn't too sure about and if a Keyblade master couldn't take on this individual, even being warned about it it would be a tough fight. But he would rather fight and fail to atleast have tried than be condemned to destruction with his head bowed down. After a moment to calm down a little he spoke up. "
    Master Atmos, this situation sounds dire and it sounds like you could use all the help you can get. I know I was sent with you to return Torrin to his home. According to you he has been fighting this individual for a year now and I doubt he would abandon this fight before it is over. Therefore the quickest way to be able to convince him is to end this Light Chaser threat. I will lend you my sword in this endeavour and am yours to command for the duration my King has given me leave. I have to ask though, how many do we number? You mentioned another master missing and apprentices but surely there are others beside yourself, Torrin and your apprentices opposing this Light Chaser? And how many do our foes number? I doubt this Light Chaser intends to destroy the darkness on his own much less has the power to do so on his own." Boreas had listened to what Atmos had said and she had implied they didn't number a great many. That she had found her way to their world to save herself had been pure chance, an opportunity Boreas had capitalized on to go out and find Torrin to return him home, but when he had requested it he hadn't thought of how much of a mess he was getting himself embroiled in. It had been smart to ask for those two months, now ascending to the steps towards the King's chambers he wondered if it would be enough time.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Vladek515

    Conrad didn't expect Everette to join him on this mission at all, it was a welcome surprise though, Conrad would never object to anyone coming along on a mission with him, the more the merrier and it would provide more perspectives on something and better split the burden should it come to combat. "I don't mind at all, I'd be happy to have you along, Everette. The more the merrier, you know." Conrad said to the S-class mage, he doubted that even if he didn't want the S-class along and told him not to come with his words would hold any authority, not that it mattered right now. Samuel had looked through the details of the mission while having slowed down his eating, when he said it was his kind of mission Conrad smiled a little, he had been right. Samuel then raised something Conrad himself hadn't thought of himself. If any of them got sick then they couldn't return to the Guild or if they did be quarantined and if this plague was as bad as they said it wouldn't be pleasant... Conrad thought about it for a moment, they had to atleast try helping these people, if they failed then so be it, they knew what they signed up for. He looked at Samuel "It's a risk we will have to take. I'll be honest I hadn't thought about the posibility until you said it, but these people are asking for our help, we ought to try and help them." Conrad said, knowing full well the risk they were about to take could be damning them.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Vladek515

    Zephyr told him he would go with his first thought, Shawn too didn't want to come with him. Lakoda was the only person he had asked who didn't seem to entirely refuse his offer. "Yeah that's fair enough Zephyr. I mean if I can't find anyone else to join me I might join you on that mission." He noticed that Shawn had tried mimicking his signing and asked whether they could teach him that too. It would be a long proces to teach it. It had taken Conrad the better part of his member ship of the Guild to reach this level and even then he sometimes still made mistakes or had to think about words he didn't use often. He remembered how one time during the lessons he had made such a big mistake in signing that it resulted in Lakoda turning bright red and explaining what he had said before continuing to laugh, it was the first time he had heard that sound, he didn't hear it often, but he had heard it a few times.

    Well it'll take quite some time and dedication to learn." Conrad simply said, Lakoda seemed to be up for it, but that hardly surprised him. When he was still learning he had practiced almost daily even when Lakoda wasn't teaching him. He noticed the way Lakoda was picking at her food and felt a little guilty, he smiled a little to her, as a way of saying it was alright. If he asked she probably would come along with him to go on the mission, but judging from her body language it didn't seem like a good idea to press the issue right now. He had really wanted her along or he wouldn't have asked her in the first place. If she still wanted to come along he wouldn't stop her at all and welcome her aboard. For now however he'd try his luck with the other guild members, after all he hadn't asked everyone yet and now that he thought about it, he knew just the guy to ask. Conrad politely excused himself from Zephyr, Shawn and Lakoda before leaving his empty plate in the designated area and then going past the Job board to check the details on the job he had set his sights on, copying the details to a piece of paper and joined Everett and Samuel at their table.

    Good morning" He greeted them and then glancing at the loaded plate in front of Samuel and smiled a little. "Enjoy your breakfast, Samuel. I know I am a little bit early with this as you haven't even had your breakfast yet and I apologise for it, but there's this new job that has been put up, and I figured you might be interested in it Samuel. Would you give me and whoever else may join us a hand with this mission?" He said placing the piece of paper on the table so that Samuel could have a look at the details for the job, as their healer it would be beneficial if he came along with the group that was going to execute the mission.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Vladek515

    Boreas took the advice of Atmos to heart although he couldn't guarantee that he'd stay put if a fight was happening. "I'll see what I can do, no promises though." Boreas said and then intently listened as Atmos detailed how she had met Torrin two days ago as he offered to help them retrieve a student. Torrin had been fighting this trouble maker for over a year now. This was the most substantial thing he had heard about Torrin in a long time. Sure his name was still mentioned in court at times, but there wasn't anything new to it, just the same old arguments. It was nice to hear something new. As he walked with Atmos through the streets of Atlantis, she asked him something curious. Boreas just smiled to himself at first, it was a saddened smile.

    It's a bit of both, although I must admit more the latter than the former." He finally said. "Had the king not given me permission, I would have gone back already, furthermore he is the heir to the throne, if I live that long, I will one day serve him loyally too." He took a moment to find the right words to phrase the next part, he had made his peace with all that had transpired, it was more a case of how he had to put it all simply. "I have known Torrin for a long time, we both trained under the same master, however I haven't seen or heard anything useful since he disappeared 6 years ago. Neither of us has been sitting still for those years apparantly and we'll have to talk some things through for sure, but I can't forget about why I am here, to bring him home." He looked around him at the people of this world and all they made, it was a lot more peaceful here than it was back home, although he still remained on guard, his eyes scanning the area expecting trouble at a moments notice. "Say what sort of trouble has this Light Chaser been stirring then that Torrin has been fighting him for the duration of a year?"
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Vladek515

    Conrad smiled when Thea was asking Lakoda why her playing didn't sound as well as Lakoda's, it simply came down to practicing. Something Lakoda explained to the young girl. When she greeted, Zephyr, Shawn and himself he didn't speak out loud, he simply signed Good morning he knew it was a little inconsiderate for the others to sign it, but after he had learned the sign language he generally talked to her that way. "I have yet to look at the board, although I intended to do so after breakfast, I have been neglecting the rent a little bit and hoped to rectify that today, nothing has caught my eye yet though. Want to come with?" He spoke and signed simultaneously, directing the question to Zephyr, Lakoda, Thea and Shawn. He hadn't noticed that Yukyo had walked in the room.

    It was then that the new job was posted. Shawn said it was about sick people. "
    Hmmm, urgent request to help sick people, hmm interesting. I'd like to go do that, what about all of you?" He said still signing along, eventhough it wasn't necessary as there was nothing wrong with her ears. And sure the job probably didn't need 5 people but it would have been rude to not extend the question to everyone around him. And well if they could help sick people out all the better, much better than the Cake delivery he had eyed, seeing it would seem relatively easy money to cover the rent but this seemed to be more urgent than simply delivering some cakes to someone. He finished up his breakfast while the others spoke, cleaning the crumbs of his cream coloured tunic with lace cuffs.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Vladek515

    It didn't take long before others started to get into the room. First it was Thea who started to dance to the music Lakoda played on the piano and shortly after asked her to teach her that. Conrad smiled, it was amusing to watch the child think it would be so easy to reach such a level of playing the piano. The enthousiasm was admirable though, before Lakoda started teaching Thea the song twinkle twinkle little star, she signed some thanks for his applause. You're welcome, have fun. He signed back, the fun part refering to teaching Thea, it wasn't meant as a backhanded remark as he knew Lakoda enjoyed playing on the piano. Conrad noticed that Zephyr had turned up too, having joined in with his applause. They hadn't scheduled a weapon training session today, it had been Conrad's request. He wanted to make use of the day to do a job posted on the board so he had the month's rent, something he had been neglecting a little bit this month and he wanted to get it out of the way. He'd ask Lakoda whether she would join him, perhaps Zephyr would come along too or maybe Thea. He noticed Gavin near the board, looking at the jobs. When Shawn dropped a book on the table by him, only saying here you go, Conrad was a little confused. While people in the guild were aware of books this probably was the most straight forward recommendation he had had. Conrad continued on his breakfast while looking at the book. The magic of letters, a study on letter magic. The title read, Conrad thought he might have seen the tome before but wasn't too sure about it and would put it on his stack of books to read, it might prove usefull as he himself was a user of letter magic. "Thanks Shawn, I'll give it a read. It looks usefull to me. So what are you up to today, Shawn?" Conrad asked him.
    Post by: Vladek515, Jan 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena