As Boreas lead the people out of the building he lead them to where Thallasa and Adalric were treating the people that had been rescued from the building. As there were just the two of them trying to help those that were being rescued they were being overwhelmed by the number of people that were coming out of the building, he was confident that the others would still number enough to get everyone else out safely so Boreas instead of rushing after the other to get back inside or going to see what Torrin was going after he did his best to give Thallasa and Adalric a hand. As Aria shouted she was going to help Torrin, Boreas silently wished he wasn't too burdened down by duty to follow her example. And it wasn't like his purpose in giving Thallasa and Adalric a hand wasn't important. Gero had been rather reluctant to let Torrin and himself stay, this was simply a step along the road to proving them wrong, still when Aria, Qamar and Torrin returned from the roof he felt like he should have been there with them. However as Torrin was thinking out loud, just before the Heartless appeared Boreas too could sense them coming. As Thallasa shouted she would get the civilians to safety. At the very least they seemed more focussed on those that wielded keyblades, which made their job significantly easier. But to find his most hated enemy here, Boreas could feel his heart rate increase at the mere sight of them and his rage build, he activated his armour and summoned his blade. Boreas transformed his keyblade into the repeating crossbow, it took him quite some time to get it done but he was commited to using it, even if it wasted precious time, Torrin had mentioned it would get easier with use, perhaps he would have to make a habit out of practicing out of combat. When he had it right he dropped to one knee took aim at a cluster of Blue Rhapsodies firing a bolt of Fira at them, as the bolt sailed through the air Boreas was already back on his feet, switching his keyblade back to it's normal form which was significantly easier than the other way around. As he surged forward he focussed down the spellcasters, ramming his blade brutally into one of the Yellow Operas, not even looking at what happened to it he used the hook of his blade to scoop up one of the icy cubes and in one smooth motion spun around and threw it at the next yellow opera the impact of it destroying both of the heartless. Moving on he switched to a reverse grip mid swing swinging his blade in a parabolic arc he slammed the next opera into the ground, bringing his boot down on the place it impacted. The last yellow opera tried to evade Boreas' next swing and it did but it didn't count on Boreas switching grip again and following up with a back swing. As he scanned for targets a duo of icy cubes had worked up the courage to attack him for their troubles they were swatted out of the way with a low defensive swipe, the force of which sent one of the two crashing into one of it's oblivious brethren obliterating them. Boreas figured the biggest threat still present was represented by the Blue Rhapsodies, their mobility and magic capacity could result in a magic raining down on them that if executed properly could hurt them badly if allowed to happen and he had seen it happen with his own two eyes. He'd try and put a stop to that before that would happen. Never again would he allow that to happen, as the Rhapsodies scattered Boreas hunted them down one by one savagely striking them down, slamming them into the ground, ramming them into one another and even throwing one at the next that was about to unleash it's magic. He stood defiant before his foes almost roaring a challenge at them, to come to him, to show him their fury, but he knew they could not rise up to his challenge. HP: 60/80 AP: 0/36 MP: 11/30 DP: 3 Enemies defeated: 4 Yellow Operas 14 Blue Rhapsodies 4 Icy cubes Enemies remaining: 5 Blue Rhapsodies (3 AP) 28 Icy Cubes (2 AP)
Thallasa didn't exactly give him much to go on. Choma had actually decided to come and see Tinarah off she seemed to be a little short with him. Not soon after Choma had walked out the 'Lieutenant-general' showed up again, Boreas like Take had his doubts regarding her rank. He could understand her advice of no salutes off-duty but to have salutes on the battlefield? Sure as a Lieutenant-general she most likely always found herself behind the frontline away from direct danger, but to salute on the field of battle meant that if the enemy was observant you simply painted a very nice target on your back. It marked you out as an important target either for capture or for removal. It wasn't like he was from Gero's time either as by the looks of things he only had a handful of years on her but perhaps she never had heard the phrase before. And he still smiled a little at the fact she called him a detective if only she knew how little more than an educated guess it had been. Gero joined them outside as well simply to see them off. Boreas didn't say a thing when Gero mentioned to not throw all caution to the wind, Boreas had already learned the technique that Gero taught and whenever he used it he got into a trance, his vision blurring as only getting to the enemy mattered. Boreas followed through the warm portal and marvelled at what he saw, the grand buildings all around them. The buildings were far bigger than what he was used to. Did these all house people? The structures were large, some even bigger than the castle and watch towers back home. Torrin was wondering rather out loud as to what they were doing here exactly as the world didn't seem to be in danger. As if Torrin was jinxed it and an explosion happened, with everyone rushing into the building to get people out of the burning building. Boreas was torn for a moment, he could back Torrin up and help him, but he was a master and unless the Light Chaser came crashing in he would have a handle on it. Boreas ran into the building following the others he had heard Aria's mention of them having to clear out the top floors Boreas ran up, this all reminded him of their siege of a castle of the traitors as they had taken the walls they had to fight amidst the smoke and flames and it was even tougher than normal, but this wasn't fighting this was saving people and Boreas ran for the tenth floor and started clearing a path for people that were trapped the farhest away from the staircase. Boreas is on Floor 10 People left on floor 10: 3/15
The farmer had provided the last bits of information that Conrad had requested and with time it was about time for them to head back or they would be very late again, as Renza rejoined them being done feeding the ducks they said their farewells to the good farmer and went back on their way. Conrad smiled as he simply watched Renza, now adorned with a duck feather in her hair, running with her arms outstretched. They returned back to town a few minutes after they were supposed to have returned. When they returned Samuel and Everrrette were already waiting and discussing their finds. Conrad listened to Everette give his explanation of the samples he took and the source of the well water. "Well the crops were fine, the outlying farmsteads have mostly been spared from this affliction, with people that are ill having been in town recently. Same with the livestock, the animals that are sick have been in town before they fell sick. The afflicted animal's condition remains unchanged. Although it was mentioned that pureeing food helps with them keeping the food in atleast, it might help with the patients too, make sure they don't starve." Conrad explained. "As for the animals here the hay is already waiting for them to eat here and the water they drink comes from the well." Conrad then thought for a moment and added "I can understand the desire for some fresh air but would it not be a better idea to check the samples that we have before leaving, it could save time on a trip that might turn out to be useless. But those are just my two cents on the matter, I'd say we just check what we have first, do what we can to relieve Samuel of some of his work until we get anything out of those samples." Conrad felt it was more practical to simply finish the task at hand before moving on to the next and their time would be better spent doing it in that order as the evidence seemed to point towards the source being in the village, and while more evidence seemed to suggest that the well was more suspicious, they ought to atleast confirm the suspicions.
As everyone had gathered for the run and Qamar said she'd be fine carrying it Boreas just shrugged. "Alright, everyone fall in behind me, Torrin I want you to bring up the rear make sure no one gets left behind. Now move out!" Boreas almost shouted. Boreas started with setting the pace and had to remind himself that he was supposed to hold back a little, despite of it he wasn't going easy on the runners and was glad to see that despite Take claiming to be out of shape he still kept up with him. And as everyone came to learn the term short run that Boreas had coined ran into the double digit miles, as he ran Boreas silently lipped the words to a marching song to set his pace. When they were almost back he simply sighed at Qamar running off ahead of him, had it been one of his soldiers or raw recruits he would have ordered them to do fifty push-ups for the inability to follow very simple instructions properly but these weren't his soldiers. They had caught up on Tinarah near the Castle but he hadn't expected any different from her. As everyone had returned, he smiled a little as Chrono unceremoniously collapsed instead of sitting down. "Nicely done, all of you." Boreas said, grabbing some food and sitting down. Torrin seemed to be comfortable around Aria, which was something unusual atleast unless that had changed, he wasn't really one to warm up to people so easily. Boreas made no remarks on the matter when Gero and another person came out of the castle. Boreas kept a wary eye on Gero, despite his permission to stay he had called his presence interference between that and everything that had been said by Tinarah made him wary of the master of masters. Boreas was even anticipating criticism for taking everyone, especially Aria out of the relative safety of the castle and out on a run. When no such thing happened and instead it was revealed that Thallasa was still alive Boreas was a little surprised, Atmos had mentioned she had gone missing. So Atmos and Choma now had to stay behind and Thallasa was to lead them, someone atleast missing and presumed dead as Atmos suggested, as did Torrin's surprise at seeing her there. It turned out that Boreas greasing the wheels a little would be unnecessary as Gero wanted a moment to speak with him alone. They were permitted to go say goodbye to the other masters, Boreas went to find Atmos and Choma as well even if they weren't his master. He gave Choma a firm handshake. "A shame we could not fight side by side, but we all have our duties, perhaps some other day..." Boreas told him before moving on to Atmos. "Should, I not be able to do so on your behalf, remember what his majesty requested of you in return for our help to you. I wish you good luck with your duties here and thank you for bringing me up to speed." Boreas said shaking her hand as well and taking his leave without looking back to them he rejoined the others outside. "Where are we headed Master Thallasa?" Boreas inquired it'd be good to get an idea of where they were going.
Boreas couldn't help but smile at Take's enthousiasm for this short run, even going as far as going around to see if he could round up some more people to join them on this run. Boreas waited for Take to return and the other people to start turning up too. The first to join in aside from Take was Torrin. This was going to be good, a nice opportunity to see how the good master had kept up his condition. The person who arrived after his friend was something he didn't know the name of yet but going over the list of names tha Atmos had mentioned there was only the possibility of them being either Glyde or Illiana. Unless Atmos had left another name out once again, but he was going to hazard a guess and say this was the Lieutenant General, interesting to see if the top brass kept up their exercise too. "Well, ma'am I simply intended to go do my physical training, figured I'd ask Take to come with who wanted to go see who else might want to join us and now here we are. I'd personally pick a different pair of shoes, but I'm not the one running in them so be my guest." Boreas said, after saluting her. "I am Boreas by the way and if I had to hazard a guess I'd say you are Illiana." Qamar asked something about leaving the pack she was carrying with her safely. "We're going to return here and unless people can't keep up we're not going to split up, I don't imagine we're going to take a break, but if you want to get rid of that backpack, I'm more than willing to carry it along." Boreas said. Then yet another person joined them, had Take drummed up almost everyone? He didn't imagine that Tinarah was going for a run with them given how weak she was the day before when they were getting out of Choma's Castle. "I'm not sure yet, but those mountains do look quite inviting if I must say so myself." Boreas said pointing to the mountains in the distance.
Boreas simply nodded and said "No problem." As Take spoke about the mountains he looked toward them, they didn't seem too far off. "Well to be honest I came out here to go do my physical training routine for the day. I'll hold back a little bit if you want to come along, same goes for you. It's easier to keep going with some company." Boreas said turning to both Take and Chrono inviting the two of them along for a run. "It'll just be a short run, nothing too far. You two in?" The exercise might help Take a little clear his mind of what ws bugging him even if he was feeling better already. Boreas couldn't help but chuckle a little at Take's story of his first few days of training with Master Atmos. "Let's see if we can undo some of that softening up that Atmos has done to you two. If you want to come with that is." It wasn't exactly the same as running with his unit but the company was still appreciated and it would help building bonds with these people, perhaps get to know them better.
Boreas looked at the mountains and as Take mentioned imagined them being three times as big. He let out a low whistle. He listened as Take explained they fought dragons, and while fearsome of themselves having them with tactics was scary especially if they fed of one's emotions and it attracted them. Take couldn't be older than seventeen and if he had spent some years training with a keyblade then that meant he was really young when pressed into service. But with an enemy like that he understood, they'd need every able-bodied person, no exceptions to fight. "I can't imagine fighting fearsome oversized lizards, even less so when they don't behave like beasts but come in with tactics... Your homeworld doesn't sound like a great place..." Boreas said and that was coming from someone living on a world where there was a war raging and heartless incursions were a regular occurance. It didn't sound like a fight they could win against those dragons, but it wasn't like they could run either. Boreas greeted Chrono with a simple nod as Take explained what was bugging him, Boreas wasn't under the illusion that it was because he was there, unless he perhaps was very open about it all and trusted him because of his position as Captain? No it was most likely because Chrono was there. "I understand your frustration, but Gero's also the one at the top of the pile. After being away for six years I imagine a lot of people would make a request for some of his time on top of all duties he already would have. And you're not a nuisance, you're a soldier even if you left your world, it's still in you, just like it's in me. I imagine he'll find a moment before we set off to talk to you..." Boreas said, the man might be busy but he had made time for Aria, should it be necessary he'd grease the gears a little or at least attempt to to get Gero to talk to Take as well. Chrono had a point. "Your friend here is right, they aren't easy to turn off, but if those dragons are attracted to them I can understand the necessity to turning them off. When carrying out my orders I may not always agree with them, but I will push those feelings down and execute them anyways unless they are outrageous. I tell myself that doing what was ordered, showing my loyalty is enough. For example I inherently disagree with the strategy formulated in the council meeting, too passive for me and giving too much free reign to our enemy, but I don't think they would agree to any other course of action given how reluctant they seemed to even accomodate this minor change regarding Aria. There's nothing wrong with showing a little emotion when not on the field, everyone's got a breaking point even you, but as you said it's good that it ain't in the middle of a fight. Just keep working on your training and you'll get it, it ain't an easy thing to do after all. I'm not sure that I'll be able to help you, but should you need a hand I can try." He didn't have too much experience with the training of soldiers, unless his unit was reinforced with new recruits he didn't have to deal with that aspect, but he still had the memories of his own training to go on.
Is it, is it really?
Boreas noticed that Take hadn't fully stopped his breakdown but he wasn't going to comment on it. "That's good." Boreas said listening to what Take said. "No you're right the crisp mountain air in the morning after you wake up and take in that first breath is fantastic. I don't exactly live in the mountains but I have spent my fair share of time in the mountains." Boreas said when asked about his rank he had done his fair share of fighting and was in command of a smaller unit just carrying out the orders he received. "You guessed correctly, I am part of the military, I serve as a knight in the army, I hold the rank of Captain in the infantry." Boreas said, he was informed there was a Lieutenant-General was among their number. "Illiana? I heard the name, don't have a face with the name yet though, but I'll keep it in mind." If they had a Lieutenant General in their midst perhaps they weren't off so badly after all. The note about how strict the other worlds were seemed a little concerning but they couldn't be too carelessly with it. "Promotion is earned, you are judged on your merit and it depends on how long you have served too." Boreas explained, it had been a hard fought promotion, rallying the soldiers around him to holding a weak point in their line until it was reinforced, which took longer than anticipated. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your homeworld like? And against who did you fight?" Boreas was merely curious and he was speaking to a fellow soldier. Perhaps Take wanted to join him for his training today if he was up for it.
Aria made a fairly understandable point, he understood the sentiment of not wanting to sit still others while others were doing the fighting for them. If the council would tell him to go back whence he came he too would object they couldn't expect him a soldier to simply walk away to sit and wait while others fought their battles. This was about his home and he would fight for it no matter what the Council told him, he owed them no allegiance anyways. Luckily the council while seemingly not too fond of the choice decided to let both him and Torrin stay and fight alongside them. And the original plan was changed a little to accomodate for Aria's desire not to be cooped up. He wanted to suggest that if the first world they went to was where the Light Chaser would follow them to to make a diversion team to have the Light Chaser trail them and keep him off the other team while they went for the Princess, but they would most likely not go with the plan citing too high risks and unacceptable casualties, well this was a war not everyone was going to get home. As the meeting drew to a close they had formulated a plan forward through a roundabout way they would be sent to retrieve another princess so they could keep that Princess under guard to make sure that their enemy couldn't succeed with his plan, he still wasn't a very big fan of how this was done while it made sense, he would rather fight and take the initiative than wait for their foes to strike and keep up the defensive, unless he knew the defense was simply part of a larger plan where the defenders were a diversion to create a weakspot for a counter attack, but there was no such thing happening here atleast not to his knowledge. Boreas filed out of the room going down the stairs. He had seen Torrin linger back in the meeting room but Boreas had something to take care off. He hadn't done his daily exercise yet, after stopping by his room real quick, hearing music on the way out of the castle he didn't bother investigating it, this was a big place and music didn't really raise any alarms with Boreas, it was nice to hear though, if it was still played by the time he came back then he would go listen to it, but he intended to go do his daily routine first. Leaving the castle he saw Take standing against the wall, he seemed upset. He had seen the kid and introduced himself in the kitchen but he didn't really know him very well, but still he was out here alone and upset, Boreas for a split second considered simply going on his training run right away but Take was upset, Boreas instead of ignoring him walked up to him. "You seem upset, I know you and I don't really know each other, but do you want to talk?" Boreas asked leaning against the wall beside him, looking at the mountainous environs.
Boreas walked with Choma to the kitchen "Well, a request for aide could still be sent but I wouldn't hold your hopes up too much, we don't have an awful lot to spare I'm afraid." Boreas said "From what he told me this has been going on for atleast a year... In my opinion too long without a proper response, I'd almost suggest they were indeed turning a blind eye and letting him go about it as it suits them perfectly fine and yes I am aware this is hardly the place to say that." As the master said it wasn't so bad his castle got damaged as long as everyone got out safely, he didn't entirely agree with the sentiment as a stronghold was destroyed and more so his home was destroyed. While Boreas travelled around more with the military he placed more value in his home. As they ran into Tinarah and Take in the kitchen Boreas simply grabbed his breakfast, introduced himself to the little lad known as Take had some small talk and excused himself from the group eating his breakfast on his own, followed doing some much needed freshening up, he hadn't really had the chance over the past few days and the closest he had gotten was his swim to save Gero. After having taken his time to freshen up it was about time to get to the Council meeting. Boreas found himself standing between Torrin and the rather friendly gentleman from the other day. He looked at the masters sitting opposite of him, only three familiar faces among the nine masters. It was fairly standard council talk at this point to stay on the topic at hand and some explanation of the situation at hand, Boreas couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed at the bad design of this council room, he figured they only rared held meetings with people other than on their council or it was just a psychological thing of them placing themselves above whoever they might talk to. Regardless of the design though Boreas stood straight, hands clasped behind his back and at attention listening to what was said. Their plan was to simply deny their former member only one of the Princesses of Heart, while it ensured that the Light Chaser couldn't execute his plan it was just defensive and reactionairy, they weren't seizing the initiative as long as he was missing that piece he couldn't execute his plan but with all of them cooped up in here that meant the Light Chaser still had free reign and if those students of his grew in power too then all they would have done was buy time, time while usefull to prepare would in the end be useless because of the power unleashed would be too much. Gero then hinted at that other Realm and requested Tinarah to explain her story. Tinarah stepped forward and Boreas simply listened to the whole story even if he already knew bits and pieces of said story. And he didn't regret saying what he had at Choma's castle. When she got to the part about this other Torrin he cast a glance to his friend and gave him a reassuring nod, reminding him of what he had said. That wasn't the Torrin who stood beside him, he wouldn't do those things. It all made sense though, how wary she had been when they found her and the shape she was in. Aria looked after Tinarah, afterwards there was a little bit of pointless chatter going on regarding the knowledge instilled into one of the students. It was now Torrin and his turn to justify their presence in the Realm of Light. Torrin didn't seem to thrilled by this, neither was Boreas but Torrin seemed especially agitate, but Boreas nodded and let Torrin explain himself first. Torrin gave his explanation and Boreas knew it wasn't the full truth that Torrin was telling, however he wouldn't say a thing, while he had shared Torrin's motivations with people it had only been people who should know or he couldn't keep the truth from like his King. As Torrin finished Take spoke up and sure it made sense what he was saying. "Not how, rather if. While we do not wish people to leave, we're not so uncaring that if they were to succesfully evade us and leave to simply have them die out here, they are still our people. Furthermore if it was found that it was difficult to make the journey and adjust to the Realm of Light we can discourage the people who are to leave." Boreas said. Boreas only glanced towards Qamar for her comment about the Darkness and simply raised an eyebrow questioningly. She had a point though, darkness was a necessity, it was a part of the dichotomy. Without dark there could be no light and vice versa. "You're right this is hardly the right time for this..." Boreas said in a low voice and quickly inspected the photograph and thought about it. "I do not recognize the man but that style of armour, it's design reminds me of my own, it's make seems to be from the Realm of Darkness." After answering the question he stepped forward. "My purpose here is threefold, one of my tasks has already been completed." Boreas started off. "After fighting the Light Chaser to retrieve Aria with Torrin, Atmos ended up in the Realm of Darkness, we found her and brought her before the King, I was to return Master Atmos to the Realm of Light, in return for our aide Master Atmos was to find Torrin and return him to us as we lost contact with him. I was tasked with helping in this endeavour too. As we travelled she explained the situation with the Light Chaser to me, as Torrin has been taking the fight to him, I figured he would not abandon his fight so I am here to help in this fight as it is the quickest way to bring him home, not to mention the fact that this whole situation concerns us atleast as much if not more than it concerns you. And how I see it you can use all the help you can get if none of you are going to be leaving this place." Boreas looked at every single one of the masters sitting in front of him, tempted to remind them that everything that was said about Torrin was about a different Torrin, not the one standing beside him, he would keep it to himself for now though.
The animals drank water in town, if the hay was the source it would be rather strange if the source was the hay, the crops were fine, he believed the farmer on his word, the man was after all the expert on the matter, furthermore people didn't eat said hay and while they handled it they had almost fully determined that the disease itself wasn't contagious and if it was, not in such a degree that it would infect this many people simply from handling hay. Although it wasn't impssobile, hay contained a lot of dust and it might be a vector of infection although it seemed unlikely. He didn't think that samples of the crops would be a necessity at this point. "Do you know by any chance where the water came from, from the rain water supply or the well?" Conrad asked and thought for a moment. "Has the pureeing helped at all for them to keep the food in?" It was more a question out of curiosity and concern as he was saddened by the looks of the sick animals and turned to the farmer. "I think that's all I needed to know, I trust your word on the crops, you know more on the subject than I do, should things change, please inform us. We'll do everything we can to find a solution, I hope those poor animals will make it too." Conrad said thinking for a moment, he had to look into the crops and the animals and while animals seemed sick and just like the victims didn't seem to get better, but out here also didn't seem to get worse either which was rather strange as a sickness wouldn't simply stop and not change at all.
Conrad listened to the farmer explain things and dismiss the little girl to feed the ducks. He listened attentively as the farmer explained that no one out there got sick unless they had been the village, so the source definitely lay within the village. They had a different water source with their water coming straight from the snow in the mountains so that wasn't going to be the source either. There were some sick animals and Conrad walked closer and simply looked not touching the animals. The disease seemed to be focused around the heads of the animals. The animals didn't get into contact with the sick people. "Have you been back to the village with these animals since they have gotten sick? And did they eat or drink anything in the village?" Conrad asked, the disease didn't seem to be contagious, infection happened back in the village for presumably both the animals and the people who lived out here that have gotten sick. The food the animals had been given remained untouched and it sounded like they had difficulty breathing. "Have they eaten or drank anything since they have gotten sick? And you mentioned they haven't gotten better but have they gotten any worse or have they been the same?" Conrad asked, nothing seemed to change the course of the disease, no herbal remedy atleast. Perhaps magic could help but Conrad wasn't a healer, he couldn't be of much health.
Boreas returned the firm handshake he received from Choma, looking the man in the eyes as he did. "Thank you for having me." Boreas said following Choma's gaze, then gave him a knowing look, when the Master said he had nothing else to do really Boreas was a little bit surprised as he had been waiting outside of Tinarah's room presumably to speak with her. Then again he had delegated the task of looking after the girl to her brother and another one of the students. He followed Master Choma to the kitchen and listened to the question he was asked. "While we are prepared to fight, because of the everlooming threat of the Heartless the opening up of another front in the war especially in a surprise attack means we may not be able to hold our own. However thanks to Master Atmos' accidental appearance we have received a warning, but we can only be so prepared, I have already seen first hand that the Light Chaser is a good strategist, he'll hit us where it hurts, cripple us and then sweep everything else away. How he'll go about it I don't know, I can't imagine the seven of them will take the field against an army, I hope it will not come to it..." Boreas said starting to sound worried about his home, his family that were stil back there all the people there. "I'm not sure if you were informed but the Light Chaser attacked us when we were at your castle, I was told to get out of there I don't know how much damage was done..." Boreas figured just telling him right now, lest the man returned home to find it ruined.
Boreas didn't pay too much attention to what Gero said but when the master mentioned privacy he already knew what was going to happen. The introduction told Boreas nothing he didn't already know about. "Yeah, it is..." Boreas said, he felt happy for her. While Torrin didn't finish his question Boreas could hazard a guess as to what he wanted to know and it was a question Boreas couldn't simply answer. Boreas was about to follow Torrin taking his leave when Gero stepped in and told Torrin he was going to have to come with him, he met Torrin's questioning gaze with a shrug as Boreas didn't know what the man wanted from him. Maybe it had to do with that other version Tinarah had mentioned but that was merely speculation. Boreas was curious as to why he wanted to speak to Torrin alone, Aria was easily answered, that presumably pertained to the nightmares. Torrin had been the first to respond and he had rescued her from the Light Chaser, meanwhile Boreas had simply been a small cog in the machine to get Gero here, he had served his purpose and that was the end of it, Boreas felt a saddened to be sidelined, but he tried to take pride in having done what was needed of him. As Qamar, Choma and himself were left standing he looked to Qamar who made a remark regarding the two of them, that they seemed to like each other. Boreas shrugged. "I don't know really, but you're right they do seemingly get along rather well... I guess we just gotta wait and see what happens there." Boreas said, perhaps Qamar was a lot more adjusted to pick that sort of thing up, Boreas never had been good at the sort of thing, Boreas simply returned the nod as Qamar ran off leaving him with Master Choma. "Master Choma, I should have done this earlier but the apparant urgency of the situation lead to me deciding it could wait, but I am Boreas Thessalian, as master Gero hinted at I am from the Realm of Darkness, just like Torrin, I look forward to fighting alongside you." Boreas said offering his hand. "You probably have more important duties to attend to, but would you join me for breakfast? I feel like whatever is to be discussed between the three of them may take a while." If the master declined, he'd just take his leave and find himself something to eat and perhaps someone to keep him company.
Boreas followed the two masters, Choma had fallen silent in the company of Gero, was this like the rule Nora enjoyed hammering on in court? That they only were to speak unless spoken to? No Choma would have called him out for it if it was wouldn't he? That Torrin was in line for the throne was indeed not a trivial matter as the man wasn't a direct descendant of the current ruler while not a unique case, it was certainly a rare one. And Boreas had been enduring almost endless debates and arguments on the subject. He probably heard it all at that point regarding the issue, he just got annoyed with the arguments at this point and generally excused himself if the next episode broke out. He didn't want to hear all the arguing and smearing of someone who wasn't even there. As they descended the stairs they ran into Torrin, Aria and Qamar. He hadn't had a great first impression of her, she reminded him of Nora a little just as much a hellcat as she was. Either way it mattered little, first impressions weren't everything. What took Boreas by surprise though was Aria calling Gero her grand father, she seemed overjoyed to see him. Boreas smiled at the sight of it, moments of happiness could be far between and his mother had taught him to always share in them even if it wasn't his own. When Aria said she hadn't seen him since she was ten, he understood that joy of finding someone that you hadn't seen in years, with sporadic reports claiming Torrin had died he understood like no other, he just wasn't as impulsive as the girl on the matter. He walked over to Torrin. "Here they are, as requested." Boreas said in a low voice as to not ruin the moment for Aria.
Boreas listened to the explanation that Choma gave him, he had been right on the money with his assumption not that it was a very hard. While he could kind of see why they wouldn't want to commit to a fight without a plan, to let worlds burn over it was something he couldn't understand. "Well on the one hand it's sensible to commit to battle without a plan it prevents unacceptably high casualties but it is unacceptable to leave those you are charged to defend defenseless, it is easier to create and execute missions on the operational level defending people, while an overarching strategy is formulated, it's better than doing nothing atleast that's how I see it." Boreas said offering his two cents on the issue. As they crossed the hall to get to the next stairs they were met with Master Gero, luckily they didn't have to ascend all the stairs to get to the top of the castle, while Boreas was in good physical condition he was glad to be saved the time sink of ascending every single set of stairs to get to the top as from the outside it had looked like quite a hike, provided of course that the master of the castle almost litterally sat on top of the whole pile of the council. The man didn't seem to harbour any animosity towards him, having seemingly forgotten about the incident at Choma's castle where Boreas lashed out although he still wasn't sure whether his blow had connected with the man in front of him. Boreas simply stood by and listened to the exchange, mirroring the bow of respect as the master adressed him, after all he was the one who got them away from the Light Chaser. Boreas was visibly surprised by the fact he had knowledge of the fact Torrin was a Prince and had met other people from the Realm of Darkness, it made sense now that he mentioned it though, he seemed rather old and as Master of masters he must have extensive knowledge at his disposal. The remark about the armour didn't strike him as odd other than the having met other people from his own Realm, he too was rather fond of his suit of armour, it had kept him safe countless times and he wore it so much it felt strange not to wear it. To him it wasn't too big a mystery that Torrin didn't have armour anymore, with six years away from home, a year of fighting against the Light Chaser with such power armour could only do so much and it too had a breaking point and against someone like the Light Chaser he wouldn't be surprised to hear his friend tell him he lost his armour early on. "We are indeed rather fond of our armour as back home it is almost a necessity and wearing it so much makes it feel like a second-skin if that makes sense, I imagine Torrin's armour got destroyed, he hasn't been home for six years and atleast one of those he has been fighting the Light Chaser, I hope mine survives all this." Boreas said. "If I may inquire how have you come to know these things about Torrin?" He figured that the knowledge of the Master of masters didn't extend to him and he was perfectly fine with that he was just curious about it.
Boreas stood by after Choma gave permission for him to accompany him to the master of this castle, if what Atmos had said was anything to go by he already knew exactly who to expect as the master of this castle, the man he saved from drowning out in the Dark Margin, the man he had attacked in Choma's Castle as they were on the way out, they were going to find Gero. As Boreas followed Choma he mentioned that the Masters never received visitors and not returning so soon. "I take it you were here not too long before then? What happened?" Boreas asked, if he had to hazard a guess it was for a request for help, with the forces they had arrayed against the Light Chaser he could understand wanting support in the fight, but Atmos had mentioned they hadn't even been in contact, remained quiet. Choma muttered something about hoping for explanations. "I too would like some explanations on some things, like why according to Master Atmos they remained quiet and aren't involved in the fight against the Light Chaser. Perhaps the master of the Castle may shed light on the issue. Although Master Aster did mention that we would be caught up today as to what is happening, we would be provided with answers too." If they commited everyone to the fight against the light chaser the odds would be stacked in their favour, but he had seen the martial prowess of the Light Chaser first hand and even if the odds would be in their favour he knew there would be significant losses involved perhaps they simply thought those losses were unacceptable.
The master returned his greeting but took a few moments to look at him, Boreas had completely forgotten that he wasn't showing his face yesterday only de-activating the armour after he had found him in the privacy of his room. He couldn't blame the master for the scrutiny. Tinarah's brother greeted him too but was pre-occupied with something regarding his sister, Boreas however remained focused on the task at hand. There were enough people here with the apparant return of the boy that had showed up first yesterday apologising for his appearance if it disturbed anyone to have a handle on whatever was happening inside Tinarah's room. He nodded to Choma then giving him a slight jerk of the head down the hallway to follow him. When they were out of earshot of those at Tinarah's room he turned to Choma. "Something happened with Aria, I don't know what happened exactly but Torrin instructed me to find you and tell you to find the Master of this castle and go to Aria's room. All I know is it had something to do with a nightmare, but from the way Aria spoke there was more going on than a simple nightmare, if it was I can hardly imagine being sent for you." Boreas explained in a hushed tone. "If you do not mind, I'd like to accompany you in finding the Master of this castle." He had followed his orders to the letter, and while he couldn't guarantee full discretion within a place like this he did what he could to guarantee it. Torrin was looking after Aria and Boreas was confident that his friend could take care of it.
Torrin answered for the girl that briefly glanced his way. Torrin followed up with outright ordering him to find Choma and tell him to find the master of the castle. Boreas wasn't going to be any good here in trying to comfort Aria anyways and they were orders. While Torrin said it was just a nightmare, what Aria had said seemed to imply there was more going on than simply a nightmare. The orders he got gave the same impression, if it were simply a nightmare then neither the master or the master of the castle were necessary here. "Choma... choma...tall guy that arrived after we did right?" Boreas asked, he figured it was the tall guy as that would be the only person in the group who'd really need a bed the size of the one in the master's bedroom in the other castle. As Aria began talking about what happened in the nightmare Boreas took it as his sign to leave, it wasn't really his place to listen to something personal like that and with that Boreas went to look for Master Choma, he started his search in the west wing as Boreas had first gone to help Adalric drop Tinarah off in the eastern wing before finding himself a place to sleep and didn't exactly know where the master had gone off too. Boreas walked fairly quickly but wasn't going to draw too much attention to himself by running not when a little bit of discretion was required. Not having any luck in the western wing, Boreas headed for the eastern wing, shortly after finding the man he had been looking for outside of Tinarah's room together with her brother. The young man approached the two of them and spoke up. "Good morning to the both of you." He said before turning to Choma "I apologise for the rather inconvenient timing, Master Choma but I need to speak with you alone for a moment. It's important." Boreas said, skipping introductions, they could wait and perhaps this man had picked up a few things about him already and didn't need the introductions anyways.