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  1. Vladek515
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Andaran Prince had finished his ritual the warrior standing guard over him as he picked up his rifle again the Anti-aircraft gun had opened fire on the shuttle as soon as it was in range, it's rounds not doing much to stop the shuttle that was approaching fast. The Andaran Prince took to his scope and started looking for targets, again targetting officers, if they could break the command chain it would make it easier on them.

    Zahariel watched with mild curiosity as the AA gun tried to down the shuttle and failed at that, when it took a dive he realised what it was they were gonna try, that their opponent would be so rash, well no matter as the AA-gun had failed to do it's job it fell on Bisenti to take it down. His trusted Ironwing soldier took aim with his weapon and fired, the rocket hit the shuttle and resulted in a crashlanding into the gatehouse instead of the intended artillery pieces. The Shard soldiers cheered as one as the shuttle crashed down. They lost the gate and Zahariel quickly dished out some relocation orders for the second machine gun team to set up to cover the gate, the machine gun attached to the AA gun was gonna support them. He gave the artillery units the order to keep on shelling the advancing forces as the forward observers called through the targets for the guns as their thunderous roar rolled across the lands. As soon as the charging infantry was within range the two MG's on the walls started up. Two four man fireteams started to open up on the parachuting pilot and soldier. The crash in the gatehouse however didn't leave them entirely unscathed as a few soldiers had manned it when the shuttle came down. While a breach was made in the wall at the gate, it wasn't a clean breach with wreckage of the shuttle and rubble of the gate still covering it. The AA-gun started to open up on the three other shuttles. Zahariel stood on the wall watching the approaching enemy with a smile on his face. The opening moves had been made and it paved the way for the battle itself.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Vladek515
    Wilkin had seperated himself, ahead of the group looking for people that would be able to help them with their assistant. He wasn't afraid of the titans and knew he could take them, after all he was a powerful mage, he'd be fine. His calls were answered when two people dropped in beside him telling him to shut up. To stop attracting the damn titans one said in a rather annoyed tone. These folks really weren't amused by his actions, though he himself thought that they could atleast be a bit more civil about it. When they explained he ought to follow them and shut the hell up he spoke up about the others he was told they had already been located. "Good, because we need help. You got to help us...." Wilkin said as he acted his part, acting with desperation that people would have in this situation. He followed along to the other people where Koldo was already taking the word. Wilkin took note of all he said so that if he had to take over for the boss their stories would be consistent. So they had been thrown out of the city because it was too crowded well that made sense, with limited space within the walls to do everything they needed to manage the population carefully and while throwing people to the titans was rather cruel, they couldn't afford the luxury of compassion right now for the continued survival of mankind. "Thank the gods that you found us." Wilkin said to Veera
    Post by: Vladek515, May 21, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Vladek515
    Hendrick smiled as she asked him impishly if he had been asked to do this. "Well, I am aware that it's egocentric to think it was directed at me, but that's how it felt though I never said I'd go alone, if you want to go too, I can't stop you. And hell I'd actually advocate not going out there alone, same goes for you Corvo, Inquisitor or not, I'd say we move in atleast pairs, it won't make a helluva lot of a difference if Titania decides to play some more, but Bri recall those vampires? It would atleast even the odds if that happened again." Hendrick explained, he knew damn well he had vampire blood on his hands and Yuri might not be happy about that, but it was all in self-defence, then again he may have taken a small problem away for the man. Creed mentioned a flaming cat and Corvo went out to go see it with his own eyes. Rhett decided to join them and said he needed to talk with Brianne, right now. He wanted to talk to her for a moment too to ask what that was in the garden of the safehouse because he didn't understand it, well he did boil it down to two options but wanted to know with certainty. "Alright, seeing my presence ain't warranted, I'll go prepare, Let me know when we are going, Brianne." Hendrick said with more annoyance than he intended, as he walked past Creed, first stop the weapons room.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Vladek515
    Aethelrick was grateful for the assist from Ash as the pressure decreased he got himself out of that one and this time decided to remain vigilant. This fairy held a lot of power for her size, then again, he should know better than to judge power by the size of his opponent. Ash was once again launched into the air by a pillar of earth and this time landed in a tree. Hmm not a bad idea actually, if they had extra time to react to the earth attacks, speaking of which one was headed straight for Valister. They had to take that damn dome out, he himself had his P90, but he knew that dirt would stop it dead in it's tracks. His runes wouldn't do much against it, seeing it was a dirt and he doubted it would respond to a damn rune of unlocking. Speaking of runes, he quickly carved runes of speed, strength and agility on him while he wasn't being targeted and put the stele away again. Ash was up in a tree, he couldn't see Masque anywhere and Valister was being targeted. "Valistar, get out of there damn it!" Aethelrick shouted as he went for the treeline, time to get off the damn ground as he climbed the same tree that Ash was in, headed for a branch below the Warlock they needed to cooperate and cooperation meant being together.

    Hendrick listened to what Brianne said, the information about the hallowed ground wasn't exactly new to him. Hence why he advocated for staying here. What he didn't know though was that none of the ruling four could get there. Then she got to a part that while sensible, he wasn't particularly fond of he had to work together with Corvo. However having seen what he had seen outside he knew they needed back-up and lots of it. He knew bringing up the objection would get him nowhere, it wouldn't get any of them anywhere except on the high-speed to the great beyond. "Alright... that sounds like a pretty good idea, we could use some serious back-up with the Seelie Queen bearing down on us." Hendrick said, carefully managing his tone to not let the anger slip in that needn't be there. "I got a pretty good idea where to find Yuri, Hestia on the other hand... but since her support hinges on Yuri's, we'll secure his support first before bothering to try and find Hestia." He looked at Brianne and smiled not a happy smile, but rather a reassuring one. They'd try and get it done. "I think I'll go prepare, if there's nothing else..." Hendrick said, he'd like to be prepared in case things went to hell this time around and with the luck they had been having, it'd surely go to hell.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Vladek515
    Two pirates out of commision by their collective fire, could have been better but he couldn't complain. However one of his men, right next to him even, was killed. Winters swore, this was exactly what he had meant, that damn Engineer should stick to his damn nuts and bolts and leave the fighting to others, oooh it's our first mission no one's gonna die, what the hell did he think, that they would go easy on them? Grayburn lay dead by his side, but that wasn't something he really could deal with right now, it would have to wait until they were back on the ship, what counted now was making sure his sacrifice was not in vain and nabbing what they came here for. They were under heavy fire and because of his concentration on their enemies he missed the part where the Commander was moving out with Crow. "Alright lads, let's make them pay." Winters said when their was a lull in the gunfire, there were a few pirates out of cover trying to advance on their position. Hackett and his team targeted these advancing pirates. While Winters and Frost kept fire on the remainder of the pirates, which if his count had been correct would be 8 left. And with those odds he didn't want to commit a man to a maneuver to get those bastards that were in cover, when the numbers were more equal he'd send Frost around while Gough, Hackett, Lathbury and himself would hold them in that position. They all watched themselves as they fired at the pirates.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Vladek515
    Zahariel watched the shuttle approach and well the logical option was that they would try and land within the camp. There was only one place for them to land, the landing pads.... "Fitzgerald! Get a handful of engineers and clear the landing pads and prepare a warm welcome for our honoured guests in that shuttle. I am sure they will appreciate it." Zahariel said, he had a little idea that he had read about in a report buried pretty far down, but not far enough down for it to escape his notice. They would have to be careful though, seeing it could backfire on them. "Fitz, keep an eye on that crate if it doesn't make it here don't go along with the plan, however remain prepared to execute the plan, this may be a diversionary assault with the main wave distracting them and then have troops land in back." A costly strategy and a bit more up his alley but if he had the option he would still do it differently, probably a stealth team in and distract while the main force assaults in the confusion. The engineers that Fitz took wouldn't be missed too much on the front lines then again every gun counted. The rifleman acknowledged the orders and went to work clearing out the landing pads.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 15, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Vladek515
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Varraki saw the enemy approach he figured he would perform a ritual before this battle commenced, seeing there would be no time left for it when the battle truly had begun as the Andaran Warrior started to perform the ritual of the warrior, drawing a bit of his own blood in the proces as he worked on the summoning, rifle ready though so that he may immediatly get to work when they were in range.

    Zahariel stood on the wall as he watched his foe approach. His forward observers were already happily calling through coordinates for the guns, which opened up their glorious thunderous roar. "Correna! Get that last machine gun attached to the AA gun unit, and have them prepared to take that crate that's incoming, as soon as it's in the killzone, hit it. Hard." The God instructed as he drew his sword they would soon be upon them and he would not relent. "Bisenti, keep an eye on that crate, you know what to do." The Ancient God instructed, the member of the Ironwing nodded, he knew his job, his responsibility and he would do it. The remainder of his forces were prepared for the attack as soon as they were in range they would open fire. If they wanted this hill they would have to fight for it. With open ground between their own lines and those of the enemy, plus the hill in their advantage their position was rather advantageous. They would either try and fly a team in and try to make a breach. Hmmmm dangerous tactic, big gamble... Not unlike his own style but this was a very big gamble, he would have done it differently if he were in charge, then again that was he himself.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Vladek515
    Hendrick heard Creed ask about a backdoor. "There is a backdoor, but leaving this place is abandoning the best protection we have, no matter where you try to go, there won't be a better place out there. I'd advise against heading out there and running most likely straight into their crosshairs." Hendrick said and Brianne seemed to back him up in this as did the Inquisitor. He caught the smile she gave in his direction and he wondered how she could smile when the world seemed to be against them. Roxanne tried to reason some more and once again got upset. "Roxi, she's right, The Inquisitor is right. This place." He said gesturing to his surroundings indicating the building. "It's the best place out there, the only protection we got...."

    He turned to the
    Inquisitor, he was once again confused when Brianne seemed to be dealing so calmly with this man. The man that had opened fire atleast twice upon Clarity. "The name's Hendrick I don't give a **** about whatever your reports or records say it is.." The venom in his voice taking root in the anger that Hendrick felt, anger at being reminded of the past, anger at feeling powerless against all this and from what Brianne had said about her first change which meant something very wrong must have transpired, anger at the situation that he unjustly took out on the Inquisitor. Well he did blame him for shooting Clarity, twice either having **** aim or someone patched her up since she had been alright. Had been being the keywords in the phrase.

    He turned back to
    Brianne again who was leaning against the wall, she really didn't seem to be in a good shape at all. "Blood, I don't know, I don't think I got nicked... As to what's happening out there... I don't know how the situation came to be, but some of our allies were fighting a fairy, beast of a man, claymore and all. I decided to help them out with my bow in my usual fashion. I got one shot off before everything went to hell. I do not know where the hell she came from but the Seelie Queen was here. The others were all in very bad shape from the fight with the fairy... All the plants were starting to go mad. There was nothing I could do... I'm ashamed to admit it but I left them all out there... Two of them were wrapped up by vines... I do not know what happened after that..." Hendrick said stopping a few times as he spoke to swallow past the lump in his throat.

    The anger now had another reason to be there, directed at himself for the choice he made there and the shame he felt. He couldn't look
    Brianne in the eyes and had his own eyes cast downwards in shame. He knew he had lied to her about who was all out there and she could probably figure it out from the way he acted, he wouldn't be able to hide it not in this state. But if she was going out there with the Seelie Queen out there who had it out for her, she'd die, undoubtebly and that was something he couldn't let happen. He too would die, since he wouldn't let her go out there alone and he had seen her power, they wouldn't stand a chance, their deaths serving no point, he knew that damn well. But atleast he'd die with a comrade at his side, he wouldn't ask for much more.

    When they arrived at the clearing the fairy wished them good luck and then dug herself into some dirt dome. Aethelrick watche rather surprised to see Ash being lifted into the air on a pillar of dirt. He was then blindsided as another pillar of dirt crashed into him, hitting like a damn truck that he was clinging on to. He was trying to get out in front of it as he was headed for a tree and being crushed wasn't really on his bucketlist. However the momentum of the pillar made it difficult for him to move out of the way and he was half out of the way when he struck the tree. His shoulder and left arm being held between the tree and the pillar, it hurt like hell though if there was any more pressure on it he was certain he could feel bones start to snap. He cursed himself for such a damn rookie mistake, getting distracted during a battle.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Vladek515
    "So? There's also the option of it having just been us who got thrown to the side!" Alastar yelled. The anger raged through him, clouding his mind or he would have recognised that in one of the instances he had gotten this mad he had nearly killed his dear neice. The horror he had felt after her cries had peirced the thick black fog that hung in his mind, the thunder clouds within that hid his reason and made him connect more with the beast that resided within him. As Olivia knelt down to do her praying to the ****ing Gods or whatever the hell it is she intended to do, send a bloody carrier pigeon with a letter maybe, he wasn't gonna wait the **** around for this stupid shite. He started to madly run around the ruins of the fortress trying to both vent his anger on something and see if he really hadn't missed anything, this time he came across another corpse... that of a girl, someone he didn't recognise, pretty face, shame really. Was she perhaps the perpetrator of this destruction and she had made a miscalculation and gotten herself killed too? Serves her damn right, may the ghouls feast on her accursed flesh Alastar thought as he moved on through the ruin trying to find scraps of information that would confirm his suspicions about his neice.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Vladek515
    Baldomar was rather amused when Kevin once again was put in his bloody place. "Yeah whatever... clearly you have been the greatest teamplayer by falling asleep in the middle of a fight so Uncle Baldy could get his fun. Then again you also thought I was wrong at the crossroads eventhough I was clearly right so you're losing some serious baldy points on that one. Losing some more points on the idle threat there..." Baldomar said when Kevin started up again, he listened to the question. When the keep was rebuilt, then Aston called them over to take a look at things, he checked what Aston pointed out. 706, keep gets destroyed. So the last two were an option. 707 listed War time reconstruction, that meant rebuilding **** right? "The answer is 707, I'm sure of it. 706 it gets torched, then 707 lists wartime reconstruction, ain't no doubt about it, it's 707. Funnily enough that is the same number as the amount of so-called master assasins, pro ninja's and great warriors I ran into. Can't say a single one impressed me though." Baldomar said, he didn't see the need for such impressive architecture when you could just live in a cave, ram down a tree or two and make that into furniture, you wouldn't have to worry about people trying to burn it down either or rebuilding it for that matter.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 11, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Vladek515
    Their formation was spotted by the search light, as a reflex Dietrich immediately shot the drone itself with a short controlled burst. Ten pirates came onto them, not yet firing, Dietrich wasn't gonna return the favour, as he gave a handful of standard quick handsignals. Dietrich himself moved for cover too, his light HESU perfectly suited for firing as he went, the entire reason he had chosen this weapon, that and it's dual-purpose design that he liked. He fired in short controlled bursts as the Commander joined them in the field. He saw the light of the other COM channel and switched channels catching the last part of her message. He scanned to his left seeing them. Not all were crossing the street. Given he and his team were on the right hand side they had the best angle on the chaps on the left "I see them." Dietrich said, switching channels again back to his team "Alright, Frost, Grayburn pour it on them. Hackett, watch the right. Let's keep them in that cover lads." Dietrich said, if only the engineer was along purely for the sake of having an LMG on them which would make surpressing these bastards a lot easier. Alas they would make do with what they had, his team firing in short controlled bursts.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 11, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Vladek515
    "I guess we did it then." Aethelrick said at the re-appearance of the werewolf that had lead them there in the first place. She explained they had passed purely on the mercy of the lady Gaia, well damn. Atleast they passed so that was a good thing right? He merely followed the werewolf, softly reciting prayers to the Angel as they went, after Prague he had more faith in the Angel than in the Clave or his fellow Nephilim, exceptions existed. As they went he still carefully examined the werewolf, she bore some resemblance to Sarah but he doubted it was her. When they arrived at the clearing he saw all others there too, not sure if everyone else had passed as well but there was talk of another trial. In the midst of all this Masque seemed extremely upset, Gaia was giving him back his mask and made some observations. He himself didn't know the dude, didn't seem too bad a guy. They were again split up this time into two groups, he knew none of these people none of their capabilities, however one of them was offered to stay behind, as they were lead away, he lingered for a short moment "You comin'?" He asked Masque, his tone rather friendly. He shortly fell in line behind Ash and Vo, following to whatever Trial they faced next.

    As he got inside he kept his head low, he heard Roxanne freak out in the hallway as she gave instructions to Brianne. Hendrick walked over, removing the rune of Invisibility from his arm, reappearing out of thin air "Don't worry.... it's only me..." He said. Brianne didn't look well having to be supported by Creed. Hendrick's face looked grim, today was a very bad day. He hated the powerlessness, he looked at Brianne unsure of what to say, it was a hell out there. He knew the Nephilim Motto damn well, Descensus facilis Averno est but the question wasn't descending into hell, all they had to do was walk out of that door, but would they come back? And if they didn't what was the point of dying? If he had died in Prague it would have been clear the protection of the mundanes, their purpose. That purpose that they seemed to have lost. He could see Brianne wasn't okay and therefor decided not to ask the stupid questions. "It's hell out there..." Hendrick said, the feeling of powerlessness turned into anger and he clenched his fists, his nails digging into the palms of his hands as his knuckles turned white. They were being outplayed and outmaneuvered on all sides, it wouldn't be too long until they would all be gone as ashes scattered by the wind.

    "That remains to be seen and isn't for you or me to decide, though I admire your conviction." Shadi told Ash, then Masque became very upset, he felt sorry for the man. The mask must have meant an aweful lot to him and he looked sympatheticly at the Warlock, wishing he could help the lad out. Mother Gaia had remarked that his test had not yet been completed "My apologies, your Grace, I stand corrected." He took a look at the painting that Masque had thrown towards her, knowing full well that it wouldn't have hit his queen. "Shall I put that away, my Lady? Hang it up somewhere?" He asked Gaia about the painting.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Vladek515
    Dietrich sat near the ramp with five other people from security, his team. Two of them equiped with a Soldano, the other three equiped with HESU's. all brought AER side arms. The engineering ensign, named Alexei told him not to be so serious that it was only their first mission and it was only space pirates. "Neither of those things are any guarantee that you don't get killed, boy." The Lieutenant Commander told the Engineer. He then looked to his security team, during the flight planetside he formed them up. "Alright, Frost, Grayburn you're with me. Gough, Hackett, Lathbury, you are team two, Hackett you lead." Dietrich said, the teams were equally armed with two HESU's and a Soldano in every team.

    When they were landing Dietrich and his men all unfastened their harnesses and formed up, having already checked their weapons. When the Commander told him he was on point again, he tapped the side of his head. "It's all in there, Ma'am." Dietrich said with a tinge of annoyance in his voice. Dietrich punched the button to lower the ramp. "Go... go... go..." Dietrich shouted as they filed out of the shuttle, shoulder to shoulder, he himself moving right and together with Frost and Grayburn securing the right half of the semi-circle while Hackett's team secured the left hand side. They took a moment to watch, their landing appeared unopposed, Dietrich heard weapons discharging though.

    He told Hackett to switch to channel two on the COM as to not bother the others with their tactical chatter, Dietrich himself swapped too, though he would keep an eye on the little light for channel one if
    the Commander needed him. "Alright, Hackett, we'll move up towards the gun fire, open formation, we'll take the right side, you'll take the left side of the street, keep your eyes peeled, this is a retrieval mission so try and engage as we move, we'll be covered by the Commander and her back up, make no mistake they're relying on us to keep them safe. Alright let's move up! Coalition ain't paying us by the hour!" Dietrich said as the two teams moved up the street towards the sound of battle a squad on each side of the road, eyes peeled, ready for a fight.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 9, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Vladek515
    Hendrick had hoped the arrow would pierce but the angle was slightly wrong causing it to bounce of because physics. While a crossbow would have been more useful here, he didn't like them 'cause they took too long to reload. Hendrick was then blinded by Cin's attack which saved him from witnessing what happened to Clarity, when his vision finally came back, he wasn't sure what to make of what he saw. Clarity was on the ground wounded, badly, he ran over kneeling next to her, his vision tunneling on his fallen comrade. He hadn't been there last time, but he was here now. He slung his bow back over his shoulder. "It's gonna be alright, Clarity.... it's gonna be alright...." He said, completely forgetting about the fact that she couldn't see him.

    Only then did he see what was happening to her as the vines started to cover the wound pressing against it, then he saw her. He hadn't had the misfortune to run into her before, but the growing plants were a dead give away.... it was the Seelie queen herself.... This was bad given the warning she gave
    Rhett and if half of what he heard about her was true then he would be outright insane to attack her. That left only one thing for him to do as much as he hated it... he had to abandon her again, eventhough he tried to maintain distance from most people, Clarity and Brianne were exceptions to the rule, not that he'd tell them everything on his mind, but atleast he could tell them he'd watch their back and actually feel that way. He swallowed hard, whispering softly "Hang in there, Clarity... hang in there... I'll come back..." The Nephilim said as he got up and walked away, if he interfered it would mean he'd die and he wouldn't be much use to anyone if he were dead.... not that he did much good anyway being outmaneuvered and blindsided by those more powerful than him, unable to protect his comrades, how much longer would it take until there was nothing left to cede but his own life? He walked away head hung low as he entered the Institute...

    Time seemed to slow down to a crawl in between the shots. Aethelrick was praying silently to the Angel he had actually properly guessed the moment to fire as he held his breath. The arrow that Sien had fired hit the leaf, simultaneously his bullet hit it's mark, the leaf on Sien's chest. The timing had been perfect. Aethelrick breathed out again. "If that actually was what they were supposed to do, I think we timed it perfectly, mate. If I ever need such a shot taken again, I would gladly let you take it." Aethelrick told Sien "I guess now we wait...."

    Shadi gave Gaia a puzzled look, he too had been tested? Even after all these years of service he still learned something new every now and then. "Very well, My Lady." Shadi said respectfully "I do not recall ever being tested by you, your grace, though I take my years of service at your side as evidence of having passed." He merely watched as Ash and Alarick came to the clearing. To test whether their character was sufficient for a task not even he knew of? He could see the implications of the possibility of ancient plans being set into motion, but what they were he did not know. "Let us hope they may succeed, my Lady." Shadi remarked as he looked at the children clambering the now tree sized sun flower.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Vladek515
    Conrad will follow Aston

    Baldomar will follow Sanderson

    Ulrich will follow Shyra
    Post by: Vladek515, May 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Vladek515

    Conrad followed along ignoring Alice' remark seeing there wasn't much to say about it, she knew his opinion and there was no point wasting energy on an argument. Then something very strange happened with Rayyad, Kara made it clear to put the Totem down so he cooperated and set the damned thing down. Tessa lost it and honestly he couldn't blame her, nor was he surprised. After all she had lost it before when she claimed he lied and Rayyad lied. Difference was since then he hadn't lied to her. And in hindsight he hadn't been lying either, but that mattered very little. He watched her, not sure what to do. He too had been lied to again and he would be hard pressed to trust Rayyad again, Tessa had done a decent job at asking the questions that swirled in his mind too. "So even after all we did to help you, you were still gonna screw us over?" Conrad asked Rayyad.

    Before he got an answer however another person appeared and everything went to hell even further Rayyad apparantly was an assasin according to this new person then again he didn't know this man so he took this mans words with a pinch of salt. However the sword against Rayyad's throat made Tessa lose it even more. And while the ******* had lied to him, death or imprisonment seemed a bit too much. When Tessa unslung her staff he knew what was gonna happen next. "Tessa! Wait!" He shouted, he wanted to intervene but he was too far away to stop her. He followed Kara's lead and he too was ready to step in were it necessary. "Okay, what the hell is the meaning of this?" Conrad asked Arval.

    Ulrich watched as the Drakes went along with their plan and when all pieces were in place he jumped into action, seeing he was one of the heavier armoured people on the field it would be his task to hold the line so that others might live. Plus it would put him in the perfect position to get some sweet sweet revenge against the big *******. So Ulrich moved up placing himself in front of Lyra and swung his flail at the Drake, bellowing "Come on you overgrown lizard, time for a little fire dance."

    Ulrich moved up 1 space 1 AP
    Ulrich moved up-left two spaces 2 AP
    Ulrich used Flail Swing 6 AP
    Total used: 9 AP
    Post by: Vladek515, May 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Vladek515
    The bear school witcher whirled around on his heel to face Olivia a look of rage on his face, he needed someone to take it all out on and unluckily for Olivia she was the only other person there and while like some smart person. "How do you know that huh? Got some ****ing magical proof that she is somehow out there or are you just lying to my face to try and make me feel better?" Alastar shouted at the girl "Try your fancy little trick if you think it helps and don't try to ****ing cheer me up, not much anyone can at this point." Alastar went on "Honestly why the **** would you ask to do something if it could potentially help in this thing instead of just ****ing doing it. You honestly should try and use your damn brain when thinking of such ****ing things. Of bloody course I want you to try if it even has the slightest ****ing chance of telling me that my last relative isn't in fact dead but very much alive. Go on, get on with it I don't want to waste time standing the **** around when I could go ona murderous rampage." Alastar raged on, he had zero patience at this point and zero tolerance for Olivia's antics.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Vladek515
    Dietrich caught the subtle glare, from the Commander after she asked if there were any questions and there were. He sighed, not very loud, first ask if there were questions and then immediatly get annoyed when there were well con-****ing-gratulations. He did a quick check on his kit and fell in behind the Commander toward the shuttle bay. Dietrich only took in the information in and decided to let her expressions of annoyance regarding acting like idiots and the whole where to point the weapons, he had enough battlefield experience to know what the hell he was doing, he did make note of the fact that this might lead to possible conflicts, he knew what the hell he was doing, just a shame that his superiors only learned that later after a whole lot of back and forth annoyance, something he would like to skip this time.

    He wouldn't say anything about it now, though he couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed at the fact that some young girl with the rank of
    Commander was trying to tell him how to do his job. He marched up the ramp into the troop bay of the shuttle and picked a seat closest to the ramp, that way he could rapidly deploy when they touched down. It was a habbit of his that died hard, first on the ground, last to leave the field. He knew full well the risks of being the first on the ground, but that didn't deter him. He strapped himself in the seat, craddling the HESU in his lap.
    Post by: Vladek515, May 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home